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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. The trouble with most people moving to better states is, they bring their same dumb political ideas with them and vote the better states into the same dumb troubles they voted into the states they left. Texas is getting fed up with all the morons coming in from California and southern states have about had it with people from the northeast blue states coming down there. You can't fix stupid.
  2. Maybe we're being too hard on him. Cuomo does lead US governors in many categories... -1st in salary for governors in the USA -1st in number of Covid-19 cases in the USA -1st in citizens moving out of a state -1st in combined sales & income tax rate -1st in highest real estate prices -1st in highest paid rental property -1st in most expensive city to live in out of entire US -1st in corruption And yet people think this guy should be President
  3. That doesn't address feasibility. Deer will always be there. The problem cannot be bought off with tax dollars. You are advocating allowing power to corrupt the solution at your expense. You're also allowing elected hacks to get away with saying there is something wrong with hunting. Don't worry about me wasting my breath when you can worry about NYC wasting your tax dollars forever.
  4. It's called debate. Just curious why you think hunting with bow wouldn't be feasible on the island.
  5. How familiar are you with Staten Island and the areas deer inhabit?
  6. The man has impeccable integrity and really understands what the Rule of Law is all about. He's a prime example of government trying to turn police agencies into an oppressive tool utilized by corrupt elected officials to install a police state. The governor should agree with this man's video, not become angry about it. When a governor does something like this, nobody should ever vote for them again. That fact people still do, proves we have an "idiot electorate" in this land.
  7. Hunting would control the population to an acceptable level, provide outdoor recreation, meat and youth hunting opportunities. Allowing hunting would not be to eradicate the deer. If limited to archery hunts, there is no danger, and many areas are very conducive to hunting with a bow. There is no way the public should consider hunting less desirable than a total genocide. Besides, the deer got there on their own. Even if all the deer there now were killed, more would show up again soon. BTW, Staten Island has a large ringneck pheasant population that I would love to be able to hunt too. Limit that to archery only and you have some real unique hunting opportunity to pursue. I did it as a kid in NJ and you can bag pheasant with a bow when you know how.
  8. And that's why unions are becoming less tolerable to most Americans.
  9. "The Democrats seem to have forgotten FDR's admonition, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' Their new motto appears to be, 'The only thing we have to fear is an economic rebound that would assure Trump's reelection.'" —Dinesh D'Souza
  10. Have you considered Styrka in 10x42? I have a pair and love them. The warranty is great and they will service them once a year for free. Just send them back and they are returned like new. I have the S5 model. It's a mid range price for them. https://styrkastrong.com/binoculars/ I see them on Amazon for $310. https://www.amazon.com/Styrka-10x42-Binocular-Green-ST-35502/dp/B00XQ3JU6I S7 on Amazon for $550 and S9 for $650
  11. Cuomo is popular in spite of his failed leadership for a couple of reasons.
  12. Not a simple as you might think. Incumbents have many advantages over challengers. They have name recognition, the entire political party's machine behind them, more cash to spend, more people they have promised favors to, more people they owe favors to and more people they have shook hands with over the years. Look at Senator Robert Menendez of NJ. The man was investigated for pedophilia and frequent trips on Epstein's "Lolita express" and accused by his own Democrat party of being guilty of it. He wrangled a technicality to his advantage to get off and the people of NJ re-elected him. Or at least it seems they did if you still trust the integrity of some elections.
  13. People have been saying exactly what Elon Musk is saying here for months, and they have been mocked for it. Now we are starting to see who was right.
  14. Observations: "The Wuhan virus has introduced a new and unpredictable issue into the campaign: the administration's response to the epidemic. This should be seen as Act III in the Democrats' determined effort to take out Donald Trump. Act I was the [Russia-collusion] hoax. Act II was the Ukraine kerfuffle. Both failed, and it looked as though the Democrats had nothing left. But now, their press minions are launching daily attacks on the president related to the virus. Act III." —John Hinderaker
  15. More that 40% of small businesses, those that employ the majority of people in rural areas, may close in the next six months due to the economic lock down. https://www.dailywire.com/news/shock-more-than-40-of-small-businesses-may-close-in-the-next-six-months
  16. Harold Hutchison There are many on the Right, often with more, er, establishment leanings, who seem to be dismissive of the warnings we have seen from Kurt Schlichter and Dennis Prager, among others, of how much the Left hates grassroots Americans. The Never Trump faction has long been in denial of reality, and it starts with what seems to be misunderstanding the Left. At the very least, many so-called "progressives" want Patriots to shut up and get out of the way. You don't need to just take the word of your Patriot Post team; just look at Elizabeth Warren's campaign platform. For her, it was not enough to pass sweeping restrictions on our Second Amendment rights, punishing millions of law-abiding Americans for crimes and acts of madness they did not commit. She wanted to sic the Internal Revenue Service on the National Rifle Association. In her mind, the many lawmakers who defend our right to keep and bear arms do so because they are "corrupt" — the notion that another American could look at Second Amendment issues and come to a different good-faith conclusion about what policies should be pursued seems to be completely foreign to her. Given that her presidential campaign flopped, Patriots might want to breathe a sigh of relief, but she is a top contender to be Joe Biden's veep. Given what many speculate about Biden's health, Warren would be a heartbeat away from being president. Between Operation Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Tea Party targeting, Wisconsin's "John Doe" investigations, the efforts by state attorneys general to silence opponents of the "green" agenda, Spygate, and Andrew Cuomo's jihad against the NRA, there is a clear pattern. When they are in power, Democrats have a proclivity toward using police-state tactics against their opponents. Worse, the tactics worked. We'll never know for sure, but those abuses undoubtedly played a part in losses over the years. Even the Supreme Court has not been immune from threats (particularly the chief justice), and in the recent Second Amendment case some justices backed down in the face of pressure. Also coming as a harbinger of police-state tactics is the fact that, according to a report by Fox News, Department of Defense technology intended to combat radical Islamic terrorist groups is now being turned on domestic political actors — President Donald Trump's supporters. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency denies it, but after seeing what happened with Lois Lerner, Fast and Furious, and Spygate, can we really believe that denial? Once again, the past misconduct, the bureaucratic usurpation of power, and the lack of accountability raise doubts about the denial. All of the current pandemic lock down police state actions are most extreme in states run by Governors that lean far left. Given all of this, the situation should be patently obvious to anyone. Leftists have been telling us who they are and what they intend to do. The question is, do those who criticize Trump supporters not believe them, or are they being willfully blind?
  17. You forget they were BEGGED to come to NY to help. They came voluntarily. Some didn't get paid by NY at all, but Cuomo intends to tax the pay their home state employer gave them when they were in NY. The next time Cuomo asks for help, he won't get any. That's the problem.
  18. Neil Ferguson may not be a household name, but he's the British epidemiologist and Imperial College professor whose model projecting widespread coronavirus deaths were a leading driver of hard lockdowns in the UK and America. Early on, Ferguson projected that, without extreme measures to mitigate its spread, COVID-19 could kill 2.2 million Americans, and he became known in Great Britain as "Professor Lockdown." On Tuesday, Ferguson abruptly resigned his post on the UK's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies due to an "error of judgment." That's putting it mildly. According to the UK Guardian, he "quit ... after flouting the rules by receiving visits from his lover at his home." His married mistress, that is. That mistress — Antonia Staats — reportedly told friends she "did not believe their actions to be hypocritical because she considered the households to be one." By any sane definition, hers and Ferguson's are not "one household." Yet Ferguson confessed, "I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus, and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms. ... I deeply regret any undermining of the clear messages around the continued need for social distancing to control this devastating epidemic." Hypocrisy is a regular character trait for elitists like this. The actions of this adulterous pair — as well as those of several Democrat mayors here in America who couldn't abide by their own lockdown policies — are a good indicator that those policies were overkill. Yet rather than admit it, many of these authoritarians are doubling down on criticizing and even punishing the commoners.
  19. Andrew Cuomo, still busy trying to cover up his disastrous decision to push coronavirus-infected patients into nursing homes, has again demonstrated his incompetence by sending $69.1 million from New York's state treasury to a huckster in California. Through 30 April, Cuomo had authorized a total of 77 checks for more than $1 million for medical appliances and supplies — most to companies with no experience producing those supplies, but the $69 million check was the largest single payment made by Cuomo's administration to any contractor for such supplies. How did that happen? Well, back in March, after President Trump had invoked the Defense Production Act to authorize GM and Ford to produce ICU ventilators, he posted a message on social media: "Start making ventilators now!" One of his 80,000 followers, a troll named Yaron Oren-Pines, who is a former employee of Google with no experience producing ventilators, posted a response: "We can supply ICU Ventilators, invasive and noninvasive. Have someone call me URGENT." A few days before Trump's post, Cuomo had urgently claimed, "I need 30,000 ventilators — how can you have New Yorkers possibly dying because they can't get a ventilator?" One of his chief administrators heard about the social-media response, contacted Oren-Pines, and hastily signed a contract for 1,450 ventilators for $47,656 per unit — three times the cost of the best ventilators — and three days later sent him advanced payment. According to New York's Office of General Services, it took a month for somebody to figure out this was a scam and, predictably, they blamed Trump for the Cuomo administration's incompetence. According to an unnamed New York state official, the contract was the result of a "direct recommendation" from the Task Force: "The guy was recommended to us by the White House coronavirus task force because they were doing business with him as well." But a quick check of federal records shows no contract with Oren-Pines. A spokesperson for the Task Force, Katie Miller, rebutted that assertion: "The White House Coronavirus Task Force was never informed of this contract and was not involved in it at all." Meanwhile, Cuomo hosted a press conference Monday, declaring that people who don't wear masks in public should be cited and penalized. "You wear a mask to protect me. I wear a mask to protect you," he insisted. "I think there should be a penalty because you could literally kill someone ... because you didn't want to wear a mask. How cruel and irresponsible would that be?" Cuomo was not wearing a mask at the briefing... The Patriot Post
  20. Anyone who thinks this guy is doing a good job, has no idea what he's doing. https://ktrh.iheart.com/featured/michael-berry/content/2020-05-07-cuomo-vows-to-go-after-health-workers-who-came-to-fight-covid-19-on-taxes/?fbclid=IwAR3ds6bd8GYHB-Q23xRdZMGPEvmpGQvcBMlv2_NZe9bRsOdjNRUbIfd5UyE
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