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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Decided to hunt the new farm for the mid day. Kicked 2 sandhill cranes out on my walk back to my spot. Ive never seen those before. Kinda cool.
  2. Cant tell on my phone. My morning is done. The farmer up the road just started combining the con field 75 yards fom my stand. Im gonna sit fow a few mins to see if anything runs out of there. Maybe it will be good tonight.
  3. Same here. Im hearing lots of shots around me. I just need one to come by here.
  4. One of my buddies texted me. He shot 2 doe so far.
  5. Ive seen 1 doe so far. It was still too early.
  6. Just got settled into my stand. Busted a fox out on my way in. It looked like a parade of trucks heading south on my way up here. Lets see what daybreak brings.
  7. 45 here right now, supposed to dip into the upper 30s by sunup and then bump back up into the lower 40s. Should be a nice day.
  8. I always had sleds when I was a kid and up till my senior year of high school. I sold the 3 I had at the time and have never replaced them. Ive thought about it, talked about it and never end up buying one. We have public trails that go right by our new place, I might consider getting one again, but not this year. Id rather buy a quad or side by side.
  9. Ill be testing out my cold weather gear tomorrow morning lol.
  10. Anything that can come in contact with the antlers while setting up in velvet will cause defects to the horn. Ever see those holes in some of the big racks, those are from bugs that burrow into the velvet and penetrate the antler. For all those none believers!lol Wow, never heard of them before.
  11. Loc-tite super glue for me, works great.
  12. If I had a tag for it, Id shoot it in a heartbeat. Albino deer, white deer, piebald deer, brown deer, they all taste the same lol.
  13. Good luck guys! I hope to see some more success stories and pics posted soon!
  14. I thought you were joking but I did a lookup and saw where someone is looking for one on Graigsliast in 9H ........ http://rochester.craigslist.org/wan/2057113280.html You can get anything on there lol
  15. Just remember, unless you are in a rifle zone, you cant hunt them with a centerfire rifle during deer season.
  16. Just put my bow away an hour ago. It was fun, now its time to get down to business. My gear is ready and my Encore is sitting on the kitchen table. My fiance is out of town for the weekend and my daughter is with her mother. Ive got nothing to do but hunt.
  17. Nice bear, why bother with the tricky photo though? No reason to do that with such a big bear.
  18. I have 3 battery tenders from my iold project car and the boat I had. They work great.
  19. For a partial day sit, I just take a little juice, cider or water and a little something to snack on like granola bars, pretzels or maybe some jerky. For all day sits, Ill take more to drink a sammy and extra munchies.
  20. I take 4. One in the gun and 3 in my pocket. Im not going duck hunting lol
  21. Saw a couple of squirells, that was it. Ill probably hunt again tomorrow lol.
  22. I eat just enough to settle my stomach, but not enough to cause me to have to empty my tank so to speak. I usually have a cup or two of coffee and a yogurt or small bowl of cereal. I take a bottle of juice or cider with me and a granola bar or apple. For all day sits I take a sandwich and some munchies as well.
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