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the blur

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Your 1st shot was at 5 feet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I'd only ride a DOE bike. Never a Buck bike. But that's just me Not that there's anything wrong with riding a buck bike.
  3. Holy Sh!!!!!t. Thanks for posting that. Considering I hunt with a .243, I won't be shooting a bear !! I'll scare him off instead.
  4. They have that in NY State, and PA too. Do a simple google. I'm sure you can handle it.
  5. I hunt state land. Definately less trucks this year, but plenty of gun shots. They must be parking somewhere else .
  6. .They mirgrate over from VT to escape the VT hunting season. Then they go back.
  7. The holster has to be right. Like a drop leg holster is ideal for hunting. a side holster doesn't work, because of the long heavy winter jacket.
  8. Hunting usually takes advance planning. If I shoot something, I know where and when I'm butchering it. And I know where to buy ice. 2 or 3 bags last a long time inside the cavity.
  9. when you fall and die, the deer use you as a salt lick. Then the coyotes finish off your remains.
  10. pour it on your work boots.
  11. This year, I've seen NO fawns. Not even with Big Does. Usually I would see a mama, and a fawn together. Not this year.
  12. I walked into a ground blind last weekend. state land. I'm walking in pretty deep. about 20 yards from the ground blind I noticed it. SCARED the sh!t out of me. I backed out and ran.
  13. I've spent 3 days in 3J, to get nothing. Not seeing much sign, or any deer this year. They say it's due to lack of acorns.
  14. By Cox road ? I hunt 3M and 3J, and have seen no fawns this year. Only big deer. Either the AR is working, or it's the coyotes are eating the fawns.
  15. better have 5 guys ready to drag it out.
  16. I seen mixed reviews. some bad, some good. some people eat fatty bacon, I don't. some hunt for the rug, and trash the meat. which I think is a waste.
  17. I used an electronic call. I saw a doe get up, and RUN like hell. It's spooked her so bad... I never used the calls again.
  18. if she jumped, she was hit. no question about it. if you missed, they would not have been phased by the gun fire. there is so much gun fire, they don't know where it's coming from, and it doesn't bother them. they get spooked by orange army presence, scent, noise, etc.
  19. good question. He stopped, stumbled out of his car, said he would get back in his car to get his license and insurance card, he stumbled, then fell into his car. Throw it in reverse, then drive, and hit another car leaving the scene. 3 witnesses called 911. But, as I said, when the cops finally found him, he was sober. so he gets a slap on the wrist for leaving the scene. It's a minor violation. like a parking ticket. And no proof he was wasted.
  20. I hunt on 5000 acres of state land in Zone 3. There are over 100 hunters registered to hunt there. No one is assigned a spot. You go where you want to go.
  21. correct, but good luck finding the corn pile on 200 acres. or 5000 acres of state land where others hunt. And who put the corn pile there ? you, your brother, your father, your sister? they can only ticket the OWNER of the property. But never prove it. Which any lawyer can beat that ticket.
  22. Non-sense. You MUST be caught in the act. I got hit by a drunk driver. he fled the scene. When the cops found him 2 days later, he wasn't drunk. Never arrested for drunk driving. only leaving the scene of an accicent, which is a slap on the wrist.
  23. ok, your deer ran 200 yards from the corn pile. does it matter where the gut pile is ????? and gut piles don't last very long.
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