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Everything posted by wolc123

  1. The flair for drama, spelling/grammer prowess, and lack of any photos showing face and game harvest, are all good clues that they are one and the same.
  2. It is funny that this issue is coming up now. About 50 years ago, the county decided to reroute a creek that runs across our farm. They did that to eliminate a couple of road bridges, which required lots of maintenance. The creek used to meander around in a twisted course. Now it is dug straight across, East-West. Oddly enough, google maps still shows the original course, but obviously the satellite view don't match that. My concern centers on the fact that I was operating an unlicensed motorboat on that creek yesterday. Since I own the land under the creek, was I breaking the law ? My concrete bridge makes it non-navigatable from upstream, however one could paddle upstream, a quarter mile or so, from neighboring property downstream. The issue is complicated because the maps do nor accurately depict the creek's current course.
  3. I am guessing that your problem is made worse by your posted signs. Those things attract poachers and other hoodlums (litter bugs, etc), like flies on crap. These are simple-minded folks. To them, "posted" means "good hunting, or fishing". No one is allowed to trespass on private property without the land-owner's permission anyhow. Save yourself some time and effort, loose those signs, and maybe your littering issue will improve. Do they throw their garbage down near your signs ?
  4. Rowdy10, I am going to refer to you as "cupcake" henseforth, since you have such an obsession with that word. I dont know any anti-crossbow folks who could not accurately be described as cupcakes.
  5. I am going to wait until I have the option to choose the Johnson & Johnson single shot vaccine. My reasons are: 1) Less time wasted, 2) Less chance of headache/neck pain. 3) Less concern about improper refrigeration/storage. -Maybe the side-effects some have complained about result from improper storage.
  6. What's up with all the cupcakes ? Alert deer are a much bigger issue with vertical bows than with crossbows because crossbows do not need to be drawn when the deer is close.
  7. i was going to post it but too much inappropriate language. Check it out on youtube (search Paulie Walnuts interior decorator). Definitely my favorite line from him.
  8. wolc123

    Sea Trials

    I noticed that our creek was up pretty high this morning. After spending 5 days out on the West coast last week, helping to get a much larger vessel ready, I finally got a chance to try out my own little $ 100, 12 footer. I poured a little fresh 40:1 chainsaw gas into the old merc K-5. She ran pretty good, after a carb adjustment. The creek water level was dropping fast and I had to get the boat up on plane and make 3 attempts to get over a sandbar, formed by the drain tile from my pole barn. I noticed about a gallon of water in the stern, after a half hour in the creek. The source of the leak was a loose fitting drain plug, so it should be a cheap fix. I was impressed with the stability of this wide beam Sears Gamefisher, compared to the narrow beam one that I keep up at my in-laws place. I got to remember to bring home a pair of oars, next time I go up there. After I get those, a new plug, and a DMV registration, It will be ready for Hemlock lake.
  9. That is what I do also. The Sopranos was ok. I just finished "Dare to Dream, the Alan Kulwici story", which was excellent. I have an old color tv, VCR & dvd player in our basement gym. My workout schedule is about 45 minutes each weekday morning before work, with resistance training on M,W,F, and cardio on T,T. On M, W, F evenings I add another hour of cardio, about an hour after dinner. If I miss a workout, I make up for it on the off days or on the weekends. It is very rare, that I miss a morning one. I also use the stairs at work quite often, and take advantage of free fun stuff on the weekends like biking, cross country ski, snowshoe, swimming, etc. All that makes it easy to stay in shape year round, and that definitely makes hunting more enjoyable, especially up in the Adirindacks, where I go a few times each year. Staying in shape is not as vital for hunting the flatlands around home, but it dont hurt when you need to drag the occasional buck out of a swamp.
  10. I think a reasonable gun control law would stipulate the penalty of death by hanging or electrocution to anyone who commits a crime with a gun. Such a law would be aimed at the criminals, rather than law abiding folks, like all those currently being suggested by the Democrats are. It would also limit the burden on law abiding folks for feeding and housing the criminals who are found guilty. It really boggles my mind why anyone would believe that a criminal would abide by a law. How can folks be that ignorant?
  11. There is more to it than just hp. Weight/distribution and tire type are important. Weighted R1 (ag) tires are best. An equal weight 4wd tractor with R4 (industrial) tires will perform about the same on a plow as a 2wd tractor with R1 tires. What type tires do you have, and do you have 4wd ? If you have R4's and 4wd , you should be ok with a 2 x 12" plow, but might struggle with a 2 x 16" in some soil conditions. Most of the time for food plots, I pull a 2 x 12" plow with a 28 hp, 2wd tractor with loaded, R1 tires. As long as the mud holes are few and far between, that combination works great. On some wet springs, in put my 43 hp, 4wd tractor on that little plow. It easily pulls it thru standing water without any wheel slip. It is cool watching the wakes roll off the bottoms in the low spots. That tractor lacks hydraulic draft control however, which makes it a lot easier to maintain uniform plow depth, so I always use the smaller 2wd (has draft control) if it is dry enough. 4wd is not a huge benefit on a 3-point plow (like it is on a disk), because that plow is designed to get most of its "pull" from the tractor's rear axle.
  12. wolc123


    You are still holding back on at least one of Rinella's favorite dishes. Remember lots of pepper, if you give them a try.
  13. This one was especially tough for me, because it was put up by my great-great grandfather, in 1883. If only he had built it on higher ground, such that the foundation would have held up better, I might have been able to save it. That would have been tough for him, as this is some of the lowest lying ground in the region. I am thankful for that, because it really limits the urban sprawl, hopefully allowing me to hunt from my back door, throughout my lifetime. I have already completed the dismantling of an even older twin to that barn, in order to make room for a new pole barn. I used much of the old salvaged timbers and siding boards in that construction, so it still has the material, and the "feel" of my great-great granddad's old buildings. That "compromise" took time and effort, but saved dollars and future maintenance, providing all the comforts of a modern, steel-sided and roofed building. It is way more comfortable to work in than those old barns were.
  14. The biggest ones I got to get done is taking down this old silo and barn: That concrete silo foundation will make a nice, big fire pit, after I get everything else cleared away.
  15. It gets rough in NY every year at this time, due mostly to depleted vitamin D, because of so much time without sun. What you all need is some beach some where. Be patient, spring and better days are almost here. Here is a taste:
  16. The Pacific spotted bass were hitting ok this morning, from the public fishing pier at Pepper park, just South of San Diego CA. I had also tried Monday at sunset, with no bite then. I had a couple hours to kill, before my fight home this morning, and the cheap telescoping rod that I pack in my suitcase was handy. They were liking the black and white bucktail jig with rubber shad trailer. The longer, dull colored females (12-15") don't seem to have teeth, but the shorter (10"), more colorful males seem to. I went back to my room for a thumb repair after the last one. I caught 4 total, 2 of each. They were very good fighters, on par with smallmouth bass in warm freshwater. The only other folks on the pier was an Asian couple, over on the other side. They caught a few smelt, in the 6-12" range. The woman brought up 3 at once, and I saw them catch 4 or 5 other singles. They were keeping them all in a 6 gallon bucket. I thought about giving them the 4 bass, but opted for release. .
  17. The first shot was fired from a cannon at the ship's that Lincoln's predasesor sent to resupply the fort. I think the fella that pulled the lanyard was a Citadel cadet.
  18. I think the photo was very distasteful and had no place on this forum. Just because someone is a certain way (size, color, religion, etc.), that gives them no right to poke fun at others who might be the same way.
  19. You are the best Eddie and I wish you would stay.
  20. I was all stocked up to celebrate at home but work sent me away for the week. It is important to stay hydrated:
  21. No idea, but my 2000 3/4 ton Silverado gets about 12 mpg with the camper on and boat in tow, with a 6 liter gas engine. That looks like a pre eco-boost Ford. The side AC unit probably adds to the drag. I would say he would be lucky to get 10 mpg.
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