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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wolc123

  1. I'll go along with that. If Kamala and Joe take my guns, I wouldn't starve, so long as I could keep my crossbow.
  2. That would be a distant 2nd (no pun intended) for me.
  3. Has Biden always been pro-choice ? Maybe he has been pushed that way by folks who are taking advantage of his declining mental state. Clearly, that position is contrary to what Christ would prefer, and is an indication that he is out of touch with Christianity. Science and Christianity are in perfect agreement on the fact that new life begins at conception. That makes abortion the same as murder (actually worse because the the victims are defenseless). When do you believe new life begins Versatile ? How about Chef and Left field ? It is never too late to get your house in order and a vote for Trump is a vote against abortion. I think on that we all agree. RBG's life departure makes this election particularly important in this life battle. All of the other issues are insignificant in comparison.
  4. Everything Is up and growing now in this plot, mostly wheat, lots of tiny white clover, volunteer buckwheat, and a few soybeans. Tonight's frost ought to set back the buckwheat and soybeans.
  5. wolc123


    This is what they are eating in wmu 9F: I am glad it made "full dent" before tonight's frost.
  6. I has probably been a long time since pygmy tasted a 6 month deer, but I agree, they are in a class by themselves when it comes to taste. All other age/sex deer can be made to taste the same depending on how long the carcass is aged prior to processing. You can skip that step with the fawns.
  7. After midpoint of crossbow or gun seasons yes, before that I am on the fence. Looks like a 2 year old and meets my "3 on a side" rule, so I am leaning a bit towards yes early. It is all about the meat for me, but killing a small buck early usually costs me some meat. If he had a scrawny 1.5 yr body I would be leaning no early.
  8. Maybe it looks that way now, but 5 minutes or less into the first debate, the picture will change. I expect we will see even chef get back on team Trump at that point. Trump should have no trouble locking of a bigger electoral landslide than he got over Hillary, along with a popular vote landslide, after folks get a look at Biden on live TV.
  9. It will be tough on the soybeans that I mixed in with one of my wheat/clover plantings a week and a half ago. I did not have much leftover "free" seed this year, so I just did one small spot that I can see from the house for observation. I was not planning any early archery season deer hunting anyhow. I finished up the sweetcorn harvest this week, and my early field corn plot looks fully mature. That one should be fine with a frost now. Mold could be an issue in the one I planted later though.
  10. Thanks for sharing your stories of faith and persistance. I am more into deer than turkeys, but I had a close encounter with a tom (near Lockport) this spring and killed a hen here a couple falls ago. The most important lesson I learned about hunting and fishing is that God had the final say of where all living things wind up. Keep it right with Him, and your neighbors, and He will make it right with you. Nothing else matters. My family has been blessed with all the wild game we can eat, and often enough to give away, since I figured that out. Enjoy your hunting this fall and welcome to the site. I am looking forward to a little myself. The supply in the freezer is starting to get low enough that I hope to get it defrosted by October 1. It is time to make room for the fresh stuff.
  11. I did one rifle season Colorado otc elk/mule deer hunt when I was in my 30's. 4 of us drove out in an extended cab pickup with a cap and took turns driving. We brought back 3 mule deer but no one saw any elk. I killed the smallest one (a 1.5 yr spike), my buddy got a 2.5 yr 4 x 4, and our host got a mature 6 x 6. The elk had to have at least 4 points on a side to shoot then there, but we could not have filled even a cow tag if we had one. Our host usually kills a cow every year, claiming they taste a bit better. We hunted the high desert area near Steamboat Springs. It was a scenic spot and we got very reasonable off ski-season lodging in a condo. I am glad I went once (when I was younger) but I dont have any desire to do it again. I have been given plenty of elk to eat (mostly bull), from that area, and I would rate it nearly equal to WNY whitetail on eating quality. Not so with the mule deer however. They sort of tasted like sage brush, which I suppose makes up much of their diet. Our host gave us his big muley to take home, not even wanting to keep a back strap for himself. He often comes up to NY for some of our "tastey" whitetails, which he likes better than their elk. The main reason I would not do another western elk hunt is because I have had a taste of some pretty decent Adirondack deer hunting. I like the scenery better up there than the Rockies. Adirondack deer hunting has spoiled me a bit on flat-land WNY deer hunting, in addition to Western US elk hunting. The deer from the spots I hunt up there taste just as good as the corn fed ones around home. And then of course are the facts that I always get free food and lodging in the Adirondacks, and dont have to purchase an expensive non-resident licence. To hunt Colorado, you need to carry your original NY state hunter safety certificate. An old licence dont cut it.
  12. Back when I used a vertical bow (prior to 2014), I would shoot about 10 arrows a day, starting around mid July. I also incorporated an old, lower-letoff bow into my daily workout routine year round, drawing it right and left handed, 2 sets of 10 reps, every other day. That helped eliminate shoulder issues caused by non-symetric loading. That was a lot of time spent for little reward. I am extremely thankful that NY legalized the crossbow, for the best 2 weeks of archery season, in 2014. That said, there is still no substitute for lots of practice for building skill and confidence, especially at moving targets. I take thousands of practice shots a year, most with a bb gun. There is a big difference between shooting at a fixed target vs live game. Being a great target shot does not guarantee a successful hunter, but it usually dont hurt.
  13. Are not the states with the highest per capital covid deaths run by Democrats ? Who else would be clueless enough to send infected patients into nursing homes ?
  14. Not sure. The big one is an American bob-tail. We have 3 now. My wife and girls just brought the little one home a couple weeks ago.
  15. I have everything sighted in now. My first big game hunt might be Adirondack early bear on the first weekend in October with my Remlin 336 BL 30/30 (fiber optic sights). First deer hunt might be a mid-October Friday afternoon hunt up there with my Barnett Recruit crossbow. Most likely, my first deer hunt will be in mid-October with my T/C Omega 50 cal (Redfield 2-7 scope) ML. For opening weekend of NZ gun season, it will depend on the weather. If it is rainy & windy, I will go with my 30/30, if there is no chance of rain or snow, I will use my father in law's scoped Marlin 336 30/30. Otherwise, I will go with my scoped Ruger M77 30/06. Back home in WNY, my first deer hunt will be opening day of crossbow in early November. I will use either my new Centerpoint Sniper, or my old Barnett Recruit, depending on the weather and where I hunt. Opening day of gun at home (shotgun only zone), it will be either my scoped Marlin 512, Ithaca 37 16 ga, or open sighted smooth bore, short-barreled Remimgton 870. My last deer hunt of the year, and hopefully my first of 2021 on new years day, will be again be with my T/C Omega 50 cal. I just did the math, that works out to 8 different weapons. Coincidentally, that is how many tags I will have for the year (7 deer and 1 bear). One with each would be cool.
  16. I gave up on that when they let in the Japanese cars and took out the cigarettes.
  17. I agree. In fact, I have had pickup trucks since 1983, and have never had a tonneau cover on one. Most of the time, I have/had an open box, but I like a cap in the winter. I have had tool boxes on a couple standard cab models, but not needed with an extended cab. At least they dont have those stupid snaps drilled into the sides of the box on the new ones.
  18. A friend has had great success with the same gun and the same 3 pellet load. I plan on changing over to blackhorn 209 next season, when my supply of 777 pellets will be gone. I will dial in the perfect "loose" load at that time.
  19. Tried j-plugs near bottom on riggers between 70 and 100 ft. Had a couple releases but nothing on. Also had small nk spoons on sliders. Trolled last 3 hours of daylight between olcott and wilson.
  20. That is right where I dialed my T/C omega in yesterday on the range, using the same load. Where does the bullet impact at 150 and 200 yards ? Last year I shot under a doe, that was a bit farther than I thought, using 2 pellets of 777. Two changes I am making this year are: 1 - bring my laser range finder to eliminate guesswork on range, 2 - Add the third pellet.
  21. Nice sunset off Olcott but no luck on the kings.
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