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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Between the noise and significant drop of the crossbow bolt (or arrow, whichever you want to call it), is 60 yards in a hunting situation really a good idea for most? Weve seen videos of deer jumping the string on compounds at 20 yards or less. I thought we were talking real world hunting, not target shooting. As far as the amount of practice, who gives a rats patoot how much practice it takes? Can it be done by anyone that puts in the required amount of time? Yep. Should it be done by just anyone? Nope. Same goes with a crossbow, it just takes less time to get there. Ive said it before, and Ill say it again, Id rather see a guy that doesnt have enough time to properly practice with his compound, take a crossbow into the woods and make a clean shot on a deer rather than botch a shot and wound that deer with a compound.
  2. When I get one, it will have nothing to do with value, it will just be another weapon to choose from. Kinda like a crossbow will be to me.
  3. Huh. There were none at our place. How useful they would be would really depend on how good of a camera resolution they had. I think its a moot point anyhow, they will be banned for hunting use in most, if not all states.
  4. Thats one study. I read it. If you read the conclusionary statements at the end, they say that the study did not take many many important factors into account. Id like to see more studies that support the same theories before I put a ton of faith in it. Thats what Im asking for. Are you really basing your whole opinion around one study that has more holes than a screen door? Dont get me wrong, Im being 100% serious here, as I have not done a ton of reading on CWD. Id like to see all of the different aspects.
  5. The majority of our hunting season happens after the leaves fall. Makes it pretty easy to see down into the woods. Especially with snow on the ground.
  6. But hold on here, if we are talking hunting and not target shooting, then the video of that TAC15 is completely irrelevant, isnt it?
  7. Looks like Alaska wasnt the first, Colorado and Montana have already done it. http://rt.com/usa/alaska-drone-hunting-ban-489/
  8. Ive shot recurves before, but dont have the time at this point to practice enough to hunt with one. Maybe someday when I have more time. Id like to get a sidelock Muzzleloader one of these days to mess with, but for now Ill stick with my inline.
  9. There are NY guides out there. Some of them do very well. I know Alaska recently outlawed drone use for hunting, Id like to see all states do the same. For a scouting tool, not to be used during the season, sure, I could see people using them for that. I just dont think use for active hunting would be ethical, but thats just my opinion.
  10. Lol i hear alot of tears..... Hey Belo, still dancing?
  11. FSW, can you post up some links to studies that affirm what you are saying?
  12. I read through the study you apparently are referring to, the one done in Wisconsin, and its full of more holes than a wheel of Swiss cheese. They even admit to that in the conclusionary paragraphs at the end. Can you support any of this stuff you are spouting with more than one specific study? Please, dont post more quotes from forums, someones opinion doesnt interest me. Usually for something to become "scientific fact", it takes multiple studies coming up with the same or similar results.
  13. Just curious, where you are pulling that quote from FSW. Do you have a link to a research paper,study or article that says the same thing?
  14. Facts are facts. Crossbow supporters ended up forming a group, and in 2 years got things done. No, they didnt do it 100% alone, but NYB wanst 100% alone in their fight either. After all, they did stand shoulder to shoulder with anti-hunting animal rights groups on occasion. The sky will not fall. Youll see.
  15. Thanks everyone, had a great birthday. Pygmy, I didnt get to sleep until noon Sunday if thats any indication of how my night went. LOL There was a cougar sighting in Lima Saturday night....
  16. I dont see what you mean. Looks like you can shoot it siting or standing. Couldnt shoot it prone too easy though.
  17. Kinda funny to see a 2 year old organization put it over on NYB. Cant wait to see who the first anti-crossbow guy on here is that goes out and gets one.
  18. Yeah its a bit on the pricey side. I like options, so once they are legalized for good, Ill have one just to take out when the mood catches me. They are fun to shoot. I like this one due to the weight, dry fire mechanism, and you can back it down without shooting it. Having to carry around a small crossbow target to fire it into after a hunt sounds like just one more thing to forget at home to me lol.
  19. Well, looks like crossbows are coming back, i saw this a while ago, but never posted anything on it. Pretty cool design, maybe this will be what i end up with at some point.
  20. Baaahahahahahajaha funniest thing posted here EVER
  21. Wow, youre so cool! I hope to be just like you when I grow up lol.
  22. Lol, i can always count on FSW for about 6 pages of posts if I rattle his chain.
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