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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. I am sure it was well deserved! Make rock/stone soup.
  2. At 4 am opening day, sneak real quite into your local 24/hour grocery mart! Full urban camo! Wait! When no one is looking, grab that bird and head for the checkout! On a serious note, start scouting before mid April. Try mid March! Use #4 or #5's. 26" vent rib with full should work. Blind or good ground cover. Get a slate call, and a box call. A crow call or owl call can help locate them as well. It can spook them into telling their location on your way in. Or, if you like foreign things in your mouth use diaphragm calls.
  3. Why not hunt the state land as well if you see bucks in there? The harassment thing to DEC won't work. He has a right to do what ever he wants on his own land. If he wants to throw a party at 5 am with a hundred people, nothing they can do. Nothing you can do really. If he was never like this before, you have to ask yourself what happened to make him start doing it. Try having a conversation with him and ask what the deal is.
  4. Congrats Stubby68! More of a blessing then a gift, but still the best you could receive for the holidays.
  5. Grow, if you honestly didn't want us to guess...........You would not have posted it.........LOL EDIT: Oh, Grow, how is that older gent that is having a bad time doing? Did your community do anything for him for the holidays? Did they catch the people that beat him up? You haven't mentioned him since the deer season ended, so me and the g/f were both curious.
  6. Grampy hit the jackpot. That 7mm/08 will be a great deer killer.
  7. Merry X-Mas to all! What Did Santa Bring You? Not much for me, I was bad. Couple shirts, a new hat, a CD, the new Anne Rice book: Prince Lestat, and a gift card for snowboarding. G/f musta been nice. She got a Kindle Fire HD, some nice items for her Ginger Snaps Bracelet, a gift card to go with the Kindle, and a vow from me to quit smoking before 2015.
  8. Thoughts are with them. Glad no one was hurt. Physically I mean. Hopefully with insurance and help with the community they can get a new barn up quick. The hard part will be getting back the 64 lost dairy cattle.
  9. Scout, use maps to see where possible feeding areas are, bedding areas, funnels, and swamps. As mentioned, be first in and last out. Carry lunch and a snack with you. Also, try and be as courteous to other hunters as possible. You have to share that land, and if they been hunting there for years, you are the new guy. Being nice might get you a tip or two on some good areas on the land.
  10. After I read the article, twice. I wanted to laugh. Not for the sake of humor, for the sake of being irritated. They probably aren't the first show to do this, but they got caught and charged. Now, it will give other people ideas. Hope they get convicted and hammered to full extent.
  11. Better question should be, what 'can't' you do with it? Dehydrate it and make jerky bites, pickle it...............I sure with some imagination you can even create some new recipes.
  12. Where do you live/hunt Eric? Galway/Mayfield/Broadalbin area? Something about you seems really familiar. A hunter never stops scouting. If they scout. We tend to walk the woods, fish, or even do camps in the areas we hunt. All year.
  13. See, this is why some of us get pissed off. That part in red. To do what you feel is right is one thing. But, to post in a public forum, "I am going to break the law!" is just stupid. Yeah, I said it's stupid! If you wanna break the law, then keep that to yourself.
  14. What Eagles are you trying to trap? Are you a member of Eagles Aloft?
  15. This is one of the most contradictory comments I have ever read. That JD got you? Maybe some other mash? Drink up on that bourbon. That's B/S! How the hell does this make sense?
  16. This means what? This isn't a sale gimmick. I seriously want someone to take this down or lock it. I am giving it to my bro. The jacket is no longer for sale. What's so hard to get about that? So break out all the vids you want. It won't change that I am asking for this to be tagged as sold or whatever.
  17. Can someone please lock or take this down? Decided to just give the jacket to my bro.
  18. YAY! Longer seasons! 2 and 1/2 months isn't enough for the NY hunters to argue! Lets piss each other off even more! Over-population? Sure! Lets get permits for the dumb-asses to shoot up the cities! That way the "gas-pumping slobs", poachers, and all the other dumb asses can fill tags!!!!!! I'm all for it! Where do I sign up?
  19. Here's one my g/f asked me for. "Stop getting pissed off at the people in "HuntingNY.com,", and pay more attention to me!". Told her I can't promise that.
  20. Um, Biz.....Aren't you the guy who posted about bring an extra g/f to camp on my food for deer camp thread. I am sure you and your wife to be will have a happy and long marriage. Jeez. LOL Take a vacation. Just you and her. If you can spend the cash on out of state hunts, you surely can spend money on a romantic weekend for your wife.
  21. As mentioned, there are tone of threads on this topic. But, I am going to be real and tell you flat-out it's a personal preference. Pro's of a tree stand are your are above the main line of sight for a deer. But, look at all the threads where hunters got "busted" in a tree stand. Ground blinds while not the best way to use them, can be used on a day to day basis. You just have to know where to set them up. Hm, I guess a 'climber' would cause as much of a "What the hell is that?" from a deer as a ground blind set up the same day. Haven't heard anyone say they got busted in a ground blind. I spent this past season on the ground with no blind. I did start using a camp chair, and them a tiny strap-on tree seat my g/f's father gave me. That was great. I also had deer ( does in the NZ ) walk right in front of me at 10 to 15 yds, while I was smoking a cigarette, and even with the ciggy, they never knew I was there. I only hunt with a bow. Then we have trail cams. I don't know anyone who sets up the cam 20 feet or so up like the view they would have while hunting in a stand. So that 12 pt, you see all the time on your cam, coming from a brushy area, might be visible from the ground, and sneak past you every time if you are in a stand. You have to learn the land, look at the environment, and make your own decision. We don't hunt your area, so in reality, all we can do is give your our opinions. No one can tell you how to hunt your area. You have to figure it out.
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