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Everything posted by Jdubs

  1. All due respect to you and the grief you are dealing with. It's got to be difficult in a way I could not begin to imagine. All I know is that no future hunting decisions can bring those people back. I personally don't think anyone can draw a clean line between a decision to pass a deer and that specific deer causing a future tragedy. Possible, but incredibly unlikely. I may not agree with another hunter's decision, but I certainly do not want to tell others how to hunt. My only hope would be that hunters attempt to harvest their deer in an ethical and legal way, not merely predicated upon a fear of possible future tragedy that may or may not occur.
  2. Glad your buddy is ok. He must have a guardian angel looking out for him. Ironically, I posted a thread about lifelines last night.
  3. Three seasons for me. I picked up some good intel by predator hunting after deer season and following fresh tracks during nighttime snowfalls. This year I hung cams in late July and that's worked out pretty well.
  4. Jdubs


    I love this time of year. There are some really good seasonal dark stouts that hit the shelves.
  5. I like that. My buddy also passed up 3 does and a small 4 this morning.
  6. Jdubs


    Do you make your own or buy the pre-made lifelines? The 7mm line seems like it would be fine for a main line, but I opted for the static line just in case. Any thoughts?
  7. Jdubs


    You can literally feel your chest hairs growing with each sip. Good stuff.
  8. Who else uses them? I don't mind using a lineman's belt, but this season I made some lifelines for the trees I'll use the most. This is much easier and probably safer. The main line is a 30' length of 11.5mm black static line and the prusik knot was fashioned with a 3' piece of 7mm cord. A locking carabiner stays with my harness and attaches to the prusik. I take my LW stand and sticks in/out most hunts so this lifeline setup will really help to streamline my hunt gear and keep me from slamming my face into the dirt!
  9. Jdubs

    And Tagged out

    Patience paid off. Wow, he's a stud. Congrats!
  10. No hunting yet, but I was out to prep a couple of trees for my hang on. The first spot got a lifeline, EZ hang hook and some footpegs. Just needs some final trimming. The second tree was going to get a lifeline and EZ hook, but dummy me left the 2nd hook at home.
  11. Ouch! At least she's still smiling.
  12. Jdubs


    Tastes the same at 8 am as it does at 8 pm. Just sayin.
  13. Did he break off a tine on the right side? Hope you are fortunate enough to harvest that monarch.
  14. Jdubs


    I haven't had this brew yet, but will pop this bottle over the weekend and report back. If I wasn't sharing with family, it would be gone already! Also picked a Brooklyn limited run stout that I'll post up later in the week.
  15. Jdubs


    Just picked this up.
  16. Another thing I liked about the Piranta was the option to toss it in the dishwasher for easy cleaning.
  17. This just reminded me that my parents gave me a nice buck knife many moons ago when I was a Boy Scout. I'll have to dig that one out.
  18. Seriously? You're stating that all xbow-only hunters routinely act like this? I will respectfully disagree. We aren't all criminals like this jerk.
  19. Just curious what others are using. This Piranta is scapel-like sharp.
  20. Yep, that's the guy mentioned in the first. article I found. https://www.bowhunting.com/blog/2016/07/15/make-horizontal-rub-post-deer/
  21. Came across these while doing some scouting and wasn't sure what they were. After searching around the web a bit, they appear to be horizontal rubbing posts. You can see how bucks have been working the top inside bar as well as the ends sticking out. Pretty clever. Anyone here use posts like this?
  22. 2 more weeks til xbow opens here... Way too nice out for the couch so I'm going to hit up my club's 3D course and go 'Live from the range' later. Having a full Saturday to myself is like a gift from God!
  23. There are some youtube vids of stick mods using tubing strips to help get extra height with minimal weigh gain. Search DIY Sportsman for his LW mods. Or use a couple of screw in steps, if that's an option where you hunt. I'll start another thread sometime to show all the mods I made to mine. But yeah, I love it.
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