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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I was driving in the same area three days after the pic. The deer are used to the wheelers. I have pics of them walking through hours after an ATV goes through. Actively worked crop and cattle farm. If it was my property, it would be handled differently, but since I dont own or lease it, it isnt up to me. Its part of what we deal with on the farms I hunt. Just the way it is.
  2. And as it turns out, the farm manager is ok with it as long as they arent tearing things up or hunting there.
  3. Its all about the horse trails and fox hunts on these properties. The reason you see the groomed areas in my trail cam pics is because of my trail cam strategy. I keep them in areas where deer arent going to think anything of an ATV, tractor or some human activity. We have lots of swampy muck, gnarly thickets and ankle breaking gullies that we hunt in as well.
  4. Hes a farmer, and Id never call the guy a scum bag.
  5. I plant WR every year, the deer pound it. I have a couple of brassica plots that arent doing all that great, and will be overseeding with WR. The stuff grows anywhere. I have some growing on top of the front skid plate of my side by side as we speak lol.
  6. Classifieds rules are pretty clear. Your thread doesnt adhere to them. Im locking this up. Please talk to the site owner about becoming a sponsor. " The following rules apply to all of the For Sale and Wanted forums. 1. Do not post (or ask for) any illegal items for sale, including but not limited to (this means the list can change and even if something isn't listed here it may still get you banned ) a. AR-15 style firearms b. Anything else that fits the Assault Weapon ban that has been enacted. This includes but isn't limited to firearms with features such as a detachable magazine, threaded barrel, pistol grip, etc. c. Handguns with threaded barrels d. Magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds (BREAKING THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE BAN) 2. All items MUST include an asking price. If it is an item for trade, an approximate value or list of items that you would trade for is required. Indicate in your initial post if you are offering shipping on your item. 3. Leave contact information. If you want people to email you make sure it's posted in your thread. Users cannot email you through the forum. 4. No "thread crapping". If you aren't interested in an item do not post in the thread. This absolutely includes any unnecessary comments about a seller's asking price. This also includes making public offers on price and trades. PM ALL offers, whether it be a dollar amount or a trade. 5. Make sure the location listed in your profile is up to date. 6. If an item has sold, please say so and we will lock the thread. 7. Follow all state, federal and local laws and regulations regarding the sale of firearms. 8. Use a descriptive title. "Rifle for sale" is not descriptive. "26" barrel Remington 700 in .308" is descriptive. 9. Failure to complete a sale/trade, once an agreement between buyer and seller is established, will result in a ban, at a mods discretion the ban may be permanent!! DO NOT COMMIT TO SOMETHING YOU CANNOT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH! 10. HuntingNY.com does not take any responsibility for any items bought or sold on the forum. It is up to you to research price, describe items accurately and work out all transactions. With that said, if you are cheated please bring it to the attention of the site admin via PM with a detailed description of what happened. "
  7. Probably one of the funnier trail cam videos Ive gotten so far. Turn the sound up.
  8. The farm manager will be taking care of it. Its people from the adjoining property. The situation with them is an odd one, but we have always made sure to steer clear of them and stay off of their piece. They do not have permission to hunt, I know that for a fact.
  9. Just found out who they are. Didnt take long.
  10. We are in Richmond/Honeoye, just north of the line you are talking about. The pond at my girlfriend's in Bristol is still 18" low
  11. Already being worked on. Town facebook pages, the JD dealer, etc
  12. Exactly, this is in an area where you would absolutely not accidentally wander into from an adjoining property. Its almost the center of a 450 acre farm.
  13. Some of mine are looking good, other plots not so much. A couple plots are going to get over seeded in WR this coming weekend. This drought has really put the hurting on any plots we have on hill or ridge tops. Bottoms are doing good though.
  14. The past few years we have been dealing with some trespassers and other idiots. Well, now they are getting pretty brazen, and the farm manager is pretty upset. Hopefully we can figure out who these guys are.
  15. Theres no law against it. The law is that a 14 or 15 year old GUN hunter cannot HUNT from a treestand. Its perfectly legal for anyone to sit in a treestand, or for a hunter of any legal age (12 and up) to BOW hunt from a treestand.
  16. You use the same gas in your lawnmower, why would you have it sitting around for years? Just refill your gas can when it gets low. 5 gallons should get you by long enough to get to the gas station and get more. Or if you dont mow your own lawn etc, dump i in your car every now and again and then refill the can.
  17. Honda fan here as well. Ive had other ones but the best one I have had experience with is the Honda. Quiet, reliable and good on gas.
  18. I havent been down to look at our plots for a while now. I need to stop down this weekend.
  19. They can during bow season. And yes, its a dumb law. My daughter has been going up in stands with me for a few years now.
  20. Lifelines only give you a safety advantage when climbing into/out of the stand. While you are up there, they dont do anything for you that the strap that came with your treestand does.
  21. I have them in most trees I have made my own, and you actually dont save much at all buying the rope from any supplier Ive found. The least expensive way is to buy the boat/dock lines that are made out of the correct rope and then a length of the smaller diameter line for the knots. You save maybe 3-6 dollars per line over the pre-made ones if you catch them on sale. Its almost not worth your time to make them.
  22. I cant bring myself to hit them in the heart with a gun. I just like eating the hearts too much. Rather save that than the tough shoulder meat.
  23. Depends on if Im using a bow or a gun, if Im on the ground or elevated, if the deer is quartering to or away, etc. On a dead broadside shot with a gun, I aim for center height and slightly to the back of the front shoulder. If you hit it right, you take both front legs out and the front lobes of both lungs. Ill go for a double lung/offside shoulder if they are quartering away, and near side shoulder/double lung if quartering to. Neck shots if they are close and standing still, but I like the neck meat so I try not to do that. With a bow, Im going for double lung no matter what, and I try to punch the heart if I can.
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