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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. I will be out Monday with crossbow rain or shine. Just put my hood up. Its just rain, I gaurantee nobody melts. It's real hunting in the woods, bad weather is part of the game. Perfect weather gets boring anyway.
  2. Why not just carry a ML and a Crossbow? Shoot the closer deer with the xbow and the farther deer with the ML.
  3. Can't shoot a deer in your warm house. The weather sucks but if you don't hunt in this weather, you will have to wait over 360 days to try again.
  4. Once or twice a year with the guns. Crossbow more often since I can shoot it in my parents backyard up to 40-50yards.
  5. Ted Williams is frozen right? Can they thaw him out, skin him, perserve and mount him? Life-size humans gotta be more realistic than wax museums, no?
  6. Funny thing is, there used to be a taxidermist shop that I would stop in from time to time. The owner had his dead dog mounted in the corner of the room laying down. I always thought that dog was super lazy until I realized it was just a life-size mount.
  7. Yea the mount is too small. Should have been 6-8 Tigers chasing 10-15 of those deer looking animals.
  8. I disagree. I will never get sick of mine lol.
  9. Exactly! Now he's worried about people getting P&Y credit for deer they shot with crossbows. People who cheat to get into record books are only cheating themselves. I'm sure there are many P&Y bucks that were illegally shot with compound bows, whether it be from baiting or shooting too early or too late, etc.
  10. +1. If you want to debate, come with reasoning, and not because you think they are "gay". If you think Crossbows are too loud, too heavy, etc. than you should be cool with them in archery.
  11. Might already look like that. Usually people who don't show their faces are pretty ugly. I can't imagine being from Tully and being ugly. YIKES!
  12. You probably went to your local archery shop and couldn't get a 200lb crossbow cocked, so your stuck with your 32lb. compound.
  13. I took off work on Monday the 10th to hunt with crossbow. Hopefully deer will be moving after rain saturday and sunday.
  14. Here we go again with this clown. Belo - For someone who is 29 years old and supposedly is married with a kid, and supposedly has a great job, you are pretty immature.
  15. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    I agree and I'm glad you stand up for your craft.
  16. Here's all the land options > http://www.nyc.gov/h...tion_maps.shtml Over 20 parcels in Putnam & Westchester combined.
  17. Yea the Kent DEP lands have signs explaining the QDMA rules. No bucks the first 2 days of the season, 3 points to a side, etc.
  18. Nah, said all he has been seeing is hunters lol. All the deer are in peoples yards he said.
  19. Its only 2.5 miles. I know someone who lives on the lockwood end and just talked to him today actually. He has some great pictures of monster buck rubs. However, he said the place went downhill. He said there are hunters everywhere, scent wicks everywhere, and he has even heard of some people baiting illegally in there. Crazy, but sucks. No wonder why my dad hasn't seen any deer there. Used to be a decent spot, guess it got too popular. This guy was grunt calling and 2 hunters came to within 50 yards before they saw him lol, idiots. I won't be going there again.
  20. lol, I know peope who gets bucks out of Lockwood every single year. Thanks for the heads up though, I won't be going there knowing people are calling for varmints during deer season. You are going to piss off any deer hunters who are there hunting deer.
  21. Why hunt yotes during deer season? ? Between all the deer scent lures there and now yote calling/hunting, I doubt I am going to go there to hunt deer late bow/ml season.
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