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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Forget the 243 and grab a Savage Axis in 7-08. My 14 year old daughter has one, its pretty much the perfect rifle for her. No need for low recoil rounds, she runs Hornady 139 gr through it with zero recoil issues, and shes not a big girl.
  2. If the taxidermist can fix that fox, Id like his number. Looks like theres a huge chunk missing from its front shoulder.
  3. A Roomba robot vacuum and the matching Bravia robot mop. They were the only things she wanted, so they are the only thing she gets lol.
  4. Laser rangefinders are fine, they are talking about a visible laser. You would probably have to remove the IR intensifier I have on it though, as it could be considered an artificial light. You only use it for hunting in the dark, so no big deal. The scope is pretty heavy, I wouldnt want to put it on my deer rifle. On this light weight AR though, its no biggie, especially since the majority of its use will be off of the tripod.
  5. What they are usually paying attention to with black flash cams, is noise. Some cams have lens filters that drop into place and make an audible sound. With some cams, the black flash lens cover is large and not broken up, and acts as a mirror. I make sure to buy cams with no filter noise, and then I mount them high so deer arent looking into anything that acts as a mirror.
  6. Its usually people from the same crew camped at that spot. I can remember opening weekends where there were 30+ campers up there, most of them being regulars. There was this one guy that had an old school Winnebago that was all rednecked out. Deer antlers on it and such. It had a name, but I just cant think of it now. Maybe T-Rex? I dunno. It was just kinda silly and cool. I used to like sitting on the edge of what I called "the bowl", which is a pretty deep bottom with steep sides just off of the road, on the opposite side as the old overgrown field. I sat there and watched alot of deer move through, always seemed to be does when I didnt have a DMP or bucks when all I had was a DMP lol.
  7. Ive had pizza in at least 15 different shops in different areas of NYC, and honestly, I cant say as Ive ever had a really good slice there. I think the pizza in this area is far better. To me, bagels are bagels. Unless theres something really screwed up with them, they are all the same to me.
  8. What are you talking about, you couldnt hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerine plant
  9. Was it a really big guy that was a local? If so, I probably know who you are talking about. Yep, hunted the hill, used to park campers up at the corner by the logging trail that went straight off of the main road coming in from the Belfast side. Used to call it "The Hilton on the hill". I havent hunted up there in a long time now.
  10. Seeing as the insurance isnt funded or actually provided by the NRA, rather regular insurance companies, Lockton Affinity and Illinois Union Insurance, I would trust it. You just have some strange bone to pick with the NRA for whatever reason, and are spouting off nonsense that you have no clue about. You are one of the most anti second amendment gun owners Ive ever encountered, and your own worst enemy. I think Ill start a gofundme to take up a collection so you can afford to go buy a clue.
  11. Well, the SCOTUS can strike the laws down, it just takes forever for it to happen in most cases.
  12. That would have been 15-16 years ago maybe. I cant remember the owners name or his wife. He used to have a couple of bartenders, one was a blonde named Deb maybe, her daughter worked there too. If I saw any of them Id remember their names.
  13. This story involves the Stillwater, The legion and Coyle hill lol I have endless stories about those places though. There was one weekend that the owner of the Stillwater let us park our camper just outside of the side door because there was too much snow up on the hill. That weekend, no hunting happened, but I crawled out of the door of the Stillwater on my hands and knees. Thats not the Haul A-mish story though
  14. Nah, thats too far away. I still have a great story about "haulin a-mish" lmao
  15. Well, the SAFE act is pretty unconstitutional, but we've been living under that crap for how long now?
  16. Does HO insurance cover your legal fees if you have to shoot someone in self defense? The NRA insurance does. Sorry man, you dont know what youre talking about in this case.
  17. Tukeyfeathers, how far were you from the Belfast/Belmont area when you saw that Amish poster? I might have a story about that, but I cant tell it in the open forum....
  18. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2018/12/luis-valdes/new-york-senate-bill-would-require-1-million-liability-insurance-policy-for-gun-owners/
  19. BTW, you guys are aware of the bill i the NY senate that is going to require all gun owners carry separate insurance for their guns in this shithole state, right?
  20. I also have a separate rider for my guns. Well, the ones that I still have after that tragic canoe accident years ago... Seriously though, your homeowners insurance wouldnt cover your legal fees like the NRA insurance did, so no, it wasnt a ripoff. Sits is incorrect.
  21. I have to say, this is quite possibly the most humorous thread Ive ever seen on here.
  22. Stop speaking rocket science to him, he cant understand it.
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