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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Were you the one with the red lights in the eye sockets of your trophy ?
  2. You talk about immature you tube video's, but then you resort to immature personal attacks. Goes to show who your really dealing with................
  3. the blur

    Elk in 3H

    I googled elk hunting in NY. All I came up with is the canned hunts. Many of them. Maybe a few of them hopped the fence and escaped..... about shooting them in the wild.... I'm not so sure. Not worth the risk. I'd ask the DEC before risking your hunting license for 10 years.
  4. the blur

    Elk in 3H

    http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/6964.html easy to find Moose info
  5. the blur

    Elk in 3H

    I just did a goggle for elk in NY. Seems they want to reintroduce them. Hogs are not native to NY. Elk appearantly were many years ago.
  6. the blur

    Elk in 3H

    You can't shoot them unless they are in season, and considering there is no season, and no specific tag, I doubt it's legal to shoot them.
  7. Noone is faulting the guys for following up and finding the deer. : Like I said, you dont get it, and probably never will. Did you ever find your lost deer ? :
  8. look up the defination of respect in the dictionary. Your meaning is not correct. Making a clean kill is human hunting, like these rednecks did. Clean kills & Loving the sport of hunting and using the word respect is 2 different things entirely. search the forum and see who is calling deer search for lost injured deer.
  9. wnybuckhunter: you just don't get it. there is NO RESPECT in this sport what so ever, PERIOD ENDED. Get off your high tree stand and stop pretending to respect the animal you are killing. Your shooting it, putting it in pain, letting it bleed out, or die from a blown out lung, pierced heart, or whatever else. That is NOT RESPECT to an animal. Stop pretending to worship the deer. Your killing it, cutting it's guts out, leaving the gut pile in the woods. then your cutting it into little pieces and munching on it. Did you give it a proper burial with a tomb stone, and say mass ?? the only one who should respect you is your family for providing food, nothing more. The way you kill a deer is no different than these red necks on the video. You just don't video tape it, they did. who cares. hunting will always have a bad name, give 10,000 lbs of meat to the food donation program, hunting still has a bad name. google the anti bear hunters in NJ who are crying over the dead bears this season. All they talk about is the trophy killers who kill for blood.
  10. http://www.cutsnomatterwhat.com/ watch these video's. Is this really that much difference ? fist banging. blood pouring out the side, and highlighted. blood shown on leaves. oh, they drag the hog by it's legs too. you think these show respect ??? ??
  11. This debate can also venture into the baited deer hunts, or bear over bait, which is commonly offered in Maine or Canada. Do you consider hunting over bait a "canned" hunt ? They sell deer feed in every hunting store out of state. or is a 10000 acre roaming deer hunt more ethical than a baited hunt. I hunt 5000 acres of state land. I maybe see 200 acres of it. It's personal perference, and there is no right or wrong answer. If I wanted venison during the off season, I can "hunt" an exotic doe for $400 upstate.
  12. On a quick side note, the local hunters ed instructor teaching a class; "to check if a deer is dead, poke it in the eye with the barrel of your rifle, as that is the most sensitive spot" IMO: The only respect in this sport is a quick clean kill, not one where you take a bad shot, and go tracking for hours.
  13. the blur


    What's doing with 4O ? I used to hunt 4O, but then a few years ago I couldn't get doe permits anymore. So I dropped the lease, and I moved futher west to state land, in zone 3. The land owner wanted me back, & told me to get 4S permits. I politly told him no thank you; as I hunt meat, not trophy's. It was bordering the PA boarder anyway. The doe population must have taken a hit for the DEC to stop issuing DMP's. Did they start issuing 4O DMP's again ?
  14. Watch it without the sound. 99% of what bothers you is the dialog from the cameraman.
  15. Do the deer travel the steep terrain regularly? Some of Letchworth is very steep, and I would have imagined Deer wouldn't like traveling or bedding in such an area? I was only there once in 1980, and from what I remember it's like mountain goat territory.
  16. the blur

    NJ Bear

    How is bear meat ? I have heard conflicting reports....
  17. MY Buddy calls Letchworth the " grand cayon of the east"
  18. He walked over to it, examined it due to inexperience, then dispatched it. It's not 1/2 as bad as you guys are making it out to be. This one did not suffer a gut shot, a liver shot, etc, etc. OK, he got over excited for his 1st, bfd.
  19. So you don't roll the deer over (by it's legs) to spill it's guts out, and then drag it out of the woods ?? and do you pay your final respects before or after firing the final finishing shot ?
  20. and that bothers you?? and shooting the deer in the 1st place doesn't ???? please, GMAB. Many bow hunters let the deer bleed out for 3 hours before spooking it.
  21. I watched it again. Besides the bang flop, that is the most humane deer killing I have ever seen. Many deer die a slower more painful death than that. All arrow shot deer die slower than that. (forget about how they were acting, and the excitment of him getting his 1st deer, it's really not that bad. The camera man was immature, so what.) {flame suit on}
  22. I'm going to hunt the bottom, and hire a helicopter to retreive my catch Seriously, where I hunt now on state land, I won't go near a hill or anywhere that a deer could do a death run down hill.
  23. Look at the bright side. It didn't go off wounded to die a slow painful death. He finished it off. he damaged his hearing. I would have used hearing protection for the 2nd shot. At least the deer is dead, it doesn't know the killer was unprofessional about it. Is there really a difference between his method, and all the other guys who have pictures of a trophy ???
  24. 3J had a few does that I saw. I didn't see bucks, but I saw scrapes.
  25. any numbers of what % of the deer population is harvested during the season ?
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