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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Why do people say beautiful deer once it's dead??? Once it's dead, it's a nice trophy. I don't think I can call it a beautiful deer any longer......
  2. road kills usually sit on the side of the road for months.
  3. So how far do the drivers start out from the standers ?
  4. when you guys do drives, how far do you start out from each other ??
  5. I didn't see any movement either. It's time I find a partner and start pushing these deer out. They bed under the moutain laurel, and it's sooooooooo thick.....
  6. Where in 3M?? I have a few 3M DMP's left over.
  7. I can see killing off a few yotes, but the fox. I like them. They are cool to look at running around.
  8. yesterday I was in the woods. I heard 6 shots in the row, then another 6 shots. after that I heard small caliper gun fire, like 12 rounds. all within 5 minutes. I'm like WTF is this guy doing ??? Sounded like he was target shooting in the woods.
  9. OP, where in NY are you seeing this late action ?
  10. Let us know how the rain hunting goes. I decided not to go out because the fog and low visibility.
  11. the blur


    any movement in the Fog today? I was out all day, and saw nothing,
  12. T-day warmed up too fast. We didn't see any, and I'm thinking it was too warm. We called it a day at 11am.
  13. What time do you walk in, and get to your spot? in the dark? as the sun is coming up? or when it's light out already?
  14. I have a 7mm-08. great round. expensive round, but a perfect hunting round. I tried the reduced recoil ammo, but found it not too accurate in my BAR.
  15. I hunt in 3M. state land. are there any there ?
  16. How much land do you guys own, that you have tresspass problems ?
  17. From what I read, the top dogs increased their salary AFTER they were at the point of no return. They knew the end was near. and all them union boys lost all their sick and vac time for walking off the job. they QUIT !!!
  18. I hunt state land with walking trails. Even though the deer know people are on the trails, hiking around.. once the orange army enters the woods, they are spooked.
  19. They specifly tell you in hunters ed class, where to shoot, and where NOT to shoot.
  20. I was going to hunt tomorrow, but I see it's a full moon, and clear sky. Would you think the deer are nocturnal now ?
  21. reckless and endangerment. The decision is up to the cop.
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