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the blur

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. the blur


    There is one butcher on Long Island, who will butcher the entire deer into CUTLETs for an extra fee. I can see him slicing the backstraps. I can see him slicing the steaks into small pieces, but what is he doing with the roasts and the chops??? Certainly the entire deer can't be made into cutlets as he claims , right ???????????
  2. I hunt 3J. opening day was like a war zone. But I saw NO deer. no rubs, no scrapes. I have no idea what these people were shooting at. So your theory may hold true. I even talked to some locals (seriously), and they said deer #'s are way down. their gardens and flowers are not eaten up any more, like they were years ago.
  3. can I buy elk or venison over the internet and legally ship it into NY? or some other exotic animal meat?
  4. protected meaning you need to follow the rules before killing them, otherwise you go to jail. they have a specific season, with a number of allowed taken... when they should be shoot on sight like pigs.
  5. Read the DEC site on canadian geese. they are protected, but NY has 5x the population the DEC wants to have. The DEC needs to wake up, and de-protect the goose. They need to bring the #'s back under control.
  6. some of the videos of a complete string jump are amazing. you see the arrow fly right over their back as they prepare for the jump. I was impressed by the deer, and said, WOW, he deserves to live !!!
  7. You're all 1 step away from being a cold blooded murderer. I was out there aiming at a little fawn, and I know I missed because my hands started shaking. It's mama must of been killed eariler in the season. kinda glad I missed.
  8. the coyotes ate them all. I have not seen 1 track with 2" of snow on the ground.
  9. It said the blood trail was 1.5 miles, not from 1.5 miles away. This is why I hunt from the top of a valley, looking down onto a "forest floor". Dragging the deer uphill is a nightmare, but I feel so much better shooting downwards.
  10. How many days in the woods I have seen NO DEER. I know their out there, but they are just smarter than my hunting skills. They sniff me out, they hear me stepping on leaves, whatever. Then on 2 occassions, they followed me in, on my trail, less than 10 minutes behind me. Then they see me climbing in, and bolt. Last day of rifle, I get to my stump, where I sit every weekend, and there is a big mound of turd there. They left it for me purposly.
  11. And the little fawns you see remaining will never suvive the winter. they will be coyote bait. They need their mama's.
  12. We were up in Maine, Moose and Bear have no problem crossing large bodies of water.
  13. Did you ever think BO catches the eye of someone whacko, and now he's going to shoot you ????
  14. I wouldn't know what to do with a 500lb bear. that's alot a sausage. I'd give it to the 20 guys that helped drag it out.
  15. I hunt state land in zone 3, and many guys I talk to say they are trophy hunting because of the AR, and they love it. They are seeing bigger racks every year.
  16. I saw a beautiful 10 pointer being dragged out of zone 3 AR.
  17. and the farmers are just magically going to find a hunting board to clear their predator problem ?
  18. Anyone open meat 2-3 hours after is vacuumed packed? (not after it's frozen and defrosted) But immediately after it's packaged. I opened 2 packages to BBQ, and the SULFUR odor was so bad, I threw the meat away. Not sure if the meat was bad, or it was from the vacuum packing process. it was terrilble. Stunk out the entire room.
  19. yep, it's back to the range. I've been out 5 or 6 days hunting, so maybe the scope got banged around 1 too many times. I'm going to clean it real good, and start from scratch.
  20. The snow makes it so much easier. Next year I'm going to wait for the snow.
  21. last year I ate venison that was 57 degrees when it came back from the butcher, I measured it with a temp gun. But it was 57 degrees for only a few hours before I got it into the freezer. It was perfectly fine. No odor, no stench, looked fine, and taste great. A few days at 57 degrees, you need to smell it, and touch it.
  22. I use them too, but they don't cycle the semi auto action. So I tried the fusion lite, and they don't cycle the action either. Remmy 7400.
  23. I get to my land, and there is SNOW !!!!. Cool, I start walking in, found my usual log, that I sit on every weekend, after weekend after weekend. I sit down, and 2' to my left is a giant mound of deer pellets. Couldn't have been more than a few hours old. Like he knew I was coming, and left me a present. So now I'm thinking, do I sit there, or do I move. I decided I would move left about 100 yards overlooking the foot prints where he came in, and a new area, which looked well traveled. But I never noticed it before. Now I'm overlooking a new area of forest that is pretty thick with trees. The trees very tight together, and I'm lookng down into this valley, about 100 yards away. maybe 150 yards. I notice a doe feeding way down below, weaving in/out of trees. The forest was thick, there was no clear shooting lane. She kept coming in/out of view, and it was hard to keep an eye on her. She'd disappear for a minute, then come back in view. My last day, and I have a doe tag. Now she comes out, 1/2 way behind a tree, and I decide to shoot. The deer continues to feed like nothing happened!! She didn't flinch, move, run, nothing. In fact she is still feeding going in/out of view. I'm astonished 1) I completely missed 2) she is still feeding like nothing happened. I'm like WTF ! and I'm watching her. I rack my bolt to take a 2nd shot, and then she runs off. I walked down, no blood, no hair, no sign of a hit................... I'm done till next season.
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