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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Last night, Evan went through all of the pictures from all of the entries, and here is the one he picked for the best hero shot... Congrats Otto! shoot a PM to me, landtracdeerhunter and burmjohn, and we will get your prizes out to you ASAP! @Otto
  2. I would buy this in a heartbeat if it was the 34" a to a model.
  3. Looks like they are only predicting it for a small part of the state. Just keep that crap down there. I dont have time to deal with it. lol
  4. No, not yet. My son is picking, and Ive barely had him. Ive been dealing with a very high priority emergency at work for a little over 2 weeks now, so I havent had much time. Soon, hopefully tomorrow night.
  5. My father bought 1500 rounds of it back in the late 90s. Between himself and I, we burned up 500 rounds. This is whats left.
  6. Sorry, typo. it is 51, same as 308. Ive gone through about 10 of the boxes that I originally had to break in a rifle before I sighted it in with hunting rounds. Not a single misfire.
  7. Check out the Barrett Fieldcraft rifles. Some very nice stuff for less than what the Kimbers are going for.
  8. He definitely did a great job. All I gave him was a trail cam pic or two to go off of and now the antlers look just like they did before he busted them up.
  9. Sorry about the light bar talk guys, lets get back to talking about the snowy conditions....
  10. Stop it completely? No. Will it help curb the flow a bit? Yes. This is another issue thats simply not going to be an easy fix, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt put the very basic measures in place to begin to do what needs to be done. Everyone was for a wall until somehow it became not PC, and then they changed their tunes to try and pander to a different segment of voters. Now, this thread is going where it belongs, to the politics section.
  11. Here’s one when I caped him out
  12. I have A piece of crap that I got At harbor freight about 6 or 7 years ago. It just keeps on taking a beating. I also Have a Craftsman that my dad had forever, and it’s still going. It’s had the crap kicked out of it over the years.
  13. I have 1000 (50 boxes of 20) rounds of 7.62x51 fmj ammo that I will probably never use. I’m looking to get $10/box for it, which is a little less than it is online. I would Prefer to sell it all at once, but may be willing to do 2 lots of 25.
  14. Yeah I dont bother unless its a really light snow, and even then its tough.
  15. Yep, he does awesome work from what Ive seen. Looking forward to my crossbow buck from the 2017 season coming home from him eventually. No, he hasnt had it since 2017, I had alot going and it sat in my freezer till I dropped it off with him a few weeks back or whenever it was lol.
  16. Ive been either dealing with work emergencies, sick or plowing for the last week lol. I need to get out there soon!
  17. This is what mine has. The little grey button on the bottom pushes in and the floorplate slides out. Then you install their "-5" round limiter and youre good to go. https://www.magpul.com/products/pmag-10-ar-m4-gen-m3
  18. Yes, Its a Magpul Pmag. Thats actually how I empty the mag. Faster and easier than breaking it open and removing 1 at a time.
  19. This weekend, particularly Saturday night, the yotes were out like crazy by me. I had to plow my road and my sisters driveway multiple times to keep up with the snow. Everytime I plowed, there were new yote tracks on the road and driveway. It was killing me lol.
  20. Go to wally and buy a cheap one. I have one in my bag o tricks for if someone goes with me and doesnt have snow camo.
  21. Post up pics of your 2018 - 2019 Predator kills here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
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