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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Now I wish I was Hunting. The first pic has 6 bucks in it. The one down by the tower stand is my target buck. The one I nicked Last year.
  2. Why not replace it? Deer are used to seeing a blind there anyway. Only takes a few minutes to do.
  3. Nope, at the office. My phone has been blowing up with pics all morning. Driving me nuts hahaha
  4. Live from my trail cam... this has been going on for 15 mins lol
  5. Its already there, I put it up a few days ago.
  6. LOL, we have a huge dining room that we only ever use when we have alot of guests on the holidays. We have a second living room that we never use either. Sometimes I wonder why the hell we bought this monstrosity of a house. Id be perfectly fine going back to a 2500sqft place.
  7. Yep. Ive been trying to unload the furniture out of my fathers house for months. I sell a piece here and a piece there, but its a pain in the butt and taking forever.
  8. LMAO, you are something else. Try to tone the language down, or you can go sit in the corner for a couple of weeks.
  9. Agreed that the same result happens, but continuing the myth that deer are actually ducking an arrow, doesnt help anyone out. Personally, I like to learn and understand why things happen rather than just accept that they happen.
  10. I kinda figured youd be a moon phase guy. It has been proven to be a myth with GPS studies. Im not being aggressive at all. Nor am I name calling. You are doing both though.
  11. Or its the sign of someone that has learned from the research other people have done on the subject. Its like the moon phase myth. Been proven wrong for quite a while.
  12. Post all the videos you want, deer dont know what an arrow is, or what the sound a bow makes is. They hear something and instict tells them to run. They drop to load up their legs, like springs. Thats all it is.
  13. Deer do not duck arrows. Hunters just dont shoot at the lower 1/3rd of the deer, and when they load up their legs to run, they shoot over their back or hit the back straps.
  14. Looks like they are all taking painful number 2s
  15. I wish I didnt open that. No lunch for me today.
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