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Join the NY Crossbow Coalition!

sits in trees

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Hey hunters, lets get to joining up with these guys and help them out. They are putting alot of hard work and sacrifice into this and you can help by joining up and sending them a check for a membership in the amount of 20 bucks..This is a small grass roots effort of a couple of guys who wanna see NY'ers enjoy the same right to hunt with crossbows during bow season like most other states already allow.

The time to join is now as the NY legislative season ends in about a week and we have bills that if passed could provide you a NY hunter the right to hunt with a crossbow this coming bow season!

These guys are spending out O pocket money to travel and organize and beat on the doors of our lawmakers. This is a very good cause!......thanks Mike


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I am not going to start a debate but I am not for crossbow during bow season. Sorry I just see it as the same thing as a gun IMO. And no matter what justifications you show will not change my opinion on this matter.

A bow requires much practice, I can teach a kid to shoot as well as me in one day making the weapon equal to a compound or traditional bow is not the same thing... If they want to use it let them use it during normal rifle season...

Otherwise NYS will make it legal and trample on more of the archery season, like every one does. No need for me to give up 20$ for it...

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Do we need to turn EVERY crossbow related thread into a debate or bash fest?

They are going to justify it one way or another with the hopes of improving participation. Yet this will not fix anything except upset a few people on internet posts...

In so far as posting my oppinion on something like crossbow, well yes I will voice my thoughts... (That is what posting on forums is about remember...) I am not against cross bows, I just don't see the similarities others do. One of the reasons I respect bow hunters is the fact that they have to perfect their weapon to be realy effective. ESP tradition... No so with a cross bow IMO... That realationship between weapon and time spent is lost with a crossbow IMO.

May be it is just me but I meet many hunters who seem to just not care about most laws. Tradition is nonexistant and ethics is an after thought. I see this weapon as drawing that typical dont give a crap attitude about hunting into the fray. I am sure I will be told this is just my narrow point of view and thier is probably some truth to it.

Archery season was alway something sacred, was...

Otherwise like I said they will make the weapon legal during bow to improve paricipation while acomplishing nothing again, typical politics bla bla bla...

Survival/hunting classes in schools is the best thing to improve numbers and participation yet try to get that passed is next to impossible state wide. If presented properly it could take off yet that is another challenge.

Again I am not against cross bow's. If they made a separate season for them I would have one NOW... And If I had one I would be proud to be a member of the Cross Bow Coalition!

OK how many pages you think this will go, lol.


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It did pass!, we now have to get it into the Assembly


I made the trip to Albany today for the Assembly EnCon meeting. There was discussion on this in the committee but to no avail. The vote to report A10583 had only 8 no votes. This bill will be available on the assembly floor for a vote starting next Monday. There will be 4 days left in the session.

When the meeting was over we got word that the Gallivan Bill S6747A was on the active list in the Senate. We went to the Senate chamber and watched the debate and vote. The bill passed 37 – 18. Now we have to regroup on the Assembly. At this point we are working to get A9682 put onto the Assembly floor for a vote. This will be like pushing a rope up a hill, but we are not giving up. Today we are closer than ever to having crossbows legal for all game in all seasons.

Please be prepared to act when we put together another alert. At this time we don’t know when that will happen, but everyone needs to be ready when called on."

"Also, Please if your Senator voted for the Gallivan bill, please send them a note thanking them for their support, it does go along way when we need them in the future" Rick McDermott

Edited by Tinlodge
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Here is the Senate vote.

FLOOR VOTE: - Jun 13, 2012 Ayes (37): Addabbo , Alesi , Avella , Bonacic , Breslin , Carlucci , DeFrancisco , Dilan , Farley , Flanagan , Fuschillo , Gallivan , Griffo , Grisanti , Kennedy , Klein , Lanza , Larkin , Libous , Little , Martins , Maziarz , McDonald , Nozzolio , O'Mara , Parker , Ranzenhofer , Ritchie , Robach , Saland , Savino , Seward , Skelos , Storobin , Valesky , Young , Zeldin


(18): Adams , Diaz , Duane , Gianaris , Hassell-Thompson , Johnson , Marcellino , Montgomery , Oppenheimer , Peralta , Perkins , Rivera , Sampson , Serrano , Smith , Squadron , Stavisky , Stewart-Cousins Absent (5): Ball , Espaillat , Golden , Hannon , LaValle Excused (2): Huntley , Krueger

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In so far as posting my oppinion on something like crossbow, well yes I will voice my thoughts... (That is what posting on forums is about remember...) I am not against cross bows, I just don't see the similarities others do. One of the reasons I respect bow hunters is the fact that they have to perfect their weapon to be realy effective. ESP tradition... No so with a cross bow IMO... That realationship between weapon and time spent is lost with a crossbow IMO.

May be it is just me but I meet many hunters who seem to just not care about most laws. Tradition is nonexistant and ethics is an after thought. I see this weapon as drawing that typical dont give a crap attitude about hunting into the fray. I am sure I will be told this is just my narrow point of view and thier is probably some truth to it.

Archery season was alway something sacred, was...

Otherwise like I said they will make the weapon legal during bow to improve paricipation while acomplishing nothing again, typical politics bla bla bla...

Survival/hunting classes in schools is the best thing to improve numbers and participation yet try to get that passed is next to impossible state wide. If presented properly it could take off yet that is another challenge.

Again I am not against cross bow's. If they made a separate season for them I would have one NOW... And If I had one I would be proud to be a member of the Cross Bow Coalition!

OK how many pages you think this will go, lol.


Let me ask, and I am serious. Looking at your stance on the mineral block in the other thread, you seem to take the approach there that a person should just worry about what they are doing and not others. Your approach here is different. The change would not mean YOU would have to change anything you were doing. the choice would be up to the individual. Do you see anything inconsistent in your two positions?

If tradition and the need to spend a lot of time honing skills for a hunt is the true measure and should be the measure of a hunters ethics and how well they view hunting laws.....why do you carry a centerfire rifle in the gun season. wouldn't a flint lock or at least a precussion cap ML be more of a reflection of your overall hunting stance? That firearm would take more hours to perfect and you would have to practice more with it. Since you don't only use one of them in gun season does that mean you are less ethical in gun season that you are in bow? Does it mean your veiw of game laws in gun are less than they are during bow or less than a hunter that does use a ML in gun season?

Do you se my point?

Holding a tool in your hands that utilizes technology and "makes it easier" doesn't turn people into blathering unethical law breakers.

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Here is the Senate vote.

FLOOR VOTE: - Jun 13, 2012 Ayes (37): Addabbo , Alesi , Avella , Bonacic , Breslin , Carlucci , DeFrancisco , Dilan , Farley , Flanagan , Fuschillo , Gallivan , Griffo , Grisanti , Kennedy , Klein , Lanza , Larkin , Libous , Little , Martins , Maziarz , McDonald , Nozzolio , O'Mara , Parker , Ranzenhofer , Ritchie , Robach , Saland , Savino , Seward , Skelos , Storobin , Valesky , Young , Zeldin


(18): Adams , Diaz , Duane , Gianaris , Hassell-Thompson , Johnson , Marcellino , Montgomery , Oppenheimer , Peralta , Perkins , Rivera , Sampson , Serrano , Smith , Squadron , Stavisky , Stewart-Cousins Absent (5): Ball , Espaillat , Golden , Hannon , LaValle Excused (2): Huntley , Krueger

ASSEMBLY ENCON vote on Sweeney bill A10583 had 8 nay's, Barclay, Corwin, Finch, Gunther, Hanna, Lupardo, Ryan and Saladino, I do not have the number of yeas as there were a few members not present. The 8 that voted against this need to be thanked for their position.

If you live in the district of any of these members, please it is very important that you let them know you appreciate their support. This is moving through the Assembly rules committee today and will be on the Assembly Floor for a vote early next week. We will need their help when the floor vote is taken.

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It is imperative EVERYONE calls their Assembly Representative TODAY and

request they vote no on A10583, the Sweeney Crossbow Extender. This bill

is being reported to the floor today and will most likely be acted upon

before the end of today's session

Yesterday the Senate passed the Gallivan bill, the Sweeney bill will

remove authority of the DEC to manage wildlife and is flawed.

Please Make the call NOW, don't hesitate. This is coming down to the

wire and we must become more engaged than ever before. We are too close

to give in now.

Thank you,


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Not 2012. 2013 is the earliest season possible. There is a bill in process trying to change the current law and make it 2015 instead of 2013 as the first possible season. Just do a Google search for each of the bills.

The big change that MIGHT happen this year is the Oct 1 opener, but thats not definite yet either.

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I have not been in touch with American Crossbow Federation, I believe Bill Hilts has contacted them. I have been in contact with North American Crossbow Federation and there are helping with statistics and information around the crossbow issues in other states.

Watch this video, bows and arrows are not capable of this. NY got it right by putting it in the gun season.

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The above video has been presented to the Legislature, with negative impact! It has been described as a gun, because of the AR lower.

We are members of both the American Crossbow Federation and North American Crossbow Federation, also.

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