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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. I got zapped this week...my garden is small, but I lost one cuke and couple peppers and tomatos have been set back a bit by a very very light frost. Apples are going to be good this year if we don't lose them to a big late frost...seeing a complete shift from last year's cropping.
  2. Probably zero net gain because buttons would be killed en masse.
  3. I find it amazing that this option hasn't been put forth. They talk like they dole out DMPs everywhere and that "supply exceeds demand." Bull-freaking-honky. People who have the ability, wherewithall, and desire to fill DMPS are limited. You get the two to draw, you can get two second chance drawings if in the right WMU, and you can get consignments (worthless to put a limit on them). That's not including any use of reg/bow tags. Sounds like alot, right? Well, not everyone can get two consignments, so we're down to four. Having to dance around to get second chance drawings is lame - remember the system crashing on the day the second chance tags were made available? I do. Ended up not getting them for the region I wanted the most. What they should do is go OTC with antlerless and manage it to the necessary unit that is being drawn on. Or, allow the two to be doled out as is done now and then OTC afterwards with a required filling or completion of each successive tag or two. This allows the tags to be used by the most effective people at controlling the does in the areas they want them and removes the LIMITATIONS on hunters in the units that they want the doe numbers down in. Not very complicated at all to facilitate. I also hate a doe only season in any sense of the word...especially the first 15 days of bow. How silly is that? Bow numbers, while growing in conjunction with xbow, are fractionally effective as the gun horde RIGHT NOW and they want results RIGHT NOW. Why not make Sat and Sun of opening gun doe only? See how many tomatoes and eggs end up on the windows of regional offices then... And why would I even bother owning a MZ now if I can only take doe with it? I might as well sell mine. I enjoy shooting does but if the MZ season in December here in the SZ is doe only...to heck with that. I've shot quite a few does with a MZ that season, and did last year, but that's by choice. I can't say I want to own and invest in an implement where I have zero chance to shoot Mr. Buck if he walks by. Especially since all but one of the counties I hunt will be rifle (most likely) this coming season. Also, there's no comment for the deer portion because we've already commented on it....when that plan was released a few years ago. They don't really need to take in comments unless I am mistaken because the allowances are already laid out and were commented on. The fisher component is silly. I had a really good discussion w/the NYSTA president last month and that whole ordeal is a boondoggle. I won't get into details because it's alot to really take in, but the DEC is using bad science and decision-making on this topic.
  4. Seriously? If so, I can relate, and I am very sorry to hear that.
  5. Do you really think that took me three days to come up with? Or maybe it was the weekend and I simply haven't revisited the thread during said time. Sorry, I'm not hanging onto every one of your posts about driving and other randomness every single day.
  6. That's great when you are writing poetry. This is about a legal case.
  7. streams of consciousness....just streams of it.
  8. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. That's the only word that comes to mind.
  9. Congrats! I'll be giving it one more go on Saturday and then I'll be done for the season with other things going on during the weekends.
  10. An animal that routinely gets out and the owner doesn't prevent it is pee poor ownership. I hope they slap the cuffs on her for leash law or any applicable other law. Let's face it, the guy that shot the dog, if all is true as is reported, should be held accountable. That said, the dog owner has a degree of responsibility in this - and I strongly hope she has charges pressed against her if that is true. I believe you said that this isn't the first time the dog has gotten out, but maybe I am wrong. A owner is not providing safe and secure housing if the dog gets out routinely. If she was a responsible owner, that dog would still be alive.
  11. I sure hope that if charges can be brought against the dog owner, that they are...regardless of the shooter's story or defense. I don't know if there are leash laws that apply, but I'd say that since this "supposedly" isn't the first time the dog got out, that she should be cited for neglect or animal welfare related charges.
  12. It took almost 10 years for the statewide harvest numbers to even get close to those before the over-DMPed/winter years.
  13. If it is legit landlocked, I don't think NY has the ROW mandates...as Culver said, it could literally be locked without an aerial assault.
  14. His hunting location is listed as TN.
  15. Danggit, they should arrest the coyote and do an autopsy!
  16. I can understand why one bird might not gobble, but there are mornings where ZERO gobbles are heard across a wide landscape. I think figuring out why all the birds go quiet on certain mornings/days is the big money question.
  17. phade


    The fan version mounts to the gun. If I am correct, the historical genesis for this is native american. They called it fanning, and I think it was the upper midwest or midwest where they would use this technique to catch the vision of gobblers from far away on the hilly/prairie land. I forget the show, but it was on TV 15 years ago and the hunter would do a show on the same reservation every year with the guides getting the toms to come in from astounding ranges with just one call series and then fanning. I could see my single shot .410 being useful in this technique for a nice 15 yard shot and one hand it.
  18. Instead of giving you crap for the time/date being incorrect on the cam and the way you appear in the photo, I'll just say congrats, nice bird!
  19. Two week season, one week earlier. Til Noon the first week and all day the second. One tag.
  20. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Pack-Moultrie-MCS-12639-TRACE-Premise-8MP-Game-Camera-Based-on-the-M-880-/361288935722 For this price, kind of hard not to buy if you are in the market for a cheap cam, a cam where theft is possible, or for basic security. It's built off the M880 game camera with slightly fewer emitters and likely a narrower sensing cone (not a big deal for most common users). Takes HD vids, has a decent recovery time, and a decent trigger speed. Again, is it the greatest cam on earth? Nope. But for $30 shipped (x2) you get a cam value that exceeds its cost. Some of the early reviews are harsh on it, but many of these are from people who are buying a security cam, expecting to get performance as if it were a hardwired cam set up in a casino with clarity expectations of big money products. There should be no concern from a hunting/scouting purpose.
  21. Nice job VJP...nice job.
  22. With so many people NOT following the law here, as implied by the responses, it reminds me of the youth hunter shooting the deer and the dad being charged. I remember alot of people saying that a law should be followed regardless otherwise lest we let society falter...some of whom have posted in this thread. Interesting balance.
  23. Mine got woody tasting and spicy if planted too late. I grow little finger because I have little soil structure and full sizes were getting root bound/splitting after about 6" or so.
  24. I can't really see any rational use for them...especially when the NZ hasn't had them. It's a silly rule/law. Cut costs by not having to print out 2-3 extra sections per license, make the hunting populace happy, and move on.
  25. Cutting my teeth hunting while growing up in the south, venomous snakes are nothing I would really like to encounter while hunting in NY or doing anything in NY for that matter. I've had enough encounters for my lifetime. I can't see the DEC starting any controlled burn during such a time.
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