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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I am ready, well almost. Still have to get one last blind done and a couple of branches trimmed. The only thing other than that is to wash my hunting clothes. Ill be out hunting for the first 3 days straight. I took that Monday off. If I get a deer Saturday or Sunday, Ill cancel that vacation day and go to work. I cant wait to get out there. Ill be practicing a bit from one of my stands this weekend.
  2. For the same reasons that the anti x-bow guys do it. Lighten up there buttercup, no reason to keep complaining about a legal hunting implement.
  3. Lets debate whether debating about a debate forum is a good idea, then we can debate the conclusions in the debate forum that is created.
  4. LMFAO! Holy crap, that guy flew at least 10 feet! Hilarious!
  5. As soon as I run across my hunting journal while Im unpacking, Ill look into what I have observed. I always write down where deer came from, where they went, what they were doing, general wind direction, temperature, time, etc.
  6. Original Post Sorry, the IT guy in me abbreviates everything. ;D
  7. I start showering with scent killer soap on Oct 1st, and use it every day through the end of the season. I also use the scent free deoderant. When I hunt, I shower before the AM hunt and sometimes before the PM as well if I have say gone out to lunch and had a big, greasy burger or some other reason to stink me all up. Before I head to the stand, I spray down everything with scent killer and if I havent showered, use the scent killer wipes on my face, hands, hair, etc.
  8. Its right in the OP Doc. Crossbows will be added to the currently required class curriculum for new hunters and current hunters will just take a short test online.
  9. It could happen. Heres one thats been floating around a couple years...
  10. Yep, thats how I read it. Im hoping that statement shows that there will be an effort to expand x-bows into all seasons when it gets redone in 2012.
  11. Thats not the only question in the list that would be repetitive. Im sure they are not in order lol.
  12. If this was really a frequently asked question, then we have a issues... 10 to 1 it was asked because someone wanted to shoot coyotes, raccoons or something like that. Just my guess though.
  13. I gotta think theres something going on with the way you are shooting. Face it, basically, a sight is a sight, its just pins that you line up with your peep (you do shoot a peep right?). Last year I made some changes to my setup and tried to make some improvements to my form. My groups went from nice and tight to all over the place. I went to my local proshop and the owner took me out to the range to watch me shoot. Turned out I had a bad case of target panic. I was changing up my anchor points, etc and grabbing the grip differently. He taught me a little trick. He had me stand 10 or 15 feet from a large bag target, draw, then close my eyes and hit the release. He told me to anchor the bow by feeling the points (corner of mouth, under the ear, etc) instead of looking at things. He then popped a kisser button on my bow and between that and shooting with my eyes closed, I was able to calm things down and get back on track. Now, I personally wouldnt shoot a plastic sight. If you want a fiber sight, wait till after the season is over and buy a decent one. Tru Glo makes good sights and you can get good deals on the basic ones. I bought my old Tru Glo for @ $30 about 5 years ago. I recently upgraded and put it on my fiance's bow, it still works great. For now, Id put your old sight back on and use it for the rest of the season. Just my 2 cents
  14. Holy crap, that picture made my stomach hurt. Sorry that happened to you. Hopefully it will be good enough by the time season starts.
  15. Something tells me its a fake, but I dont have any proof. Yet.
  16. The problem with those cams that go on your bow is that when you shoot and right after the shot, the bow moves quite a bit, the camera will move with it and the video looks like a big blur. You dont really hold the bow still for all that long, so you end up with just a few seconds of video. I dont suspect the glasses would be much better, but Ive never seen them used.
  17. The most I have done as a Mod is to help with organizing and cleaning up the forums. I havent edited posts or anything. Most forums that I go to that are truly enjoyable, you have a set of rules, mostly saying "no cursing" or "no personal attacks" and things like that, and the Mods dont do much other than move topics, lock classified threads after things have been sold, etc. Rarely do they get involved in arguments between members and when they do, its through private messages, not openly in the forum. Otherwise, things are left to peter out on their own, which they usually do. John, Ill send you a couple of examples of sets of rules to give you ideas if you want to set some general guidelines or something like that.
  18. Im gonna call it now just for the record, we wont see pics of it.
  19. I have a Vortex on my Remington 700 and love it. I have put hundreds of rounds through it since I first sighted it in and it hasnt moved a bit. On my slug gun I have a Bushnell, its been a good scope too. For Binos, I just have a pair of Bushnells for now.
  20. You can also get his number by going to the town hall and asking for it.
  21. I just feel like some formal rules need to be put in place. Unfortunately you are going to have people that have attitudes, especially on an internet forum. Also, you are going to have people that are constantly offended by anything even vaguely confontational. All you can do is lay down some guidelines and stick to them. If the guidelines are too strict, youll choke the life out of the site, if you just let it be a free for all, well it gets out of control and becomes worthless. You need to keep a nice, happy medium, and to be honest, I think this site is doing a darn good job of maintaining that. You will never, ever ever please everyone. The woodshed seemed to be the tipping point on the Empire site. The rest of the board dried up and the woodshed got too hot. It killed the site. Doing something similar would not be good for this site either.
  22. My opinion is, if it looks like a "hot topic" or the thread gets a little too warm for you, dont read it. Nobody is twisting your arm to read anything on here. Internet forums are much like radio, TV, movies and any other form of entertainment, if you dont like the channel (subject), then change the channel. If you want to see what a hunting forum looks like with censorship and that only allows mild debate, go look at deerhuntingchat.com its traffic is pretty light in comparison to other hunting forums. I am a mod over there and have stopped going because I have seen what the policy over there has done, its driven members away. Id rather spend my time on a site that doesnt rule with an iron fist. Take a look at one of the largest, busiest sites in the sportsman forum category on the net, Archerytalk. They let things fly for the most part on there and it takes alot to get banned or put in time out. They have a huge, huge following.
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