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Water Rat

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. You might want to check and see if woodcock is still open , if your hunting in NY. I don't believe it is .
  2. Hardy Har Har First-light.......you funny !
  3. Wooly , Continued success in your shed hunting this year. Just curious......do you ever make anything from the sheds you find ?
  4. Twerking......................gotta love it .
  5. I'm glad my wife isn't a hunter . I can't imagine waiting on her to get out in the morning . Whenever we go somewhere , it always seems like I'm waiting for her to shower , do her hair and make up and iron her clothes. I haven't got the time for that .
  6. I've been watching the Duck Dynasty Christmas episode....." O Little Town Of West Monroe ". Phil takes Miss Kay and Jessica on a pig hunt..................lmao !
  7. Duck Dynasty is laughing all the way to the bank . Personally , I like the show but I don't take them serious. I can't boycott A & E because there are other shows I enjoy on that network.........time for Rodeo Girls !
  8. The last dog I owned was a Norwegian Elkhound.......the dog loved the cold weather. Owned a few mutts and strays growing up , but I hope to own a pure breed German Sheppard someday as they have always been my favorite . Unfortunately , some have been known to have hip problems as they get old....kind of like me . I vaguely remember a cross breed called a McKenzie Timber Wolf.....it was an awesome looking dog .
  9. My whine for today is last Sunday's Dallas Cowboy game.......still can't believe they blew it .
  10. I stopped over at a friends house ,whom I haven't seen in years . As I approached the front door I saw this big , black German Sheppard barking , growling , showing it's teeth in the front picture window . This dog was going nuts knowing I was outside . When my friend came to the door and invited me inside , I asked him if his dog bites . He told me just don't act scared..............I told him , I ain't acting !!!
  11. Billy Squier's- - Xmas is the time to say I love you. Father Xmas - The Kinks John Lennon - Happy Xmas Trans Siberian Orchestra - Xmas Canon rock Bing Crosby / David Bowie - Little Drummer Boy Chanukah Song - Adam Sandler
  12. Chuck was the original .......somewhere in the late 50's.
  13. Thanks for the link fasteddie.....I've been a Stones fan forever.
  14. " Run Run Rudolph " by Keith Richards .
  15. Their heavier in the fall too . Less chances for rubbed spots .
  16. Why would anyone report sightings in areas with documented wild populations ? If their supposed to be there , what's the big deal ?
  17. Would feeding a dog venison possibly make the dog chase deer ? I seem to recall that old wives tale when I was a kid . All the dogs I ever had never ate venison and never ran loose .
  18. They'll den up in the extreme cold......also one of the ways mange is transmitted .
  19. The article states......" But some wildlife experts say there's a chance a small group of mountain lions lives in the state ". Well ,well ,well,........how about that .
  20. Just curious as to what the general consensus would be .
  21. I wouldn't eat it......it looks like an abortion that lived. However , it would be an interesting taxidermy mount .
  22. A good season for me means not getting shot or falling out of my tree stands. My buck was icing on the cake .
  23. I can't remember when one of my deer didn't have ticks or keds .
  24. I lost track counting the points..........what a buck.
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