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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Of course not, Youd have to be on a tree limb, no more than 10 feet off the ground. Required attire would be a loin cloth or kilt.
  2. I want bowie knife season, where you jump on the deers back and stab it with a bowie knife. That would separate the men from the boys!
  3. Noone is capable of speaking for all NY hunters, we are too varied of a group. He is perfectly capable of speaking for a certain segment though. As far as I can tell, he doesnt hunt behind a fence. In fact he hunts some of the most challenging terrain in the state. Almost everyone on this thread has made good points on the subject.
  4. Gotcha. Theres always a weak link somewhere. What trans are you running?
  5. 40 and 45 ton axles? They look like Dana 80s with gussets welded on them. That would maybe make them 2 1/2 ton. Im actually surprised it doesnt have Rockwell top loaders on it.
  6. Depends what you buy. Lots of trucks and SUVs have electronic lockers these days.
  7. Its illegal to hunt with one. As long as you are scouting in the off season, you are fine. Cheap drones are junk, plain and simple. You get what you pay for with them. Most of the money you are spending is for the camera.
  8. Ive been told multiple times by our shop techs and trainers that it is not good for the transfer case. We dont chance it with my girfriends Subby
  9. Front end doesnt matter except the radiator. The engine is in the middle. It was pulled out, as the frame got hung up on a rut.
  10. I go to Tall Pines every now and again. Its a good time. Careful of some of the pits though, they get deep fast...
  11. One thing to remember about an AWD vehicle is that you absolutely have to replace all 4 tires at the same time. If you are a bit worn down on your tires, and you blow one, you have to replace all 4, even if the other 3 are in good shape. If you dont do all 4, you will tear the transfer case apart after a while. Take a look at some of the Jeeps, they have an option for AWD for bad road conditions that can be switched to 4wd when going off road. Its called Quadra-Drive or Quadra-Trac, something like that. Personally, Id just fix up the old Cherokee and keep it going. The 4.0 inline 6 is probably one of the most reliable engines ever built by any company. The transfer case and transmission are bullet proof in those trucks, and the 8.25 or Dana axles that came in them...forgetaboutit. Awesome trucks, Id actually love to pick one up for a daily driver.
  12. You guys do realize that the animal rights nutjobs in that organization are now asking to have hunting banned altogether in the park. Not just bear hunting. As hunters, you guys should be opposing what they are trying to do, not seemingly agreeing with it.
  13. I dont really know why others seem to have such an issue, but I love Mil-Dot reticles. I use them on all of my hunting rifles and muzzleloaders. They are far easier for me to be accurate with than a BDC reticle, as its easy for me to remember what my holdover is at longer range. For example, my muzzleloader is zeroed at 100 yards. The first dot below the crosshairs gets me right where I want to be at 200. Its different for each gun, I just practice with them enough to know where each one shoots based upon being zeroed at 100 yards. I do not shoot at ranges that exceed what I have practiced.
  14. LMAO, we were talking about the SZ the whole time Doc. You always try to twist things around in conversations, been doing it since the day you started on this site. We have been talking early bow season all along, heres one of your early comments in the thread! "Yes, these are the kinds of mindless wrestling matches you get involved with when you try to cram something into a season that was never intended to be there. It is a bow season, and everybody is trying to turn themselves inside out trying to achieve operational parity between the two entirely different weapons. It will never make sense. You cannot regulate parity between two completely different weapons that don't even look or fire the same and that operate on two completely different theories of operation. It's a case where you need to simply accept the fact that they are not the same, will never be the same, and open the floodgates to simply allow technology to shoehorn in whatever the manufacturers want to market. That is the natural path that compounds forced on bow seasons, and the incorporation of the crossbow into bow season is an even greater stretch. I am not as surprised as most seem to be that there are goofy and arbitrary regulations as the regulators try to justify the inclusion. What did you all expect?" The late season is bow and muzzleloader, has been for as long as Im aware, so its not part of the conversation.
  15. I think its more of there are people out there willing to learn new things, and others that arent. People that are willing to learn and enjoy it, usually look at hunting as a challenge, and participate in the activity differently than those that dont. wolc is one that sees things how he sees them, and doesnt seem to even attempt to learn anything new, regardless of what you tell him or facts presented. Everyone has their own way of hunting, and thats fine, it would be pretty boring if we all did things the same.
  16. 19 degrees down here in North Carolina
  17. Still probably being hand fed. I can take you to many suburban spots around here where hunting is legal, and the deer are just as spooky as the ones out in the country.
  18. Yep. I need to renew my membership as well.
  19. Sure, Id like to see that. Sounds to me like the deer in that park are being hand fed (illegally) by the local residents, etc. Thats a bit of a different thing than the vast majority of suburban deer.
  20. Are you a member of NYCC?
  21. Have you ever hunted in the burbs? I used to, and I can tell you, the picture you paint is way off.
  22. Im not talking about the NZ. The debate about putting guns or muzzleloaders in the early bow season has to do with the SZ. Whatever you have to do to twist things to try and prove your point though...
  23. So now we are trying to age deer with upper teeth and chest girth size. LMAO, what a friggin joke.
  24. Yep, C clamps. If you can mount it somewhere, like a cart or table, then you just drill holes in the base and bolt it down.
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