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Water Rat

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. Make sure you take some measurements before the guide skins it .
  2. Kludes......Do you have black rats where you trap ?
  3. I hated him for lagging my paychecks and giving me a few 0% raises. I wouldn't wish him dead though.
  4. No way in the world would it hold 32 guns .
  5. Nice friggin mink ! That's a beauty ! 110 ?
  6. Very impressive collection.............thanks for sharing.
  7. I just threw away $323.00 ( on sale ) for a Coach pocketbook . Ba Humbug !
  8. Looks like your getting ready to rap em across the snout with the stick ?
  9. Saw on the news that a 44 year old white rhino died in a zoo in California. They claim now there are only 5 left on the planet. How depressing is that ?
  10. Anyone see this ? htpp://www.catskillmountainnews.com/content/moose-killed-sullivan-co-likely-one-who-visited-fleischmanns
  11. Reverend Al Sharpton was in Sears. He was there to protest the fact that most of the washing machines were white. So the clerk called the manager, who asked " What's the problem here Reverend ?" Sharpton pointed at the machines and loudly bemoaned the fact that most of them were white. The manager replied " Well, Reverend, it's true that most of the washing machines are white.....but if you'll open the lids, you'll see that all the agitators are black."
  12. Got the same one from Best Buy......works great.
  13. When you do get that buck on the wall , you'll appreciate it more than the hunter that gets lucky .
  14. I'd probably shoot it and tan the hide . I think their actually called skewbald deer......just saying.
  15. Try and google this : ........."Legal opinion on landowner liability". It should show you the NYS General Obligation Law , Article 9 , title 1. I'm not sure how to forward you a link.....sorry.
  16. Kludes......... have the landowner look up the New York State Obligation Law. Maybe he change his mind after reading it.
  17. His arm is bent at the elbow....not the classic stretched out arm pose. I doubt that his intentions were to make that carcass look bigger.
  18. Funny how people comment on the guy squatting a few feet behind the coyote. Did you expect him to be photographed inside the trap circle ?
  19. Looks like a big prime coyote....any idea what kind of foothold he used ?
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