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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. 223 is smaller than 12ga shells, so they have more room in their pockets for their Tide pod snacks.
  2. Just found out my trip is cancelled, so Ill be home to take Haley out this weekend!!!!! Wooohooo!!!!
  3. Here he is snoozing by the fire a month ago or so.
  4. LOL, nah hes 53 lbs, or was at the vet a month ago.
  5. My dog ate a block of rat poison a week or two ago, he pooped green a couple of times but that was it.
  6. Ive done a bit of scouting, but not much. Between the weather and traveling, I havent had much time. Im hoping that my work trip for this weekend get cancelled and I can get Haley out there this weekend. Blind will have to get setup Saturday morning from the looks of it. Her gun is ready, thats about all the prep Ive been able to do.
  7. Could be a Mountain Lion, maybe even a Black Panther
  8. A small number that would buy ARs? Youre joking right? Over 2 million AR15 style rifles were produced and sold between 2000 and 2010. Thats not counting any of the other various "assault rifles". They are extremely popular. Out of all of the "gun guys" I know, Id say more of them have some sort of "assault weapon" than dont, well until the safe act, then most of them were lost in tragic boating accidents.
  9. Thats your assumption, of which I could care less honestly.
  10. Marching in Albany wont do anything about what a company chooses to do, at least not in a case like this.
  11. Im going to do what I see fit. Difference is, Im not going to post it on the internet.
  12. When is the last time that happened? I posted a link to a page showing a number of coyote attacks, some being specifically attacks on children.
  13. Im not forgetting anything. The deer living 40 yards from your back porch is not going to go after your kid or pets.
  14. Some animals that would be considered pests are. Grey squirrels, coons, etc.
  15. Same reason they would create policies that alienate a chunk of their customer base. A PR stunt to try and suck up to the liberals in this country. Hopefully its one of the pieces that add to their demise.
  16. So then you wouldnt kill a woodchuck, rat, chipmunk, red squirrel, mouse, or any other pest.
  17. So they have the ATF come in and verify that they are there before they destroy them. No big deal to them, and its perfectly legal.
  18. I guess we will just have to disagree on this one. 40 yards isnt very far. What would you do about a den of skunks under your porch? Or maybe coons? Youd do what you had to to make them leave, and make sure they cant get back in. Im not sure where I specifically said that I would kill them.
  19. Why? until they sell them, they own them. Theres nothing illegal about destroying a firearm.
  20. http://www.alloutdoor.com/2018/04/16/dicks-sporting-goods-ar15/
  21. Apparently there was enough of a threat in his eyes. Personally I wouldnt want the den there either, and Id do what I needed to, to make them leave and fill it back in. I wouldnt really give a rats patoot what anyone thought about it either. Its no different than a woodchuck digging holes in your yard, or squirrels damaging your house.
  22. Ill be replacing my cable with a synthetic rope this year, as my cable snapped plowing. Im going to stick with my roller fairlead. for plowing Im just going to use leftover ratchet straps from when I swap them out in my stands. I wont care if they break and they are easy to swap out.
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