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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Zone 3. WAR ZONE. Until it warmed up in the afternoon. Then a few shots here and there.
  2. Black Bear killing a cow ???????? Highly unlikely.
  3. I walking into state land with my rifle. This guy is walking in with his bow. I thought it was funny. He likes the challenge.
  4. I have a 7mm-08 semi auto, and a .243 bolt. The 7mm-08 certainly kicks much harder than the .243, even with the gas action. I don't hunt with my .243, but I hear more bang-flop stories with the .243 than any other caliper.
  5. yep, I know your the deer wounderer. with a 12 ga slug no less. And no deer dies from being shot in the hind quarters, "with-in seconds". That's total BS. And how could you possibly know if he lived or died a slow painful death??? Fact is you can't. Your just very imature. 5 rounds or 6 rounds. makes no difference. I hunt with 4 rounds. In fact, my rifle holds 5 rounds, but there is no reason to have more than 3 or 4. Doesn't matter, I only take clean shots. I wont shoot at a running deer. I won't shoot in the gut, or hind quarters. I suggest you stay home and stop wounding animals. Keep on reading all the regs. Become a master at them.
  6. Aren't you the guy that shoots a deer in the a$s, and chases it all day, and for the next 3 days after that ? Then finds it 2 weeks later 1/2 eaten by coyotes. I suggest you go to the range and practice some before stepping foot in the woods.
  7. I have that electronic fawn bleep. I pressed the button,. 200 yards away, a deer gets up, and bolts the other way. They have excellent hearing. and they knew that bleep was false..
  8. I havn't seen 40 deer in the 10 years I've been hunting !!!!!!!!!!
  9. the blur

    3M - Where?

    Minawaska is north of 3M. and has AR.
  10. 15 yards is CLOSE !!!!!!!!!!!! How do you stay so quiet not to scare them off ?
  11. Don't feel bad. I sat a full day opening day, and 1/2 the day today. I saw 2 big doe, but that's all. nothing within range.
  12. 3pm, I walk out, no matter what. I'm not chasing, gutting a deer into darkness. and then dragging it out. not happening.
  13. the blur


    I heard CRASHING through the leaves. All the sudden this big doe come towards me 30 MPH, bounced within 10 feet me, never even noticed I was there. And continued on bouncing through the woods, while I watched the white tail disappear. Never had a shot. This thing was SPOOKED. Not a buck in sight, so it had to be the orange army. No fawns in sight either.
  14. Some guys definately had more than 5 rounds in their guns.
  15. Are you serious?? Like any moron would go to the exact spot. please. And I havn't seen a DEC check point in years, not even on opening day on Rt 17.
  16. It'll be so warm out, the deer aren't moving. But I still expect to hear the 1st shot 1 hour before offical day light.
  17. Are you confident you can re-load better than what is on the shelf ? I'm just curious why many people reload, besides saving a few bucks.
  18. the 7mm-08 shoots pretty flat. I bet flatter than the .280
  19. my buddy hit a deer, and saw the arrow sticking out of the deer. The deer pulled the arrow out with it's teeth, or rubbed it out on a tree. He found the arrow the next day.
  20. I think they are trapped at an army base in watkins glen.
  21. 4 AM, every night, no lines, no waiting. I top off every night. Only problem is I got hit by a drunk bastard at the pump. Hit me twice. called cops, but he took off. Other than that, 4am is the way to go.
  22. The seller is not responsible for the survey. The BUYER is !! I gave up my hunting lease due to trespassers, and poachers. Now I hunt state land, and I have 1000 acres to myself. There is one other guy out there on opening day, and then he is not around the rest of the season. I'm not posting anything. not worried about trespassing. It's big woods. But the deer are out there.
  23. Middletown NY, Exit 120. I have enough gas to get to Middletown on opening day. Then I need to fill up to get to my camp. If there is no gas around Middletown, I can not travel opening day, and that would SUCK.
  24. Is there gas available in Middletown ? I mean readily available, without a 3 hour line ?
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