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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. pictures might help phantom understand the difference,good try.
  2. you know this is the political section,right? You don't like the right wing posts either?
  3. thanks,this is the political section after all. we can agree on all of us enjoying hunting. I have a buddy here that actually helped me getting started in hunting and we can not talk politics at all. I am just chiming in here to offer a different point of view. That shouldn't make us enemies. Might make us think a little less of each other,but that's ok,we are not all the same,thank god. That would be boring a.f.
  4. Can you imagine that's how i feel about your posts. All depends on the point of view. I am not trying to shut you down though.
  5. Aw crap,now i am going to have to watch it. Shame on you,haha. I will report back later.
  6. I did not watch it. Because one person says something does not make it true. The alleged antifa involvement popped up in the right wing media hours after the storming of the capitol. Grasping at straws...but that's what they are good at.
  7. And no evidence need as in the voter fraud allegations. Can you explain to me why the democrats only cheated on the presidental votes and not the senate races? Wouldn't it have been smarter to not depend on a run off election in Georgia?
  8. I dont necessarily agree with that approach,but what are the options? My wife works at a hospital and they shut down all elective procedures in march and april. They had 5 cases then. Now they have over 30 and are running out of supplies but are continuing with business as usual. I guess they know exactly what a shutdown costs now. It a shitty situation.
  9. At this point i would not put it past trump. He has gotten away with everything so far and is obviousy becoming bolder. That call to the georgia governor asking to find 12.000 votes for him? That sounds right in line with the constitution. Or presidential. Sounds like a dictator to me.
  10. it will be well over three months,probably closer to six before most are vaccinated and immune.
  11. Because everyone knows now what it costs to shut down. A 2nd round would finish lots of business and state governments.
  12. When you say tyrants stealing power from the people all i can think of is trump. Going against 81 million voters and the rule of law itself.
  13. where do you get that? Assuming stuff and stating it as fact. I dont care about crossbows,if people want to hunt with a crossbow that's fine. I won't,my choice.
  14. It is scary that idiots own guns,right? Haha,that cracks me up. So you think there should be no amendments to a set of laws that were written over two hundred years ago. I have sad news,the world has changed since then and it will continue to do so.
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