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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Sweet rig. I have The IR intensifier mounted on the side of the NV scope. I like That tripod. Good luck to you as well.
  2. I also added my kill light to the lower front rail to use for scanning. I’m planning to use the combo of lights and night vision for now just to see how it does. I know of a few guys that use them in tandem and they have great luck with it. I’m going to get out tonight and give it a go.
  3. I got my AR sighted in and ready to go this morning. I broke It in with 200 rounds of American Eagle 55gr FMJs and the last 40 I grouped They actually didn’t do too bad. I then Cleaned it and ran 40 rounds of Hornady 55gr V-Max through it and the adjustment from the FMJ was minimal. It is too cold out to really try and dial it, I was Getting 10 round groups that would fit inside of a ping pong ball at 100 yards, so I figured That was good enough. 200 yards should be no problem inside of a tennis ball. Just have to clean it again and go back and get more V-Max for it and get after some critters. I do have ave to say that the ATN scope was super easy to sight in with and the picture on it isn’t too bad. I may End up selling it after this season and upgrading to one of their new 4K models so I have A crisp picture. Looking through it for a few mins does mess with your eyes a bit.
  4. We have one. We do all kinds of goofy things with it. Do a google search for "inappropriate elf on a shelf" and look through the pics. Its a good time
  5. https://www.outdoorhub.com/how-to/2017/03/20/ar-15-deer-hunting-cartridges-magnificent-7/ This is a pretty good list. Add to it the 458 SOCOM, and probably a few others Im not thinking about right now.
  6. There are plenty of chamberings that are great for deer in the AR15 platform. Best part is, you can use the same lower for 223 as a 458, same mags too. No need to go AR10.
  7. Oh now thats just gross. LMAO
  8. For me, it was a season that Id like to forget with one exception. Ill just leave it at that. Congrats to all of you that had a good season.
  9. In the county I live in, the DA has said he will not prosecute anyone for using an AR Mag Lock device, so we dont have to worry about pinning anything. You can get "featureless" lowers, like the one on the rifle I picked up. It basically just doesnt have the mag release machined into it, which makes it fixed. Check out DSI, you can buy their stripped lowers and then use whatever parts kit and upper to finish out the rifle if you dont want to mess with a Mag Lock. Best part about them, is that if you move to a free state, or the safe act is repealed, you can swap out your neutered lower for a standard lower. https://www.dark-storm.com/parts/receivers/stripped-lowers/
  10. I just cashed in all of my points, had close to 130k. I took both of my kids to Nashville for a weekend trip and hockey game. Round trip tickets free for 3 people, hotel room in downtown Nashville 2 nights free, only thing I paid out of pocket for was the rental car. It saved me over $2000.
  11. They will, just did it this past weekend. They just need proof of your return flight.
  12. Well, work got busy this morning and here I sit at my desk looking at pics coming in of deer in front of my blind right now. Figures. Oh well, time for some predator hunting and working on things to get ready for next season.
  13. Not a black eye to hunters, just a black eye to the idiot that did it. Throw the book at him.
  14. I dont see any issue with the video, I like that they showed actual tracking, etc. Better than having the camera guy standing behind the dead deer while the other guy(s) "follow the blood trail" to it. Some people wouldnt say thats a monster buck, but maybe to them it is, who am I to judge. Id be happy as a clam with that deer.
  15. Im too young to remember the 70s lol. The days of enforcers in pro hockey are gone. Its a speed/skill game now. Fights are getting more rare, but still happen from time to time. I kinda miss the old version of pro hockey in a way, but it make sense to have things the way they are now. You cant be paying someone 11 million a year and have them getting beat up.
  16. I have a Soutwest Airlines credit card. I use it for gas and other daily expenses, then pay all but $100 off at the end of each month. I leave some revolving credit on there, helps to boost my credit rating. Remember, having no revolving credit is not good for your credit rating.
  17. I made one for a heck of alot less money. Go to Walmart and buy one of those collapsible wardrobes, get some plastic sheeting and foil tape, line the inside with the plastic and seal it all up with the tape. Go on Amazon and grab an inexpensive ozone generator, then use some flexible drier vent piping and put an inlet and outlet duct (inlet high on one end, outlet low on opposite end) into the wardrobe and then seal those and attach to the ozone generator. It might not look as nice, but it will do the job and cost about half the price or less. The bonus is, you can detach the ozone generator and use it for other things besides just the closet.
  18. If any of you are planning to go to the Amerks game this Friday and still need tickets, let me know. I can PM you a link to get discounted tickets. A portion of the proceeds go to benefit my son's hockey team. He and his team will be out there on the ice throughout the evening as well. Just thought Id throw it out there for anyone interested. The discount expires Wednesday at some point.
  19. Im going to try and make it, no promises though, we are having Christmas eve dinner and festivities at our house this year and theres alot to get done. Kids hockey games and whatnot all weekend to boot.
  20. You dont need many tools, a benchrest or clamps to assemble a lower. Ive dont them on my kitchen table, sitting on the couch, etc. They go together easy, and its lots of fun. Like big boy legos.
  21. Im going to try and cut out of work early today and sit the last evening if things dont get crazy at work.
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