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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Either is fine. I know Guys that run white lights and do well.
  2. You mean hunting in the dark with the creepy sounds of animals dying coming from the call and red lights scanning around for glowing eyes running at you doesnt sound like a good time? Ive tried taking both of my kids out, and it made both of them cry lol.
  3. If you guys want some company, let me know, Im around all weekend. Was planning to be out hunting at least one night this weekend. The WNY predator slam is this weekend. Last I saw, they had like 100 teams entered in it.
  4. 12 gauge shot or 30-06 depending on where youre hunting. At times when I hunt with a buddy, we take a rifle for when we need to get out past 40-50 yards, and a shotty for those that come in close. Heck, Ive done that before when Im by myself, alot to carry though.
  5. As far as tips go, I like to setup with the wind going from my right to left with the cover Im thinking they are in out in front if possible. Coyotes will usually sneak in and circle downwind, and Im right handed, so a shot in front or off to my left requires less movement to get on target. During the day, your camo is very important, just like turkey hunting. Youll want a fall pattern with not alot of leaves in it, and some good snow camo. My snow camo is just a light weight cover shell that I put on over my normal hunting clothes. A decoy of some sort helps big time as well, as it draws their attention away from you. At night, its a different ball game. As for calling, start out quiet, so you dont blow critters that are close by out of there right off the bat. Predators can hear way better than you, so dont get crazy with your call volume. When you start calling, I wouldnt use coyote howls, etc at first. If you can target fox where you hunt, call for those first. Fox will usually barrel right in within the first 10 mins of a set. Coyotes on the other hand, will usually sneak in, and it may be 45 mins or more before they show themselves. The typical cottontail rabbit calls are ok, but if you have others calling in your area, chances are the critters have heard them all before and may be educated to them. Dont be afraid to use fawn bleats, turkey calls, or even distress calls for animals that dont live anywhere near here. Ive killed a few yotes and fox using jackrabbit distress and cat fight sequences. Its going to be alot of trial and error, and dont get discouraged. You may go a season or two before you connect. Its alot of fun though, so keep at it.
  6. You would be surprised. I thought the same thing until I tested the theory.
  7. You hear that when you are inside the house?
  8. They probably wouldnt hear it. I used to sit in a spot that was less than 100 feet from our old house, and more than once shot fox with an AR on a calm night. Noone that was in the house ever knew.
  9. I dunno, I kinda like it. After reading the article, its basically just a redesign of a pistol thats already being made. Its an inch shorter than my old Sig P238, and I never had any issues with my fingers being anywhere close to anything that would hurt them. Would probably make a great pocket gun, my Sig was pretty good at that.
  10. I was considering one to put my kids' hockey stuff in during the winter to keep it dry. Now I have a little Subaru Crosstrek for daily driving, and the truck sits all winter, so thats not an issue anymore.
  11. I haul all kind of stuff with mine, granted, it is a pain in the butt to get heavy things into sometimes. Thats usually when I just hook up a trailer.
  12. Im planning to put a set on mine before long, they are awesome. I stopped driving it in the winter, so shes sleeping by the barn right now. Gotta throw new fenders on it in the spring and then its getting wrapped, and a full new exhaust along with some other goodies.
  13. That has running boards, you can see them just under the rockers. They automatically come down when you open the door.
  14. Makes total sense actually. Perfect for hauling things like skis or snowboards or something along those lines that you dont want road salt all over, plus you can still put stuff under it in the bed. Ill bet it comes off of there in about 2 mins.
  15. Theres no lift kit on that. A guy at work just bought the same truck brand new, sits just like that. Besides, whats wrong with a lifted truck? If you want to do some mudding or heavy off roading, you need bigger tires. To fit bigger tires, you have to lift it. Personally, I think trucks with little dinky factory tires on them look stupid. Heres mine the day after I lifted it, and then another pic of what it looked like less than 2 weeks later...
  16. After tallying up the points, Id like to announce the winners of the 2018 HuntingNY Whitetail Challenger! First place goes to Gencountyzeek with 56 total points! Second place goes to chefhunter86 with 52 points! Both of you, please message myself, landtracdeerhunter and burmjohn with your address info so that we can ship your prizes. Unfortunately, none of the youth that entered the contest submitted entries, so there are no youth division winners. I will be opening up a separate youth only contest in the next week or so, and we will use some of the prizes for that. The rest will be saved for the youth spring turkey contest. The Hero Shot winner will be announced soon. I will be having my son Evan look through all of the pictures submitted, and he will choose the best one. Unfortunately, he wont be with me till next Tuesday, so youll have to wait lol. Congrats to the winners and a big thanks to everyone that entered, as well as landtracdeerhunter for handling all of the prize packages and other help in running the contest. A special thanks goes out to everyone that donated prizes for the contest. Without you guys and gals, we couldnt have done this!
  17. Cardboard breaks down quick, its basically mulch. Many people just put it in their compost piles. Id rather see someone leave cardboard in the woods than busted glass bottles, metal cans or plastic stuff.
  18. Today is your last chance to get in, things will automatically close after midnight tonight.
  19. Due to one particular member's lack of control with their religious views, if you wish to talk religion, please do so in the political section. Threads that are religious in nature will be moved there, and anypreaching on the site will result in warnings, etc. Before anyone gets upset about the change, Im not saying you cant mention religion or god in a thread, just dont preach about it.
  20. It was in the news fairly recently. Its posted on here somewhere.
  21. Listen, I dont disrespect anyone for their personal feelings on the 2nd amendment and guns in general, we are all entitled to our opinions. When a person or business takes an active attack position against it, thats when I will no longer have anything to do with them. Its not pussy footing or being a hypocrite, its called being reasonable. I will just say, that you make a TON of statements around here about pro-2A this and that, and then you announce that you got all of this stuff from Dicks or Field & Stream. Sorry man, you set yourself up to be called out on it.
  22. If my girlfriend had the card, I would just let her know that I dont want anything from it. She knows my stance on Dick's and F&S. In fact, she wont buy anything there either for the same reasons I dont, and shes a friggin liberal lol. This site does no business with facebook, theres just a page on there, which is barely used anyhow. Now, if there were ad campaigns, or something else that was feeding FB money, Id say you are correct. BTW, I dont own the site, so youre barking up the wrong tree anyway.
  23. New year, new rule. No more preaching on the site. Plenty of people have had enough of it.
  24. I thought you were going to say that it looks just like your thong or speedo
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