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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. New (just taken out of box for the pic) Black flash version of the Scoutguard 550v. $75TYD CO US. Takes 720p vids. Cam is a pretty small unit.
  2. phade


    34. Hunting deer since I was 12.
  3. Nothing in my experience has made trespassing an issue nearly as much as a property getting a for sale sign set up on it. Wow. Stands and cams disappeared like they were holy grail.
  4. phade

    Our own survey

    Around 80 legs worth between three of us. At least 72.
  5. I have a handful of 100 gr Rage heads I'd like to trade for 100 gr. 1 3/8" Grim Reapers. If you don't have that, toss an offer my way I guess. 1 Practice head 2 Regular style Rage 2 2-blade Chisel Tips (one missing O-Ring) 2 3-blade Chisel Tips (one missing O-Ring) Practice head shot, but the rest have only been in a quiver, not shot. Ones with missing o-rings were "stolen" for use on a couple other Rage original heads.
  6. phade


    Had a Three Floyds Gumball Head and a Bloomington Brewing Ruby Bloom last night. Both pretty good, the Ruby Bloom had alot of floral tones and carmel malt flavor.
  7. Meaning the statewide antlerless guaranteed tags and the ability to convert either sex or antlered tags to antlerless go away. If you are a three season hunter, you can take your reg season buck tag and shoot a doe in ML with it. Think about that for a second in areas where doe numbers are low and they limit DMPs. It undermines the ability to control does.
  8. And you need to wait until Nov 1 for the second draw, after the season has been open a full month. I can't remember the first bow sit of the season where I haven't shot a deer. It's been more than five years.
  9. We have extra DMPs because we are able to get consignments for the most part, When we split our DMPs amongst 8G/8H/8F though, we ran into DMP issues for 8H. Most of the WMUs in this bucket tend to border one another in groups and hunting in multiple WMUs is somewhat common. I don't think there is one huge barrier (other than access, as everyone knows) - it is the cumulative impact of all the small barriers that in my opinion restrict antlerless harvest to some degree. Expand the season for archery antlerless, reduce the barriers for tags, and manage them OTC is a better case scenario given access won't be fixed. If antlerless went to Feb 1 or Jan. 15...I suspect even I would go out for a few afternoons after the new year out of withdrawal symptoms. While I am not a huge bait to hunt fan for deer, I could even see that being a positive thing to help harvests. My issue with the DEC on this is that they've thrown their hands up and want to introduce guns into the mix. I could completely buy this if they've tried other avenues. The two week season/late mz season was at least a stab in the dark. It's almost like they have tunnel vision for the gun season in bow/or before.
  10. The problem with the above Kpkot is that the units where draw numbers and antlerless numbers are actually low - the bow/mz tag allows for does to be shot in addition to any DMPs. From what I understand, this has had a lot of impact in the NZ 'dacks area.
  11. Take 8C out because of the specialty of that unit - talking 8H, 8F, 8G or any of the other WMUs impacted. We are limited - and I am speaking specifically to the DMPs because EVERYONE knows the antlerless statewide BOW/ML needs to go away. It is really screwing up WMUs. DMPs - you have to pay to get them and draw. You get two. Then, you need to go back Nov 1st to get two more. (which, if you didn't know, bow season opens OCT 1!!!!!!) Then you need to beg borrow or steal from another hunter to get two more. What brainiac is incapable of seeing that hunters are limited here? The DEC needs to allow OTC in those units and allow for repeatable harvests for those who have access. Why does a hunter have to find a consignment? Not exactly that easy to do. But it sure looks good on paper as "opportunity" and an excuse for the DEC fanboys to claim. Remove the barriers for hunters who can shoot does in those units and stop making them jump through hoops. Get your DMP, shoot your doe, get a replacement OTC, and rinse/repeat. When the DEC deems enough harvests are reported, close down the tag issuing.
  12. Then why limit the ones who do have access? Riddle me that?
  13. I think bucket lists are OK. I don't think I have ever gotten to the end of any list because I am too driven in that sense. If I am nearing the end of the list, there's more things going on it. Travel/culture dominates a leisure bucket list. I want to have a suit custom made in Hong Kong while I am visiting. Saw it once on TV when I was younger and it is just stuck in my craw. It's probably the most far out of reach one for me - not so much financially, but the logistics seem implausible as I get busier with work and family. I may not be capable of making it there until I am much older and I am not sure the luster will remain at that point. So far it has. I did scratch a bucket list item last summer, jumping off of a 35 ft cliff into vibrant blue waters high up in the mountains of Jamaica. Also got in one last family vacation with everyone there. Family is much older and spread out now, and we all knew it was the last time we're all in the same place...until a funeral happens. We laughed, we fought, we cried, and we drank way too much and we had fun the whole time. It was awesome.
  14. Yeah, when I read the thread title I thought we were looking at pedestals. Wall pedestals are different.
  15. As much as I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton, the thought of "feeling the bern" as the other option is exponentially more scary.
  16. It was 2002ish. People avoided that gun like the plague. Ended up with a Taurus millenium and that gun has been absolutelg awesome. I gave ig to my Dad when i relocated to NY, and he still carries it. Not a single jam or ftf or anything. Ive sent more rounds downrange with that gun than any other in my life. I know people bash Taurus, but that particular gun couldnt be any better.
  17. I cant get over how expensive that is. I looked at Bersa when I lived in VA and that gun was 175 new in every shop.
  18. I have a hard time believing 2% predator impact. I don't see the benefit of even mentioning adult predation or diverting it separate from overall mortality - what that tells me is they are using numbers that they deem helpful to their cause and skimming over numbers that might be detrimental. Most of the collared/fawn studies show mortality due to canines and bobcats much higher than that in even very "deer friendly" environments. Predator numbers aren't the only impact on fawn mortality as it relates to predators - longer drawn out rut/actual breeding timeframes reduce the "market flood" that occurs in the ideal state for whitetails. Short, intense ruts results in more fawns being born in a shorter period of time - essentially flooding the market for predators, reducing their ability to impact fawn mortality. Fawns are at their most vulnerable during the first few weeks of their lives when their defense mechanism is to be immobile. Drawn out birthing timeframes allow predators a wider timespan to predate. We all know shorter, intense ruts are more likely in herds with stronger B:D balance. Not many areas in NY are in that ideal range, meaning a strung out rut/breeding period is likely, giving predators the platform to make more of an impact. Of course, this isn't talking about the 20% that come in early/late - this is talking about the bulk 80% (give or take) that come in, in November.
  19. If you are going to go through all that you might as well fall seed...alto of people prefer fall seeding clover anyhow.
  20. It works, but for a new plot, you'll have to deal with a lot of competition and that usually means chemicals. Frost seeding works well in existing plots. If you simply have grass problems and not broadleaf competition, Cleth can be used if it is a straight clover plot. We've done it before. Plot doesn't come out looking ready for a magazine in many cases, but for the effort/money, it will draw deer in to feed.
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