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Everything posted by phade

  1. You can get just the ring for $130 or so at Lowe's. Building one myself in the coming weeks after finishing a garden bed from paver stone.
  2. That was an issue with the "I" series of cams...not D series. They use new components now. While there's nothing wrong with that cam, I am not a fan of those cams at the regular price point. The sale price makes it a good cam for someone who may have it stolen - BUT size wise it'll stand out more than the smaller series cams.
  3. BH209 BH209 BH209...as mentioned by others above. Pellets are a farce IMO compared to BH209 even with it being loose. Hornady SST 250 gr. or XTPs...or Harvester selections.
  4. film and development? Limiting pics to 36 count? Might be better to save money and not get a cam at all.
  5. That boy has potential. Growth like that, at the end of May? Sign me up.
  6. 35mm? Sheesh. Have fun with that. Better off buy good cheap cams and mounting them high...like a Covert MP6 or maybe the Spypoint G4. The covert is pretty small and when mounted high...most people flat out miss it.
  7. As much as I enjoy fishing, I had to willingly give it up (other than a recreational morning a handful of times a year) to be able to meet my goals when deer hunting. There' always deer hunting related work to do. What kind of cams/price range you looking at?
  8. I don't know why you would want to swap out the LD...that and the QAD at the two best rests on the market IMO. Sights are so much more preferential than about performance these days. It's alot like buying a new bow...any one from the bigger manufacturers is going to be good. It's just about what fits for you.
  9. Two pieces of rope at the top section where you ratchet. Put up stand and grab rope...wrap around and tie to trees in fro. Of stand. It will not move and you can climb up safely. I own more than 40 of those stands from dicks.
  10. Congrats! Enjoy it! Hopefully its a future deer dragger outter!
  11. Nothing is impossible. I'm done for the year, but this guy continues to let me know I am an idiot:
  12. I used to believe in his theory and projections more, but as time goes on, I have tempered that belief. Certainly some general guidelines can be formed. I do think it is useful for people who want to try to project vacation time requests as it gives info to consider.
  13. I second this option. Really, it's probably the best choice, even if new, for your situation.
  14. That's gotta be a kick in the shoulder...phew. Congrats...pretty good tally thus far. Hopefully the deer hunting will go that way for you this fall, too.
  15. When I buy arrows, I find an arrow suitable with good reviews...I buy a few to give it a shake for a few sessions. Then I usually buy 3-6 dozen at a single purchase. Reason being that I don't have to worry about the manufacturer removing a model from the line-up. Case in point, I have been shooting Epic ST for two years now and I still have two dozen shafts left in reserve. They stopped making EPIC ST last season. Nothing like having to do an unnecessary tune, re-sight etc. for the simple sake of being forced to a new arrow. Get the bow shooting right, take care of it, and eliminate unnecessary tweaking. I agree on shooting similar to real life conditions. My hunting rig hasn't had a field point on it in two seasons.
  16. That's a loaded question. It looks like there's a bunch in play here. Have you been set up by a pro shop or someone who knows what they are doing? Lots of things come to consider when talking accuracy.
  17. Its juwt a seasonal item at walmwrt and they can't holdover the stock. They usually try to them gone just after mem weekend here in rochester.
  18. Tip...go to the manager in about another two weeks and ask him if he'll knock some off the prices of the remaining trees. I got a few a couple years ago for $7 each there. I picked up a couple mutsu crispin and granny smith this season. I was quite surprised at the quality of the stock.
  19. Coyote pose a challenge in that they are a renumerating species. When I interviewed the Cornell grad student that did the massive study on populations here in NY, she explained how litter size will decrease with lots yotes in the area and grow when there is less than what the land can support. You need to take 2/3 just to maintain the population...think about that for a second. Raccoon and other nest raiders are just as important to control.
  20. Funny thing is that neither belo or me are really all that concerned with it. Hes said his and I've said mine on where we come from. Weve disagreed on plenty and agree on a fair amount. Planting some apple trees today...all the buds are pinched just for you Geno. Suprisingly good stock from walmart of all places.
  21. Oh please...I help more people on this site than you can imagine. And, I have had some help from others here. I read and comprehend quite well. Bottom line he knocks something he admits he has never tried.
  22. Your last paragraph just shows you how much of a goober you are. Really, it does. You talk out both sides of your mouth, saying scouting has value, then when it's put together, you discount it like it is impossible to figure out a deer's habits. People pattern deer all the time. As for the other comments about the industry - I'm not buying into any "system" pitch. These people have just used the tactics and excelled at it. You remind of the "yeah, but" kind of person.
  23. LOL, it's not some novice idea no unique to me. Plus, I don't need to convince you of all people...I just disagree with someone saying something doesn't work when they haven't tried it. People literally have 30+ P&Y individually using this method. D'Aquisto has shot state records (or close to it I think)...Hayes has shot 3 200" deer with a bow using bed tactics....it's well proven, just not widely used. And FTR, I've had 2 kills off beds in three seasons. The third should have happened, but oh well. As bucks age, their core area shrinks...common knowledge. Think about it...did I say they were in one bed all year? No. Big difference.
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