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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Also, pretty cool are the videos of Mt. Lions vs Wolves. When 1 on 1, the lion will kill a wolf very easily and very quickly.
  2. Most wolves are shot incidentally by hunters hunting other game. I have wolf hunted a total of 14 days with no wolves seen (8 in Alberta, 6 in N. Ontario). My dad hunted over 30 full days in 3 different Canadian provinces over the course of a few years and 5 diffrent guided hunts before even seeing 1. He shot 2 of them. Both are top 5 all-time based on skull-size in the province of British Columbia. Wolves are one of the hardest animals to specifically target, hunt, and kill. Hopefully someday I will get one. Here's the video >
  3. Great story. I've actually never shot any deer without my Dad being in the same piece of woods or next to me.
  4. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    Thank you. Glad somebody agrees with my approach. I never bashed his business. "I've looked at his website several times. Wasn't too impressed with his lifesize mounts nor his fish. Maybe his work is better in person? If so, he should have different pictures taken." All I said is that I wasn't very impressed and even gave him the benefit of the doubt that his work might look better in person. I never suggested you "give up taxidermy". Learn how to take criticism. Nobody is perfect. Of course there are thousands of better taxidermists than you, and thousands of worse taxidermirsts than you.
  5. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    Congrats to you. I never said anything about how your business is doing. I am entitled to my opinion and I stated it. This thread is people's opinions about taxidermists. I even gave you the benefit of doubt. There are pictures on Kurt's website that don't look great, but look different in person. I never said anything about your birds or whitetails. I talked about fish and lifesize mounts. I assume the 2 fish below are supposed to be a largemouth bass and salmon, but both look extremely unrealistic in my opinion.
  6. Im going to Minnesota to get one in a few weeks.
  7. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    I've looked at his website several times. Wasn't too impressed with his lifesize mounts nor his fish. Maybe his work is better in person? If so, he should have different pictures taken. I actually grew up in Mahopac, but never heard of him. My Dad still lives in Mahopac. Does this guy have a website? I've always used Kurt Fox.
  8. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    I don't know Gatto, but I never understand the rush about getting something back. You are going to have the mount the rest of your life.
  9. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    Yup, Kurt Fox is legit. He has done 20+ for my Dad and I. He does a lot of African work as well.
  10. Crossbows for 2013 Archery!!
  11. 2 Great Lakes Airlines vouchers for sale. Each are worth $200, so $400 total. They are fully transferrable and expire on 11/28/13. http://www.greatlakesav.com/ Best offer takes them!
  12. Thanks for the input. Sounds like a cool hobby for gun ethusiasts.
  13. I wasn't being sarcastic. I am being serious. I dont know much about them, but from what I understand they aren't cheap. So people aren't buying them to save $, right? So I'm asking if they out perform rifles, and if so, for what type of species, etc.?
  14. I dont understand the fad with "black guys". Is the performance better than bolt-action rifles?
  15. Wow, impressive. You must have some trophy room and access to some phenonemal NYS hunting land.
  16. Yea, glad I took that 4pt opening day. I plan to hunt the 10th, 15th, and 16th with the crossbow. Try to get another buck.
  17. Didnt realize your post was from yesterday. Yea, he was there yesterday and heard 5 straight at 1030am.
  18. I'm sorry I just disagree. I understand if you have to leave the woods at 2-3pm for another obligation. But if you are going to hunt all day anyway, why give up any legal minutes. If you hunted many miles during the day and on the way out you stopped to rest against a tree and a big buck walked out, you wouldn't shoot it? Of course, you would. All I am saying is that unless you have other obligations why not spend each minute of legal shooting time that day in a spot where you can actually shoot something. That's all.
  19. LWood? My Dad was there the other day and heard 5 straight shots in a row at 1030am lol. Craziness....
  20. Didn't know he was still hunting. But that would only explain the after shooting light arrival. Don't see why anybody would ever leave the woods before shooting hours are over at night. Even standing against a tree the last few minutes of legal hunting time is a better chance to get a deer then sitting in your car.
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