Priced the faux stone panels. Expensive, but still a contender.
Vinyl B&B is looking better. But struggling with color. If I do white, is it going to look like I patched it quickly. If it's dark grey, or a brown, will it look like a accent wall....
Had a bow window that was just frigging ugly. Removed and installed a slider. Eventually extending the deck to access the hot tub from that door.
My issue is the vinyl siding. It's a 2.5" profile, and can only find 4" or larger profiles.
Any ideas on what to do to make this area not look cobbed together?
When the sheep farm i was hunting was up in running, the local DEC didn't give a crap when I shot a yote on that property. Got checked many times at night during the summer. I just shine the lots and shoot if I seen one. They knew I wasn't after a deer. Interesting info, deer will not feed in the same paddock with the sheep. Once the sheep were moved, the deer would hit that field. Never in the 30+ yrs hunting there have I seen a deer grazing alongside or anywhere near the sheep.
Mowed 14 of my 26 clients so far. Next week all will need mowing. Will take me 3 days @ 7+ hrs a day for 3 1/2 days to mow and trim all 26 lawns with a 72" Zturn.
Oh boy, I was in your shoes a few weeks ago. A forum member stepped up and sold me some turkey loads for a great price. Hopefully you have the same luck.
Smart fox, lol
If it's a recent pic, I highly doubt it's a poult. Too early. Geese on a pond near me have hatched out 3 chicks, so it could be a baby goose.