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Another mass shooting at a temple!!!!!!

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I lost my tin foil hat. I'm inclined to believe that the facts will disprove the conspiracy theorists. This is just another sociopath acting out and was too dumb to realize that Sikh's are not Muslim and had nothing to do with 9/11. My interpretation:

Redneck Army vet discharged for undisclosed reasons + runs into financial crisis and defaults on his Wells Fargo mortgage + has links to white supremacist groups = recipe for disaster .

(OR - another victim of the mortgage meltdown?)

Wade Michael Page -



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So, in summary, are we saying that this white-supremacist-skinhead-former soldier might actually have been a radical anti-gun crusader who murdered a bunch of people to further his anti-gun agenda?

And, by the way Skillet- it doesn't require balls to say stupid things, it only requires stupidity.

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So, in summary, are we saying that this white-supremacist-skinhead-former soldier might actually have been a radical anti-gun crusader who murdered a bunch of people to further his anti-gun agenda?

And, by the way Skillet- it doesn't require balls to say stupid things, it only requires stupidity.

Yes, you prove your own point.

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So, in summary, are we saying that this white-supremacist-skinhead-former soldier might actually have been a radical anti-gun crusader who murdered a bunch of people to further his anti-gun agenda?

No, I don't think so.

In a free society, where you are innocent until proven guilty, we don't lock up nuts we "think" are crazy. It's always after the fact.

In a different land/society people are not free, people live in fear every day of their lives. We would never want that here. Unless everyone wants to be a sheep. In Iran last week they sentenced to death four executives for bank fraud. (Can you imagine in America?)

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Everybody was playing nice nice Virgil, having a civil conversation. In typical Lib form, you start to insult people when you feel that your argument is failing.

I didn't insult anyone. I just asked someone to explain their comments. What you consider a 'civil conversation' is just a bunch of guys sharing the same opinion.

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I didn't insult anyone. I just asked someone to explain their comments. What you consider a 'civil conversation' is just a bunch of guys sharing the same opinion.

IMO A civil conversation is two people sharing differing or same opinions without insults . . . and when one side's opinion starts developing holes in it then the insults start flying. Happens a lot in this forum on various topics.

Edited by Deerthug
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Foil hats for sale here, $1.50 a piece.

I think this is another anti obama care act,what a bunch of nonsence if your life is that bad than Kill yourself and leave innosent people alone.Any one that commit's the fd up crime's and murrder's for no good reason should be put to death,and I do not mean wate for a hearing.There should be no senteceing for life they took a/multi live's so they to shoulsd be killed.Doe can I get a case of these.
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Nope, the cause was "right wing extremism."


Question: Do Obama, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, the FBI, ICE, BATF, DOJ, DHS, et al. label the Mexican gang violence that permeates and destroys our borders and our inner cities as “domestic terrorism”? Just curious.

Good question S4L, just like in Detroit last were a women took a pistol on a boat and opened fire. Funny how we don't hear about that. There blowing up the storys that will give them what they need to get on this gun ban mess!

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They aren't reporting on all the killings that are happening in Chicago right now. You know black on black violence. They only report white on black violence and when there is none to report they make it white on black violence like with Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. If Zimmerman is a white guy then I'm Santa Claus.

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They aren't reporting on all the killings that are happening in Chicago right now. You know black on black violence. They only report white on black violence and when there is none to report they make it white on black violence like with Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. If Zimmerman is a white guy then I'm Santa Claus.

I couldn't agree more pawle76.

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They aren't reporting on all the killings that are happening in Chicago right now. You know black on black violence. They only report white on black violence and when there is none to report they make it white on black violence like with Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. If Zimmerman is a white guy then I'm Santa Claus.


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The media is also focusing on how easy it is for a couple of crazed maniacs to obtain guns legally and kill people and never talk about how thousands of sane and calculated criminals can obtain guns illegally and kill people.

So much is focused on the fact that 12K people are killed each year in america by guns. I really want them to seperate that number to those killed by legally purchased guns and those that are killed by illegally obtained guns. I bet you the difference in the numbers will open a lot of eyes.

Edited by Elmo
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