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Everything posted by phade

  1. I am abnormally intelligent and this helps dull the brain.In all seriousness, its no different than people who know alot about cars or guns, etc.
  2. Met them this past weekend. The cam itself is OK. Pretty hefty, cam looks good (ie the body/shell and build quality). Night pics OK, day pics so-so. Battery life seems like they are middle of the road from what I have read from users - same range as Browning. The warranty/theft replacement is worked into the cam price, so you need to think about that. They are not subsidizing the warranty length and the 50% theft replacement from the government. They are good marketers of the modern sort - ie social media. They say they are working on some wireless cam that will "reinvent the trail cam world and turn it upside down." Of course they can't talk about it right now.
  3. You having a backtag on isn't once ever going to stop a ECO from interrupting a hunt.
  4. I respect your decision to leave, but disagree with the connotation that what you say has no weight nor the propensity to feel the need to defend your position. It's an internet forum with lots of opinions and it really is that simple.
  5. $160 or $175 w/battery extender. Uses Att or Tmobile SIM cards. Cam works fine, been in use a long time and not an issue with it.
  6. Del Frisco is pretty darn good - good view and a gentrified area. Wide wine selection. They have a spicy corn a la carte item...it's really good if you like some spice. I forget the actual name. I have the ribeye there and it was solid. Everyone else in my party had the filet mignon and I was a little jealous, ha.
  7. My house sits on land that my great grandfather owned and farmed. I did not know this until I bought the house and the title search turned it up. Never met him as he passed when my grandfather was real young and the farm was sold off after my grandfather joined the military. Apparently he, my great grandfather was a big bird hunter (both great grand dads were, actually). After sale, the land became a pheasant preserve in the 50s/60s and then was resold out. There is a very very small population of naturally occurring pheasants here now decades later - I've confirmed with the DEC this is the case. I only see them 2-3x a year. I was fortunate enough to take one a couple falls ago. Pretty good experience. I won't take another, but it was an interesting tie that binds.
  8. Bernie has been around awhile. Can't say that article does much. When he wanted me to write for his "site" he was more interested in my industry relationships. Pretty quick no thanks.
  9. I went to a hunting show in PA. Perfect. LOL.
  10. Yes, and you demonstrate that very much - those I-35s are often regarded as some of the worst cams ever made. But you are getting good lifespan out of them that is for sure!
  11. Jim - Or I could just have a cam where I can set the time on it. Simple enough. And that is not the Proof 3. The 63053 is the Bullet Proof - the cam marketed as being simple, easy, etc. Clearly it is not, easy nor bullet proof.
  12. That's a great price for a cheap, no name generic card that is literally coming from China. I have used them in some cams for pics, but for videos, not so much. Notice how the read and write speeds are not even listed.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X13ZZGM/ref=twister_B00YCC5HNM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 32 GB Sony with great read/write speeds and class. Very good price at $7 and change. This should be a perfect card for video users or those who let their cams sit a long time.
  14. I would look into ones with switches rather than buttons. But broken switches are not unheard of. I have broken a few in my time.
  15. Have you ever owned a game camera before? Do you have a smartphone? Trying to gauge the "simple" level you want/need with the options out there. They really are not that complicated, but there are options out there that do range a bit from caveman to smartphone user level.
  16. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Not sure if you are the blind squirrel or the nut in that analogy, however. Your experience with those two individual cams is valuable and valid. My experience with that cam is polar opposite. The filter clunk, re-trigger timing, and limited IR range are detractors most people find in that cam. Of the close to 100 cameras I have owned in the past 12 months, it's not one I would suggest.
  17. Are we talking about the easy cam or bullet proof cam? Not the Proof 1, 2, or 3? Enjoy that freaking headache when the cam is already in the woods. There will be a time difference when swapping cards if there is any meaningful travel time between the computer and the camera.
  18. Dom, bump that up to 100 and get a decent camera. 50 dollar cams are 50 for a reason, except for the very rare deal (Trace cams were an exception and not found for a decent price now). If you can spend 100 there are much improved options IMO.
  19. Well, imagine if you could go back in time through a black hole/worm hole and make that shot you missed? Wow!
  20. I am not a science fanatic but apparently a group of smart people just confirmed the existence of gravitational waves - the last part of Einstein's theory of relativity to be proven. I didn't really understand how important it is at first, but basically it opens the door to crazy things like "warp speed" because space and time is now proven to "bend" rather than it being simply a theory. I am sure there are way more higher-level impacts that are beyond my abilities to grasp, but it is pretty neat.
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