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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I would honestly say that there are just as many if you look at percentages. This is based on what I have seen, delt with, etc over a span of 25 years.
  2. There are a ton of slob bow hunters in the woods already
  3. Depends on what your interpretation of "the feeling and point" of archery season is. For the most part, you have to hunt the same way with a crossbow and regular bow anyhow. I really dont see the big deal. There will be a few more people out there, but it wont be like gun season. Just look at states like Ohio to get an idea of what will happen.
  4. We actually have lots of them. Not all spots that we hunt are setup like that, due to lack of clump trees, but that is what I look for first.
  5. Doesnt matter if they are ready for the field, NY can just not allow certain features for hunting. Just like you cant use a machine gun during gun season.
  6. I like to find multiple trunked trees, or 3 or more trees growing withing 2 or 3 feet of each other, and get my stand inside the clump of them. That way you have plenty of cover and it doesnt really matter if you are facing the direction you expect them from or not. The biggest consideration with this is to use hang on stands, and I prefer those that have some foot platform and seat angle adjustment capability, because typically clump trees tend to have a lean to them.
  7. Except that the vast majority of pro crossbow guys are talking about archery equipment, not a gun. I dont see many people pushing for guns in archery season. You can insert anything into the same argument and make a point.
  8. Tensioners are a known issue on Cummins engines. A high quality aftermarket usually cures it. Also go with the best belt you can get. Gatorbacks are very good. I need to do the tensioner and belt on my Hemi soon, but mine has over 130k on it.
  9. Im sure youll see this because you cant help yourself. When you signed up for the forum, you agreed to certain rules. One of which is that you will not use inappropriate language. I suspended you because you violated that rule too many times, just like anyone else I have to keep warning. Another rule is that you cant have multiple accounts, so seeing as you broke that one immediately after earning a suspension, Im banning you for good. Adios!
  10. I dont think theres many hunting related subjects that havent been covered at one time or another on this site. The different threads on each subject usually take similar twists and turns. Its the nature of a chat forum.
  11. Thats awesome. I keep getting asked why I havent killed a deer yet by the kids when I get home.
  12. I have no issue with him having an opinion that differs from mine. Break the rules, face the consequences. Maybe he will chill out and come back as more of a contributing member rather than just an instigator.
  13. I have nothing to prove to you, there are plenty of people on here that know that I bowhunt, and have taken plenty of deer with them. Theres even pretty pictures if you care to search harvest threads, my outdoor journal, etc. Enjoy your vacation from the site. Ive warned you about the language before.
  14. Attacks you? Please. The proof is in the pudding there boss. You got butthurt over an innocent comment, tried to twist it into something it wasnt and then flailed around like a child when you got called out on it.
  15. You dont know me from a bag of beans pal. Ive killed plenty of deer with my bows over the years. I put in my practice and have no issues shooting my bow. I dont even own a crossbow. Im just not a jealous whack job that cant handle sharing the woods with others and apparently lacks the woodsmanship skills to create more opportunities at deer than the other guys hunting the same tract of state land. Laziness and jealousy is the impression I come away with after reading your posts.
  16. Noone is forcing you to read it, just like noone will force you to use a crossbow when full inclusion happens. Its your choice. Exactly the way it should be.
  17. Im naive? Youre the one spouting all kinds of things that you have no proof of. It sounds like most of it youve "here"d from other people you were talking to. You buy inot it just because it fits the mold of your preconceived notions instead of what the facts really are.
  18. Back peddle! Faster to take a shot once cocked? Last I knew, its the same amount of time to pull the trigger on a crossbow or compound once its been drawn. More doom and gloom!
  19. Nope, Im just not the kind of guy that ASSumes things. I highly doubt the Ohio DNR is in cahoots with TenPoint to try and open up Crossbow seasons in other states. Yet another farce thats straight out of the NYB anti-crossbow cookbook.
  20. Here are some facts for you. As of a couple of years ago, PA was at a 48% harvest rate for Crossbows in archery season. Pretty far off of the 80% number being thrown around. http://www.outdoornews.com/2013/10/10/some-fret-about-high-crossbow-harvest/
  21. PA has had crossbows in play for a short amount of time, and they dont give you the real numbers to compare. Ohio does, and that state is very comparable to NY in terms of habitat, etc. PA is no more relevant than many other states.
  22. Here, it took me 10 seconds to find it... Lawful Arms & Ammunition Deer and Bear, Regular Seasons • Manually operated (pump, lever, bolt actions, single-shot) centerfire rifles, shotguns (shotguns do not have to be plugged when hunting deer, bears or elk) and handguns (revolvers or single-shots) with all-lead bullet or ball, or bullet designed to expand on impact; • Muzzleloading long guns of any type, 44 caliber or larger, or a muzzleloading handgun 50 caliber or larger, and; • Long, recurve, compound bows (minimum draw weight of 35 pounds) or crossbows (minimum 125-pound draw weight), with a broadhead that has an outside diameter or width of at least 7/8 of an inch with at least two cutting edges located on the same plane throughout the length of the cutting surface, and may not exceed 3.25 inches in length. The use of buckshot is not legal, except in the Southeast Special Regulations Area. http://www.pgc.pa.gov/HuntTrap/Law/Documents/2016-17 Hunting Trapping Digest/BigGameRegulations.pdf
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