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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thats right! I forgot all about that guy.
  2. https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/58519.html
  3. Stopped by the farm this morning. Same 4 toms out in the same field as yesterday. I know where we will be setting the blind up. Tomorrow morning looks to be pretty chilly. Gonna have to get a buddy heater or something.
  4. Yeah Larry, open burn laws are in effect. Are you supporting the blantant disregard for those? Geeze, the DEC might ticket you for making such a post on the interwebs.
  5. I asked A question, that’s all. You didn’t say where you caught it, so how would any research on my part clear anything up? I know where they are legal all year round. Once again though, you are assuming that I have Or would kill something out of season. Something that makes you look like a fool there skippy. Seriously, you sound like an asshat.
  6. So Chris, where did you catch this trout? Season didn’t open yet and it’s illegal to take pics of fish you catch out of season in NY. After all of your assumptions, rants and accusations, I sure hope You weren’t picture poaching this fish.
  7. My yard is pretty small, but theres plenty of woods, feel free to puke there
  8. Nowhere in this thread did I ever encourage anyone to poach. More of your ASSumptions.
  9. Sure you can be charged, if they saw you do it. Proof is the key. Theres nothing to say the guy hasnt been trolling you guys the whole time. If theres no evidence that he did anything other than throw a smoke bomb down a hole and made a few comments on the interwebs, they cant convict him of anything. God forbid you stop making ASSumptions
  10. He said tossed the smoke bomb down there, theres nothing that said he killed anything. I suggest you study up on how the law works, because without any proof of anything, the DEC can do nothing more than look into it. They cant charge anyone with anything for making a comment on the internet and posting a picture of a hole in the ground. BTW, you do know what happens when you make ASSumptions about people, right?
  11. Sure thing, if you have a camper you can park it next to the barn and run power right to it.
  12. I think it had to do with them knowing that they didnt have enough will power not to post.
  13. There have been some that actually asked me to and I didnt.
  14. Yep, Ive used it a few times. I dont like banning people, but sometimes they leave me no choice.
  15. Ive been out scouting our spot for the last 2 mornings. Yesterday I saw 2 toms in the same field my daughter killed her bird in last year. The problem with that field this year, is that the corn was cut a couple months ago (farmer died and his kid cut it very late) and the stalks are really high, so its going to make for tougher visibility and shot opportunities. This morning there were 4 toms and 9 hens in the field next to that one. Im a little up in the air about where to setup Saturday morning. Ill scout once more tomorrow morning and see where they are at before I decide. Looks like it might be a great weekend though.
  16. We did, they said to keep an eye on him and that he would probably poop green, which is what he did. They said he would have had to have eaten a much larger quantity to be affected by it.
  17. The neighbors of one of our farms has a yellow lab that has been attacked multiple times by the local yotes. Its cost them thousands in vet bills over the years. Its not just little dogs that you have to worry about.
  18. Yes, this site was born after Empirehunting.com went away. I cant remember exactly what happened with that one, but i think it had something to do with the site owner just not having time for it anymore, so he let the domain run out. Most of the core group here came from there. It is kinda crazy to think its been 8 years already though. This site is moderated pretty loosly, most of it is done by John, Eddie and myself. The mood around here goes through the same basic cycles every year for the most part, with a couple of flare ups here and there, but its not too bad overall. Anyone that thinks this site sucks or is out of control, probably hasnt spent much time in chat forums before. There are usually 3 basic ways they are moderated, one way is just letting it be a complete free for all, which doesnt usually work out very well, as they get out of hand in a hurry and most people leave and it dies a slow death. The second way is for all of the mods to have a heavy hand and throw the ban hammer around at the first sign of anything. Those sites die because they arent any fun. Then theres the way we do it, which is a good balance. Yeah sometimes things can get kinda crazy and go way over the line, but thats when topics get locked, etc. Ive met a bunch of guys from here over the years, even a few that I tend to disagree with in the forums. I can say though, that I think theres only 1 that I didnt particularly care for, and I wont mention any names, though he isnt here anymore. The rest are a great bunch of people, and alot of fun to get together with. I am going to try real hard to host a get together out at my place this summer, and whoever wants to show up is more than welcome.
  19. Im actually still waiting to see the post where chef killed anything, or actually broke any law. Maybe I missed it, but all I could find is a post where he threw a gopher bomb down a hole where he found a deer leg.
  20. weeeeeooooooo weeeeeoooooo Here comes the meat wagon!
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