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Einsamer Krieger

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About Einsamer Krieger

  • Birthday 01/19/1950

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chenango County
  • Interests
    Camping, Hunting, Gunsmithing, Reloading,
    Long-Range Target, Fishing, Handgun Hunting,
    Gunsmithing, gardening, Handgun Practice, Recurve Bow, year-round
    Hands-On Carpenter work

Contact Methods

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Chenango County, New York State
  • Hunting Gun
    Ruger 30-06 w/Leatherwood 4 x 16, K-98 Mauser, 8mm w/Leatherwood 4 x 16
  • Bow
    Bear Kodiak Grizzly, Recurve
  • HuntingNY.com
    Newspaper Article

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  1. CAREFUL, too many landmines waiting out there, Scammers are every where,
  2. My son came home with a bad cold and guess what?? Yep, it is kicking my old butt real bad, 101 fever, chills, throwing up, coughing, and everything hurts. The shot worked, I am sick as an old hound. This is not cool. Just as hunting season started to look real good. Just my luck!!!
  3. He must go!! We need our country back. We The People must get involved and make the government "for the People"' By the People. VOTE VOTE him out!!!
  4. Welcome, good luck and best of times hunting
  5. Zinc and Vitamin C, every morning, builds up your immune system, prevention is the key. Started doing this a couple of years, haven't had a cold since.
  6. Yes, I agree with you but can't they see and use their minds?
  7. Not cool!! I just reload more and more. Save some for other hunters.
  8. That's funny as hell!!!! Right there with you, never run out of ammo!!
  9. Just another damn follower, no sense to even listening to her.
  10. Nice looking unit. I love my shop. gets me really excited,
  11. I haven't seen any dead deer in the woods, when out and scouting. Few on the side of the highways. No need to for any disease, God will protect his creations
  12. Vote these clowns out of office, We the People control the voting process.
  13. Panning so far looking to be a great season, many bucks and does seen in state lands and driving to and from work.
  14. All set up and ready to go. Get to hunt a new area, no other hunters on property, it's going to be great. Can't for Turkey Season.
  15. 1/2 hour before sunrise, in your stand and ready to wait. Check the schedule for sunrise and sunset.
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