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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Heres the thing I see. Guys like you that rattle off with this bow hunters dont give an inch nonsense do two things. First, you categorize all bow hunters right in with the hardcore minority that doesnt want to allow crossbows. Thats just painting with a broad brush, and ignorant. There are plenty of guys that bow hunt that support crossbows, full inclusion, and helpped support groups like NYCC to get crossbows legalized. Second, you put anyone that hunts bow season into the category of "bow hunter", like its the only thing they do. The vast majority of guys that bow hunt also hunt gun season and many hunt ML season as well. I started bow hunting to extend my season. It doesnt really matter if I take my does in bow season or gun season, I get to a certain number of deer in the freezer and I stop killing does anyhow. You sit here and spout your lines about how everyone should get along, we need to have a united front, etc etc, but all you do is throw bow hunters under the bus, classify them all as unreasonable elitists, etc. The real bottom line, in this subject, is that the most effective weapon should be put to use to solve the issue. The DEC tried playing politics with it, and it didnt work.
  2. Great pic. We have plenty of both as well.
  3. Some people would like to have all 4 DMPs before Nov 1st. I wouldnt be transferring any of my DMPs to anyone that early in the season.
  4. I like them. If you buy more than 2 or 3 items the membership is worth it. I tend to buy most of my stands from them now. I havent had a single issue with them yet.
  5. I just use Python locks on mine. Havent had an issue yet, but if someone wants it, they will take it.
  6. Looks like I hit the timing right for planting our brassicas the other day.
  7. I never said it wasnt effective, I said its not the MOST effective. Thats the point you are missing out on. Im not saying cut gun season down, Im saying that if any weapon's primary season should be used specifically to knock down the doe numbers in an area, that it should be the MOST effective one, not the least effective one. The simple fact is, guns are far more effective at killing numbers of deer than bows are. The timing of when you kill does is not important when it comes to population control, so who cares when I shoot my does. Heres the other fact you are missing, the vast majority of bow hunters gun hunt as well. I know of very few that stick to bow only and only hunt for bucks. Id have to say that I know more gun only hunters that only hunt for bucks than bow only hunters that hunt only for bucks. Your "Trophy Hunter" stigma that you attach to bow hunters is kind of silly really.
  8. You call it dissension, I call it discussion, and discussion is good.
  9. As someone that hunts ALL seasons, Id like to see the following: -Full crossbow inclusion -Early antlerless ML season in September with a 2 week break before bow starts (only for WMUs with overpopulation problems) -Mandatory tag reporting of all tags, used or unused -1 buck rule -Unlimited doe tags in the WMUs with overpopulation issues to the hunters that use them (to get more than the initial 2 DMPs, you would provide some type of proof that you filled them before they give you more tags)
  10. What part of most effective weapon do you not understand? My statement had nothing to do with pushing doe only off to gun season so that bow hunters can get first crack at a buck. I had exactly one good opportunity at a mature doe this past bow season, I missed. Im not saying that I didnt have others in range, but bow hunters have more to worry about than just in range. I know of very few bow hunters that dont shoot doe. Oh, and I killed 5 does during gun season. I did my part.
  11. Late Dec early Jan you can and will run into instances where bucks have dropped their antlers, and many hunters will shoot them by mistake. Early season you dont have that issue, its warmer out so more people might be willing to participate, and has been said, it doesnt matter when you kill a doe.
  12. Mine did, but it took longer than normal
  13. That tractor sure does have some grip, eh? Seriously though, looks like a great spot for a little deer candy.
  14. I know about buck to doe ratios, and why some gun only hunters have disdain for bow hunters, but thats not the subject here. The DEC choosing the most effective weapon to cut down on doe numbers is. If you have a goal such as this, and you are using the least effective means of attaining that goal, then you are doing it wrong.
  15. Every time you hunt the area, you drop your chances at a mature buck. Heres the real issue, a bow is not a good way to knock down doe numbers. You want the numbers knocked down, make 2 weeks of gun season antlerless only, or put an early September muzzleloader season in place with a couple of weeks gap between that and the bow opener.
  16. Yep, ours went in yesterday, supposed to get a bunch of rain this week. Hopefully the forecast holds up!
  17. This past weekend I spent both days on the tractor and got all of our brassica plots in. Just under 3 acres including one brand new plot, which got tilled twice before the fertilizer went down. After the fert was spread on all of them, I tilled them all once more and then seeded and dragged the seed in. The ground is so dry right now I felt like Pigpen from Charlie Brown out there in a cloud of dust. The weeks forecast is looking good, with a decent amount of rain, I just hope the forecast holds up.
  18. We are supposed to get about .1" today. If we get that it will make for great tilling and planting tomorrow.
  19. Yeah I thought it was pretty pricey this year too, but I only needed a few lbs, and I was there so I bought them. I was going to order some brassicas from you SplitG2, but I just figured Id get it all at once. Ill be ordering another mix from you for a couple of our other plots soon though.
  20. My advice, buy a crap load of smoke bombs and go to the property on days with different conditions and wind map it.
  21. Yep, time to try and be neighborly. With only 8 acres, youre going to want to try and secure recovery rights at least.
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