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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Right. Unless I'm wrong, I thought 22oz is light enough to carry? Basically, on my hip while sitting on the ground, hunting in the middle of nowhere in PA or NY with just a crossbow.
  2. Not sure what Talo Distributors means? The other one is over $1K. None. I have a .38 and a .22 on my pistol permit, but they are my Dad's.
  3. I only want a revolver, and I don't like the way the hammerless ones look to be honest. Only other option is the 686 and 686 plus, but im fine with 5 rounds as opposed to 6 or more.
  4. I want a S&W .357mag revolver. Don't want the 4" or 6" bigger barrel models.
  5. I want to buy the S&W Model 60, .357Mag, 2.125" barrel and I can't find it anywhere. No gun dealers seem to have them. They all say they are on back-order, and there is no timetable. Why can't 1 simply be made for me? http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_764932_-1_757767_757751_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y
  7. Everything is slow as sh*t up in western, ny. When my relatives died up there, the first attorney was "overwhelmed" and quit the estate. Everything was cut and dry, all family members had annuities in their name, it was so simple to handle. Then dealing with the bank (M&T) up there was just as bad. What should have taken 1 day, took them weeks to handle. After a few phone calls to corporate, they began to move their asses.
  8. This property can be used as residential and/or commerical. HEY, WESTERN NEW YORKERS! HOW LOW DO WE GOTTA GO? $55K, $50k?
  9. Yea, all depends on the Firm. I work for a Big-Law Firm, and we are always hiring. My girlfriend's brother works at Goldman as a VP and making serious loot.
  10. I feel your pain man. I went back n forth trying to buy me co-op in Westchester for many months. When we finally got to the closing, the seller (some rich lawyer) goes "I forget, am I the seller or buyer on this place?" and he was dead serious. Turns out the guy buys and sells so many places, he has no idea whats going on.
  11. Now $63,900 ........ WHO WANTS IT? I believe it is furnished as well, washer/dryer, etc. http://mjpetersonrealestateinc-793398.lps.preferredbrokersite.com/commercial-for-sale/NY/Lancaster/14043/302-Penora-72395893 BEST OFFER TAKES IT!
  12. The success rates on bull elks are pretty much 100%.
  13. I wouldn't hire 1 out of every 4 of my friends lol.
  14. My Mom's side of the family is from the Buffalo area. My grandfather moved them out of there in the late 60's to make more $ down here.
  15. Nobody down here in NYC is effected by the economy. We still get our raises, promotions, bonuses, etc. Sucks for the kids getting out college right now though.
  16. I'm just playing around. I honestly don't care what people shoot, as long as your happy with the results, thats all that matters.
  17. I googled stryker and only saw bad news about Bowtech, etc. Yikes!
  18. Isn't the late season ml/bow tag an either sex tag?
  19. your talking about a house though. I am talking about owning a co-op or condo in an apartment building.
  20. Sorry to hear man, but it happens all the time. I see your in Lancaster. I posted a house for sale in Depew you can have for under $60K!
  21. Haha, yea ok. Strings can last 5+ years without problem. I haven't traveled with my crossbow yet, but I have walked through really heavy stuff with it. I'm just saying it would suck to be up in remote Canada on a $5K deer hunt and your walking through heavy brush and something catches on your string and it snaps or something. Then what? That was my only point. I have honestly never heard of Stryker. Maybe they make great xbows. I have no idea and will never find out because I am happy with mine so I have no reason to do research on them.
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