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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Yep. Its too far gone as far as I see it. It will take a decade or more to straighten any of it out. Its not just the gun laws, its the taxes and the nanny welfare state that I cant stand. Im heading for freedom. Plus 5 months of winter sucks.
  2. I got a reply pretty quickly asking for my address. I replied that I live in NY and have contacted my representatives about it already. I told her that I thought I would just email to make her aware of how firearms raffles actually work, as it seems shes confused about them.
  3. I also sent her an email directly asking if she realized that you have to go through a background check to claim your prize in one of those raffles. I also suggested that instead of harassing law abiding gun owners, she should learn to help control state spending so they arent $2 billion short again. Morons. Heres her email in case any of you want to send suggestions to her [email protected]
  4. Ive already sent an email to my reps about it. Bunch of crap really. Its not like you dont have to go through the process to collect your prize. 9 1/2 years to go in NY for me. Screw this state.
  5. It was in the 60s here yesterday. 20s and 30s today
  6. Looks like a chupacabra mountain lion cross to me
  7. Man, that must equal out to about 10,000 quart sized ziploc bags full of meat for your family!
  8. This is the third year for this thread, very similar to the Live From The Woods deer hunting thread. Post in this thread using your smart phone (or other device you can get to the internet with) from your boat, stream, farm pond or wherever you are trying to fool those fish with your thoughts, current conditions, pictures, sightings, etc. Don't forget, the site is accessible via your mobile device and there is even an app - Tapatalk enabled! Lets see those pics!
  9. Nice fish guys. Im gonna close this one up and create a new thread for this year
  10. The Chinese ATVs are generally speaking, garbage. Look over the machine very well and then look at one of the brand name machines and youll see why. Inferior frame and suspension components, welds will be trash in comparison, engines dont make nearly the power, and have fun finding parts in 10 years. The only time the cheap ATVs can be a good buy are the kids size ones when they are used and you can scoop one up that runs for a few hundred bucks. They sell because most of the people buying them have no clue what they are looking at.
  11. If these bucks werent weighed with a PA chest girth tape and chart, then the weights are dishonest.
  12. Not really. Its a 3/4 ton, which is quite a bit different from a 1/2 ton. Its not like the old days where they were all basically the same besides having heavier frames and suspension. Body, Interior, frame, suspension, brakes, axles, pretty much everything is different now. You can get base model trucks in every size, its just that todays base model still has things that were considered "bells and whistles" in the 80s and early 90s, like power windows and locks.
  13. If someone wanted to tap into that conversation, they can do it and youd never know.
  14. My kids have been taught from a young age that guns are not toys. Even at 14, my daughter wont touch one unless Im there or know about it. The rest of the kids refuse to touch them unless I am right there with them. There are few guns I have sentimental attachment to, I mainly keep them in a cabinet/safe to make sure they stay clean and are out of the way. Regular gun safes are easily broken into for anyone that wants to get into them. Trigger locks can be removed pretty easily. The only way to truly secure them is to have close to the equivalent of a vault, everything else is really a half-measure or feel good type thing. As far as responsibility goes though, there are things in my house that can be used to kill just as easily as any gun I have. Should I be responsible if say, someone steals my ATV and runs it down the road and causes a fatal crash?
  15. These threads always make me chuckle. If any of the paranoid people in them actually knew how advanced things were behind the scenes, they would all throw every piece of electronics they have purchased since 2010 into the river.
  16. I dont understand this thinking at all. As long as my guns are in my house or vehicle, they are secure as far as Im concerned. Once someone breaks into my house or vehicle, they have committed a crime, and what they do with the possessions of mine that they stole, is on them, not me. It is completely unreasonable to think that some criminal's future actions are my fault.
  17. I use a Mojo Critter, it works great. Ive had plenty of responses to it.
  18. Just got home. First set, eyes on the far side of the field I wasnt going to call. Got setup and started some soft lip squeaks. He bit, eyes bouncing across the field in a hurry. I got The scope on him and switched on the IR light, it was a nice big fox coming in hard. Bad thing was I was on a farm where fox are off limits. I figured I would See how close I could get him to come. 20 yards dead broadside off of lip squeaks and he stood there nice and pretty for me. I decided Just to call there so after the fox left I hit An interrogation howl and a pack lit up across the road. I packed My stuff quickly and headed to the field over there and got setup. 2 female invitation howls later and there’s eyes booking across the field toward me. I turned The volume down and went to baby cottontail distress and all of a sudden the eyes stopped. I got The scope on them and saw a yote slowly coming in. I watched As he closed the distance and when I thought He was close enough I barked At him and he stopped and looked at me. I flipped The safety off and sent one to him. Unfortunately I misjudged The range a bit and watched as he high tailed it out of there. I changed To a pup distress and he stopped and looked back then took off again. Second set, howling everywhere but nothing came in. While I was There the fog started getting thick and I decided To head elsewhere. Third set, eyes in the field when I pulled In. I got My stuff and walked slowly to the field. Scanned again and saw nothing. Lip squeaked for a few minutes, still nothing. Fired up the call and another bunch of howling way off in the distance. Stayed and called for 45 mins but no luck. By this time the fog was making it so I couldnt See much past 50-60 yards so I headed Home. Had a fun night even though no fur hit the ground. I would Have to say that fox was as good as dead though.
  19. Just getting my gear together. Wish there was a little wind but it’s pretty calm. Gonna hit a couple of sets differently tonight. Let’s see what happens...
  20. I give Credit to anyone out in these temps. I was Thinking of going tonight until I drove To the gas station and it’s 1 degree out. Too noisy and just a little too cold for me. Hopefully there’s still some snow tomorrow night.
  21. I’ve sold guns in the past. Some I regret, others I dont. I dont sell them anymore though. My collection has been growing, some serve similar purposes, and there’s a couple of never fired safe queens in there. I like variety, it’s the spice of life!
  22. It was a close one between you and treeguy. He had trouble making the final pick lol.
  23. Evan picked the winner last evening, and the winner is.... Belo, because he said it looks like you both are having the most fun. Congrats @Belo Shoot me, landtracdeerhuter and burmjohn a PM with your info and we will get your prizes out to you ASAP.
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