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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Looked up the specs jjb. I have to pass, sorry. Throw it on CL for $125 and you might get around $70 for it.
  2. Back when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, you know, before cell phones, flat screen TV's, and the world wide web, that was about all we had to go by. I have read/heard people say over and over, most of the information is wrong due to poachers, people not reporting kills, and a few other things. Deer have been going into cities for a long, long, long time. It's nothing new. Deer have been harassing or hurting farmers for a long time too. In this day and age with the huge rise in bow hunting the 'burbs, you would think it would help, but if you go by the stats, it's really not helping. Before anyone takes that as me bashing bow hunters please don't! I only hunt with a bow, I was just making a notation! In the areas around me or where I hunt, deer population is good. I might end up wanting to hang myself for saying this but.......The coyote population is up and so is large land development. You add those together and you have a predator, loss of natural food/water/bedding areas for deer. Perhaps, the population is fine, they are just moving out of some areas. This is just my thoughts on the topic.
  3. Will look up the specs jjb, and after I hit the shop in morning I will give it some thought. I really want to keep at most around three years old at this point for used. I to appreciate the offer and I will take it into consideration.
  4. I am not a fan of those on-line coarses for hunter education. I suppose if they have them in your area, and you will be going out with him to teach him the do's and don'ts he should be fine with the on-line coarses. Here's what I found about the topic at DEC website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/92267.html
  5. I am taking the old bow in tomorrow to get an actual cost for repair. I am not feeling good about that. Figure I will shoot a few bows while I am there as well. Was looking around ebay today and AT classifieds. AT most are top end bows out of my price range right now after dolling out a couple hundred for new phones. I cannot go over $300 with tax for a new/used bow. I am trying to be patient and wait for a good deal. It's hard, it's time to be shooting a few times a week ( no place to shoot all winter, then a busted bow ) and get out scouting, so I already have the fever. I still like the Diamond IE for the money. Only shop that sells them near me is 40 minutes away, and they said they may or may not have them in stock on Saturday. On ebay today looking for one, they want $400 for a $300 bow, or they have a few up for auction. So while looking more, I found a 2013 new in the box PSE Vision RTS for the same money. My local shop doesn't have that bow. I guess they were removed from the PSE line after 2013, even their site doesn't offer them anymore.
  6. Congrats on what looks like a great successful hunting trip.
  7. We were at Max V. Shauls State Park Lawdwaz. Been camping there since I was 13. One of my favorite state run campgrounds. We have a small fan, we don't use it much. It is pretty quit so we still hear the creatures of the night when we do use it. The one thing I am not big on are campgrounds with more then about 50 sites. I will go to them to keep the g/f happy, but I am usually miserable. I go camping to be out in nature and have peace and quiet, if I was to listed to a bunch of loud rowdy drunks all night I would go to a bar or stay home and sit in the yard and listed to the dipsticks walking by. LOL
  8. Being told by shop techs a shorter A2A may not leave enough room to shoot with fingers.
  9. Camped last night. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/27832-heading-out-tomorrow/ This is our current tent. Big queen size air mattress inside.
  10. OH! Just some FYI, a huge amount of 'true' bikers still drink PBR, I dare any one you to tell one of them their beer is crap! LOL.
  11. That helped WNY, thank you. I never used a peep until the last season, it came with the bow so I gave it a shot. I actually liked it. The one thing that article didn't discuss was A2A and finger pinch. A2A seems different from person to person when asking about length and shooting with fingers. When making calls about who sold what I asked about this one. One shop would say 29" is the cut off, another said 30", another said 36", and yet another said 40".
  12. Who cares! As long as they follow the laws and hunt responsibly.
  13. Looks like a turkey buzzard/turkey vulture.
  14. Bring the Mrs., fine by me grampy. We are pretty mellow campers. We rarely bring a radio and don't get loud and rowdy, we go to be outdoors and enjoy nature and the quiet. Here's a few pics from yesterday. Pic one is me just sitting om my arsh. Pic 2 is a jab at the people who said Bud Light drinkers are slobs LOL. Pic 3 was dinner last night. Pic 4 is even my Husky trying to get warm by the fire. Pic 5 is heating some water so the lil woman could have hot coa coa. Pic 6 is my dog and the site next doors lab playing. That lab is 6 years old! It was fun but dang did it get cold once the sun went down.
  15. Doc, did I ever tell you I am your long lost nephew? LOL
  16. My old bow is busted. String broke, talked about it another thread, just found out will cost around $200 to fix a 20 yr old bow. So I am buying a new one. All the bows I am looking at in my price range have a short A2A, around 30" to 33". Too short for fingers right ( been told 31 is the shortest I should go???? )? Pinch? So I may have no choice but to start using a release. I really don't want to but, what we want and what we have to do isn't always even in the same book, much less on the same page sometimes. So I am asking advise before I start hittin' shops to shoot and see what I like.
  17. We are also going there the end of June grampy. If ya might be interested maybe have ya over for a beer or two on that trip.
  18. OK, so this is kind of split. I get why changing my DL could be an issue, my old bow had plenty of room to use fingers. New bow I want ( will see once I get to shoot it ) is 31" a2a. Kisser is out! I hate them! Just one more thing you have to think about when drawing and lining up that's not natural to me. That's just me though. The reason I liked fingers is I got used to my finger being where it belonged, and I knew right away if I wasn't anchored right. With a release, as I said, I was all over the place.
  19. That's all ya need Doc. Classic deer camp. Might be a small cabin, but that's what it's about! I would use fold up tables and chairs, that way if we had a 3rd or 4th guy we could use cots for them to sleep on.
  20. TY Doc, it will be when we leave tomorrow at 6 am. LOL We booked the site from today till Monday. Weather said severe thunder storms today, so we decided to leave after they pass. We wasted a day because we didn't want to take the canopy or have a soaking wet dog like we did two years ago for Memorial Day. I will be getting lots of pics, but, but most likely not worth posting here. Me n the old lady, the dog, me cooking, me drinking beer. lol
  21. I have always had trouble shooting with a release. Last fall I bought a really nice one, and I just couldn't use it. For some reason using a release changes my anchor point and I just can't get good groups. I am so used to using fingers and my anchor is just behind the corner of my mouth that it doesn't feel right not using fingers. I have a 29" draw. So, my question is, if I shorten my draw to 28" does anyone think that would help get the anchor right with a release?
  22. Heading out tomorrow for a weekend camping trip in the Schoharie Valley. A nice quiet weekend just me, the lil woman, and the dog. Cooking over the fire and ice cold beer! Man I can't even sleep I'm so stoked. Smell of the fire, bbq chicken tomorrow and a thick a$$ steak for Saturday night! Nothing beats being outdoors in the woods, even if it is a state campground!
  23. Not in a long time. As mentioned, long cold nights. You don't really sleep, you doze. Keeping the fire going is a priority. I had thought about getting gear for cold weather camping again, then I came to my senses. I would love to have even an acre of land, put a 10x14 shed on it, insulate the inside, get a good 12 hour generator and two 1200 btu electric heaters ( maybe a wood stove ) and call it home for two weeks during deer season in November. Not really ruffin' it, but not the Hilton either.
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