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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You wont regret the Vortex. I am a firm believer in those scopes. Lifetime warranty, made in the USA, quality glass and easy on the wallet. I have had guys look through my Vortex at the range and copare them to their Leupolds, not one of them was not impressed. They about loose it when I tell them how little I paid for it too. I wish they had an extended eye relief model with a larger objective lens that I could put on my handgun.
  2. Congrats on the deer. Let me just chime in here though. Personally, if I was in your situation, I would shoot the old bow until it breaks or the string goes bad. At the point that the string goes bad, make the choice. Your bow is just as capable at killing a deer as a $1500+ Hoyt Carbon Matrix. New bows are nice, and you can say whatever you want to justify buying a new one, but realistically that old bow is just fine.
  3. Oh and for the record, I don't buy my phones, the company I work for does. We just make fully educated decisions on what we use based on what's available at the time.
  4. Its not an apple vs Droid thread. Its my opinion. I happen to have experience with both plus BlackBerry and Windows Mobile. In my opinion you can't beat the Droid phones. Not even on Verizon's network.
  5. Thats a bad comparison and bad assumption. What you describe as your theory is not how genetics work. Besides, it is impossible for you to change the genetic makeup of a wild deer herd in the span of your lifetime, let alone a few years. Sounds like your deer are just getting age on them and may be using your area as a core area. There is no way that 1 1/2 year old deer are getting bigger racks without getting older through AR.
  6. 30' in a climber is too much, especially for bow hunting. You are creating angles at short range that just plain dont coincide with a good, clean kill shot. I have been hunting more with my climber this year than ever, and I dont go past 16 or 17 feet tops. Theres just no reason for it unless its 30 feet up a tree that sits in a skinny 15 foot deep draw.
  7. Yep, for the WMUs that have more available. Not all do, thees a list on the site somewhere.
  8. Im heading to Dick's after work to try and get 2 more. Gotta pick up a couple of things there as well.
  9. I ride my bike a lot and the DEC doesn't maintain the trails as much as some think. Many are mintained by private organizations under DEC regulation. A prime example is the Genesee Valley Greenway. Ill post more info on that when I can.
  10. Heres a little info that I found, it is wikipedia, but it looks pretty accurate. Not exactly a nice, pretty pie chart though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Department_of_Environmental_Conservation
  11. Its not here yet, nobody local sells it that I know of so I have to wait. > You can see it here though... http://www.predatorcamo.com/camo_patterns.html Ill post some pics when mine gets here.
  12. Cool, nothing to worry about then! Good luck with your search! And I merged your topics, no need for two lol.
  13. film? That stuff has to be a rare find at the store now days.
  14. I havent yet, but my buddy shot a 6 yesterday in the wind.
  15. Yes, they are capable of surviving at this point.
  16. crossbows arent getting their own season from what I have read, just allowed in gun/ML season for now. You have a source on that?
  17. One guy I know hit a buck with a 12 gauge slug 5 times , only 1 not in the vitals and it still ran over 100 yards after the last hit. It was a big buck, but still, darn thing just wouldnt go down. He was trying to get it down before it crossed onto a neighboring property. Myself, Ive only ever put 2 at the most into a deer.
  18. Ill be ready, gotta take the handgun to the range one more time and pick up an extra box or two of rounds.
  19. It goes toward everything the DEC does, not just biking trails or hunting land. Try to imagine what the legal fees alone are for the DEC to take businesses to court over different things each year. Office costs and supplies, salaries, vehicles, etc etc etc.
  20. Sat in my stand till almost 11 this morning. Saw 4 or 5 deer feeding toward me in an alfalfa field, they ended up going down a different trail and I never had a chance at them. I headed back to the truck when I could tell there was rain coming in. We got a pretty good bunch of sleet right after I was done loading up. I have to pick up my daughter later this afternoon, so my hunting is done for the weekend. Ill be back at it later in the week.
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