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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. From what I have been told, if it was bought as a pistol, you can change it out to a rilfe, ML or shotgun as long as you dont sell it as anything but a pistol. If its originally a ML, rilfe or shotgun, you cannot convert it to pistol use. We will see what the Sheriff has to say.
  2. I know some of you guys are leaving for camp tomorrow, so I figured Id say good luck to you all before you go. I hope to see some more pics in the 2010 Harvest thread next week! Stay safe, dont get blown out of the trees lol.
  3. My email is in to the Sheriff, Ill post the answer I get.
  4. I stand corrected, and now it has me wondering. My frame has the serial, the barrel, nothing. On my permit it has the serial for the frame and the caliber of the barrel. Im going to have to email the Sheriff to find out for sure.
  5. You can change the pistol to a rifle/ML or shotgun. I am going to go grab mine now to make sure, but Im almost 100% that the serial of my barrel is on my permit, not the frame. Like I said, I dont think the frame is numbered.
  6. Well, it was a month ago that I did it, and I had it sighted in the same day. Ive got it dialed in to the point where its a bit more accurate than my old one. I attribute that to the smaller pin size. I like it alot more than my old sight. Glad I did it.
  7. I dont think the frame has a serial number, the barrel serial is put on your permit. I have heard that what you describe is the way it is, but if I were you, I would call and ask your County Sheriff's office and have them send you the regulation in writing or go pick it up. I want to say that they way that would make sense would be where you have to have a permit to buy the pistol barrels.
  8. No to the doe estrous calls this early. I may do some light grunts, but mostly doe and fawn bleats.
  9. Id say 2 1/2, his belly and back lines are almost parallel
  10. A plain Jane 15 or 16 foot single ladder stand is cheaper than a hang on with the strap on ladder sections. I bought a hang on this year because it was going to go into a tree I couldnt get a ladder stand into. I ended up putting it in a different tree, which I could have gotten a ladder stand into anyway lol. Oops.
  11. Usually I use Dead Down Wind. Someone gave me a bottle of Invisible Hunter this year that I will use till its gone.
  12. That is a sweet looking cabin. Im sure you will create man many more memories in it!
  13. oh what I wouldn't give for snow.. Actually it sucked. It was that wet, nasty, heavy crap that stuck to all of the tree branches and leaves. That morning it was constantly falling and going down the back of my shirt and the woods were so damn noisy that barely any deer were moving. I only saw one little fork horn all weekend. Im glad its not doing that this year.
  14. AMD isnt likely to fold any time soon. As far as a tax payoff though, how much of a tax break was AMD given and for how long? They do that stuff all the time through "Empire Zones" where businesses get a tax break that amounts to paying little to almost no tax on their building/property for a certain amount of time. I havent heard anything of the AMD plant, Im just wondering.
  15. I hunted in snow on the bow opener last year.
  16. The scent bombs are legal to use in NY. They are just scent, doesnt matter what they smell like.
  17. They are only saying a 30% chance of AM showers here for Saturday.
  18. Clinton fixed anything? Really? Get it straight, the economy was only made "better" once the Democrats no longer held power in Congress and the Republicans started shooting down Clinton's tax and spend bills. You dont remember that they tried to pass a national healthcare plan back then and it got shot down? Remember all the fuss about how much a gov't toilet and hammer cost? Good lord, people have short memories. : Any time one party holds the power in the White House and the Congress, its bad news. You need a balance for things to work the best. As far as Paladino is concerned, Im afraid he has stuck his foot right into his mouth too many times and is doomed to loose. It sucks because with Cuomo at the wheel, NY is in for more of the same old big government tax and spend Albany insider BS.
  19. I hear ya, just have to make sure you are stocked on them or you reload. I am going to start reloading my own soon, but I always keep a couple of boxes around. When I found my Encore, it just so happened to be in the exact caliber I really wanted. I have a friend that shoots the twin of my gun and I knew how his performs.
  20. Take a hand towel or washcloth and soak it in scent killer or the scent free laundry soap and wipe the drier down inside and out. Pull the lint trap and wash it out with scent killer as well. Run a cycle on the highest temp with the cloth you used to wipe it down with and a scent killer drier sheet (you can get them at any sporting goods store or walmart). It should be good after that.
  21. That hitch would have to be scraping the pavement to fit under the center exhaust.
  22. 260 is a great round, just a little hard to find factory ammo for.
  23. 1 day to go, I have nothing more to get ready, its killing me. I had a dream about hunting last night, I just dont feel like going to work. I just need it to be Saturday! Someone knock me out so I wake up at 5am Saturday morning!!!! ???
  24. I like to be sitting out in my stand when its rainign so that I will be there when it stops. I see deer walking field edges alot right after it stops raining.
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