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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I realized that I completely forgot to post this. Back in the early spring I finally took my 2013 buck head to be cleaned up and whitened. I got it back and it looked great. Last year while I was out scouting, I found some 100+ year old hemlock fence posts that were fallen down on the farm that I took him on, so I got the idea to use one of those, along with the old, rusty barbed wire as a way to mount the skull. Heres how it turned out, looks pretty good I think.
  2. They do it all the time lol. Just scout around a corn field, just around the edge, and youll see all kinds of evidence of it.
  3. We do drives every year. You wont catch us running across fields and stuff like that though. As Larry302 explained, we know where the deer will usually head to, and posters are setup near the patch of cover they will head for. Whenever possible, standers are in treestands, and they shoot in the opposite direction from the drivers. We always know where each other is at. We have lots of areas that never get pushed. We also do small pushes to each other when we are leaving our stands. Its more like one guy still hunts from his stand over to someone else's stand.
  4. Theres usually a thread or two showing trail cam pics of moose from NY on here each year. Didnt DEC just start adding the pieces to allow moose hunting in the future?
  5. Thats a good idea, and would be fairly easy. Just make the parents attend the courses when their kids do. I sat through my daughters bow class a couple of weeks ago, and will be sitting through her gun course this coming weekend. There was only 1 parent there with their kid other than me, most just dropped them off.
  6. Ive been spending the weekend working on getting my disaster of a garage cleaned up, and working around the house. Dropped my buddy off at the airport early this morning. Hes headed to Montana on an elk hunt. More house work for me today. Gotta get this place whipped into shape before deer season starts.
  7. LOL, youre ridiculous. Mine wasnt the first shot fired in this conversation, lets go back to post 214 where the insults began. Its your MO in any thread in which someone disagrees with you and wont back down from your bloviating, insults and condescending attitude.
  8. Im an IT security guy, there have been rumors floating about it for quite a while. The hack started two years ago. I knew. Honestly, if you live in the IT security world, this breech comes as no surprise, and shouldnt be the trigger to be aware of identity theft concerns. You think this one is bad? Its only going to get worse.
  9. Thanks! Hes been helping me with the plots and things all summer, and this will be his first year to go out for a few sits.
  10. After work yesterday, I headed down to the farm to swap out camera cards. I know the bucks are shedding velvet and the last week or so, Ive really been itchy to get down there and swap them out. I really try to keep my camera checks to 2 weeks minimum, and this time of year it gets really hard to do. After swapping cards in the cams at the one farm, I headed to the other one. The first cam sits on a mid ridge trail just below my DeerAg food plot. As soon as we wheeled into the plot, I saw a flurry of deer scattering out of the plot. The plot is looking great, so we did a walk around to check it out. Here are a few pics, you can see how the deer are really browsing the hog radishes, and how well they regrow after browsing. The turnips are doing pretty good also, my son and I couldnt help but pick a few and eat them. I ended up pulling the camera off of the trail and moved it up into the plot. Usually I get a ton of action where the cam was, but this year, not so much. Next we headed up to the other cam on the property, and jumped a bunch of deer off the pasture. After that, we headed down to check the other plots, which we ended up jumping deer off of as well. Here are a few pics of those plots. Winter Rye plots are coming in good as well
  11. You might want to come up for air once in a while, its good for the lungs to take a rest from the methane gas.
  12. uh oh, someone said "foreign", so they are about to be called racist. Wait for it...
  13. No. The youth days (only 3 days) are great for getting the kids out and giving them a chance at a deer at a time when they are relatively calm, and not running all over the place whacked out on hormones with the orange army chasing them down. The weather is also alot better on average, so its easier to keep them out there longer when they are just starting out. I have yet to hear a good reason why the youth days are not a positive.
  14. Ive had them replace my cameras before. Never had them ask about that, and Ive never registered them.
  15. Thanks for the shot of comedy steve lmao
  16. Im not whining at all, Im calling your BS for what it is. Ive made more constructive replies to these subjects than I care to go back and count. Maybe you should take your blinders off and read them.
  17. Parents should decide, after all, they know their kids best. Personally, I probably wouldnt have let my daughter pull a trigger on an animal before she was 9. I dont think she was quite ready before that.
  18. I wouldnt mess with them with a climber, because of the shaggy bark, but hang ons and ladders work well with them.
  19. I assume you are referring to the Poison Ivy stand. Luckily I dont get Poison Ivy unless I basically cut a large vine and rub the juice all over. Its not a guarantee that will get me either. I am itching for the season to start though!
  20. Now that I see it on a computer, I do see the face better. Looked like a house cat on my phone lol
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