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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Today, the final day of shotgun season, my Dad decided to take a spike we had pics of all summer. I saw this spike with the 4pt I shot on opening day. My Dad saw this spike a couple of times throughout the gun season but kept passing him up. He took him at 803am this morning. He saw this spike at 730am running by and then bedded down, but not presenting a shot. At 750am 3 does came by and the spike got up and walked into a spot where my Dad could take a shot at 60yards. I went out 2 time this season. 1st day of shotgun, I shot my 4pt at 750am. Today I decided to go out in hopes of seeing a yote or fox and my Dad got his deer at 803am. I will be out Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday with the crossbow looking for a buck.
  2. After 2 trips to Arizona and 11 exhausting days, yes I am very proud. There was no fence to contain any lions. Majority of people could not physically do this type of hunt. If I was hunting moutain lions in a fenced area, at some point I would have had success. I hunted them fair-chase where I could have never got one. I bet neither of you could handle a "dry-ground" mt. lion. If you think you get off a quad and walk to a tree and shoot a lion, you have no clue. This hunt was the hardest hunt I had ever been on. Tougher mentally and physically than any deer hunt or wolf hunt I have ever been on by far.
  3. I got the $ to shoot a 200"+ deer, but I would feel like a loser doing it.
  4. I get cold feet easily. You should get Cabelas Inferno 2000 Pac Boot. Get a pair and you'll be fine. I only use them in Canada. I was outside in sub zero temps and was fine. I wear under armour cold gear snowboarding socks, then a pair of wool socks over those.
  5. You know what.... After all of this debate, I realize hunting isn't for me. I AM QUITTING HUNTING! LOL
  6. I'm not trying to argue. I understand your point about guides, and you understand my point about food plots. Back to the topic, my closing statement is that fenced in hunting is not really hunting and shouldnt be considered it. Same goes with fishing. If I bring home a bass and throw him in a private pond and feed him like crazy, then catch him when he's over 6lbs, is it really a trophy? not in my opinion.
  7. Right, I dont call it hunting either. It only bothers me when people consider it hunting. As far as paying for skills/knowledge, not at all. Majority of the time I paying for equipment, gas, and land-access. Very rarely does a guide wow me with their knowledge and/or skills. Most of the time I am spotting the animals before the guide anyway, and making shot the guide(s) say they couldn't have made. What about people who say, "Food plots and treestands are for people who cant kill deer on their own. So they pay for what they lack in skill". Point is, everybody has their own opinions. B&C is never going to decide to not allow entries from people who hunted with a guide. Honest question here: You wouldn't go on a fair-chase (no fence) hunt that is guided?
  8. I disagree. It's like hunting with a friend who knows the land. Unless you could take a year off from work and go and scout land and the animals you plan to hunt in another state, you need to hire a guide. I don't own a quad, I dont own a truck, etc. I need all that stuff to hunt certain terrain in other states. Correct, some places like British Columbia, you have to be with the guide at all times. If hunting with a guide is not "real hunting" than hunting over food plots can definitely not be called "real hunting". With a guide I hunt natural land, not artificial supplements to draw animals in. Same goes with calling, etc. To me, without a "high-fence", its most likely "real hunting"
  9. I meant outfitters in Texas. Pretty much all of them are high-fence operations.
  10. Yup, honestly people who hunt fenced in animals should try extremely small areas and see how that works. How about being a man and hunting a grizzly bear or mountain lion or wolf in a high fence operation where the size of the land is about 200-400 square feet. Now that would be a high-fence operation TV show I would definitely watch.
  11. Regardless of size they cant get away if there's a fence. When in Arizona hunting mt lions, many times we chased for 10-15 miles on foot in a day and came up empty handed. Not sure how many acres that equates to, but if there was a fence we would have surely caught that lion at some point. You want to be proud of an animal you shot behind a fence, that's your choice. Just don't call it hunting. I don't buy the whole crap of saying that over a certain amount of acres = real hunting. Its never real hunting.
  12. Cool, I'll be out in Putnam too.
  13. Where at? I'm off work Monday to hunt with xbow, but thinking about switching my day off to Wednesday.
  14. might not affect us, but someday people will offer $ that others cant refuse for their land. Someday NY might be mostly high-fenced. who knows?
  15. I wish it was illegal. Pretty much all of Texas is high-fence these days. More states to comes.
  16. From what I was told once is that in order to be a fenced in operation for deer, they use a bunch of people to walk all the property and make sure no predators are in there while the fencing goes up. This way no deer are lost to coyote, wolves, mt. lions, etc. I've definitely paid more for a fair-chase hunt in some cases and came home with nothing, but I could care less. I would never go on a hunt and pay by the inch lol.
  17. Check this out: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BUY-A-200INCH-DEER-HUNT-AND-GET-A-150INCH-BUCK-FOR-FREE-ONLY-7-499-/390508452330?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5aec1e19ea Buy a 200" deer and get a 150" for free!
  18. I dont understand how fenced in hunting is legal. To each his own I guess. I'll take a spike from anywhere in NY over a 200"+ fenced in deer, anyday. I wouldnt do one of those hunts even it was free. I'd be embarassed to put it on my wall or even keep the antlers. I dont care if the area fenced in is 30,000 acres. The fact is, the animals are fenced in and can only run so far till they hit the fence.
  19. Simple as this, PROVE IT. If he was very close to it, he should have walked up to where the lion was and took a bunch of pictures of its tracks with something to show size comparison. Even a 6month or older kitten lion track is much bigger than a giant bobcat track.
  20. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own prefences. Based on where I hunt, my only tree option would be a climber and I dont want to be restricted to one spot. Majority of the deer I shot were either still hunting or I saw and then needed to move 5-10 yards to get a shot off.
  21. I agree 40 and rain does suck. But forecast calls for 56 and rain showers here on Monday. I never been in a treestand in my life, so no umbrella.
  22. ps- what type of mold are you getting, standing, walking?
  23. Great decision on the full mount. Just make sure your taxidermist takes all the correct measurements. I know a guy who shot a 516lb black bear and it came back life-size looking like a typical 250-275 bear. After 2-3 of disgust when looking at his mount, he sold it. I felt really bad for him.
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