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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. I'm super stoked and am hooked on bow hunting. Even though I haven't killed one yet.
  2. Well had an eventful morning@swampbucks set me up on the edge of bedding had one little deer come from behind me milling around another in front of me. I watched no mom used my doe bleeat a couple times.they milled around seemed like forever finally they started moving to a small shooting lane I bleated I'm in a camping chair on ground. All I need is one more step finally it steps in hole I draw back put it on the vitals and release. I see them bound off. Used my 30 yard pin and shot in front of them low. Me and swamp bucks text he comes down has me point out where the deer were from my position. We look for arrow couldn't find it he then searched where they went no blood. Clean miss. I've now hunted the Adirondack s never got a shot on one so being able to see and get a shot was great. Swamp bucks told me we'd see deer and we did. It's been a ball hunting and visiting and listening to his knowledge of deer hunting this area. I've seen 4 deer so far 2 little ones and a 4 and one this morning driving to our spot looked like a six. Going to relax and hunt opener of gun tomorrow. Have had a ball hope he invites me to hunt with him again.
  3. Me and swamp bucks set my stand. Scouted fresh rubs all over. Nice set up to overwatch Saturday morning. Tomorrow will try for a doe. On the way out seen a buck cruising. Having a great time lake house is nice just don't get phone service for calls have to be outside. Ready to hunt.
  4. Let's make meat but above all else have a good time hunting.
  5. Got Ritz cheese and crackers chewy granola bars couple bottles of water. Nutrigrain bars. Apples carrots can of corn jk lol.
  6. My back 5 acres has been dead on cam last 2 nights.
  7. Pulled my climber today and checked cam on the mountain. 2 does. One the 10 the had a giant 8 come thru 600 pm dark. He will be hunted hard if I don't tag out downstate hunting with @Swamp_bucks. Tough spot to hunt surrounded by private and small sections of state to access.
  8. I bet ours was taking still hunting back in 2002. Have to take a pic of them.
  9. Yes just seen that. Thanks for pointing it out. What was spread? Me and a buddy got a big 6 with 3 broken tines woulda been a 9. 22 in inside spread.
  10. I'll be wherever @Swamp_bucks puts me. From what he's showed me looks good.
  11. Yes he does need to be reinstated. We must be getting close to 2 weeks?
  12. I seen on weston.com they had the vest offered 20% off after I bought my socks. How's yours work?
  13. Remington 7400 carbine chambered in 30-06 150 grain core locks.
  14. Well worked my five acres and boy 8 rubs I counted. Like all hell broke loose last night cuz they weren't there yesterday. Showed my son now he wants to sit with me.
  15. Making pea soup what a process but worth it. Boil down ham bone and fat. Then strain pull meat cook onions carrots and dry peas. Pics after.
  16. 30-06 150 grain core locks. Deer don't go far with upper neck behind ear. Even through killzone I've had them drop right there.
  17. Gotta buck playing the game on my back five acres. 5 new rubs just along trail haven't check whole thing yet. Only rubbing on 1 in to 2 in saplings. Think it's the spike I had on camera. Gotta start somewhere. It starting up.
  18. I had tags for 8 g 8h back in the day. Stayed in Batavia but couldn't find state. Stopped into a taxidermist shop bow shop I think in Leroy. He was a goose hunter and had a lady friend who only goose hunted. They made a call and gave me a address. I went knocking. A little old lady was preparing dinner comes to the door we speak her son comes over asked me to join for dinner I politefully decline. I told him my situations and I was given permission to hunt. I volunteered to help the farmer harvest corn. He said hunt if you get one well drag it out with the tractor. Was wondering if anyone out there remembers a taxidermy shop near Leroy think he had a giraffe in there. Great diner not far away. Also had permission behind the lady hunters house. Never killed anything but seen deer. I was in the military at time but if I wasn't a kid I'd have locked the spots down but you live you learn. Spots like that are hard to come by. Also I ate a the diner everyday the cook let me hunt his property.
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