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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You cant upload videos on here, you have to upload to youtube or something and then post a link
  2. Looks good, similar to my daughters Mossberg. I had ordered hers with the pistol grip, but it came with a standard stock. Im glad it did, her fingers never would have reached the safety. Its a great shooting and handling gun. Hers will be getting a holo sight.
  3. Gotcha. In that case, just use regular ratchet straps, thats how I set most of my stands. Harbor Freight and Tractor Supply are where I get mine, they have the best prices.
  4. What straps? Mine uses a chain on bracket to attach to the tree. I use a regular ratchet strap to hold the bottom of the stand to the tree.
  5. Lots of different onions out there, my favorites are Vidalias and Leeks, with reds after that. I dont use the green part of the leeks that much, mostly the bulbs and white part above them. They are a more mild flavor than white or yellow onions you pick up in the store. I just like picking them, as they are great in soups or stews and they are free. I have a recipe for a venison stew called hotdish that I make every spring with fresh wild leeks. Theres just something a little satisfying about cooking venison and leeks that came from the same property. I dont loose my mind over them, they are everywhere at both farms that I hunt.
  6. We have a ton of them. Haley and I dig a bunch up each spring. Its about that time for sure.
  7. Video of most of the hunt. I hit The button by accident after the first shot and wasn’t recording the kill. What can I say, I’m an amateur lol
  8. So here’s the low down on the hunt. We got into our blind before light and got the decoys set. We settled in and waited to hear some gobbling. Right at first light the toms started sounding off on the roost. The first ones we heard were a couple hundred yards to our left. A minute later, more from the right. After a bit we heard a third group a little further away almost directly ahead. I did Some light calling a few times and got responses. After a while you could tell they had gotten off the roost. We could hear the birds getting closer from both sides. I saw Some hens starting to come out from the brush about 150 yards to our right. At this point Haley was sleeping so I woke Her up and told her to start getting ready. As she started getting situated, a big tom walked out and started strutting. Not far behind, a second tom stepped out and began strutting and gobbling. The first tom followed the 5 or 6 hens around in the field about 100 yards out as the second locked onto our decoys and walked slowly down the field edge toward them. The first tom then locked on the decoys and they both began coming in faster. I told Haley to get her gun up and ready, they were coming fast. The first tom got to the decoys and started attacking the Jake decoy. I kept Telling Haley to shoot but she couldn’t get on him. Just then the second tom ran over and pushed the first tom off of the decoy and began attacking it. The two toms then squared off and Haley pulled the trigger on the first, and biggest tom. She shot right over him and hit his fan. It got crazy in the blind as we had to move to get her on the second tom, which hadn’t run. She got on him and pulled the trigger. I could See he was hit hard as he ran off then flew up, circled out into the field and crashed. He ran around in circles for a couple of minutes and we waited for him to go down. Once he laid down, we walked over and she finished him with a follow up shot. Hugs, kisses, fist bumps and pictures ensued. When we got home we setup the video camera to see what footage I had I got The whole thing up to right after the miss. I never Got the kill shot, but the footage is super cool. I’ll post it once it’s up on YouTube.
  9. 10” beard and 1 1/4” spurs for haleys bird
  10. 2 toms coming to the decoys and another bunch coming in from the other side. Haley is a mess
  11. 3 groups gobbling. One from our right and 2 different spots from the left. Not sure if they are on the ground yet. Hens started going too.
  12. Settled into our blind. Listening to the sandhill cranes whooping it up. Perfect morning. Brought the video cam so I can Try to record the action. First gobbles of the morning just started. It’s go time!
  13. We’re waiting for the birds to go roost so we can set our blind. 3 big toms and 15 hens in the field.
  14. I got the Beemer cheap, have put a few hundred into it to fix minor things, but it runs like a top and gets great gas mileage. Its fun to drive too, which is a bonus, just wish it was faster. That would probably defeat the reason I bought it though lol. My Ram's overall cost of ownership hasnt been bad at all with the exception of it being thirsty (which is why I bought the car). Shes never let me down in going on 7 years. Ive been eyeballing the E90 335i as a possible summer fun car, but theres an E46 M3 vert that has popped up too. Its an original Dinan car, around 350hp. Sure is nice.
  15. Theres a few I go to once in a while. ArcheryTalk a couple of BMW forums when Im looking for a fix for my car a couple of Ram forums Bark at the moon Thats about it anymore though. I dont spend nearly as much time at the others than here.
  16. Corey is actually on Kishels Scents "pro staff", so even after his shed fiasco, hes still trying to make his mark. http://www.kishelscents.com/pro-staff/#corey-wiktor
  17. Oh thats right, it was Corey Wiktor. http://www.outdoornews.com/2010/02/04/shed-find-shot-down-replica-rack-bought/
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