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Obama's record on gun control

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When you have to go back 14 years to find something, he must be very passionate about it. The quote on the crazy website does better than that, they only had to go back 6 years for their blurb.

BTW, I still don't get how most of you feel Romney is any more pro-gun than Obama. Look how he ran Mass. He wants your vote, so he tows the line, for now at least. Come his second term though, even if he doesn't even hint at it during his first term, he's gonna get ya!

(Wait for it.... Wait for it......)


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When you have to go back 14 years to find something, he must be very passionate about it. The quote on the crazy website does better than that, they only had to go back 6 years for their blurb.

BTW, I still don't get how most of you feel Romney is any more pro-gun than Obama. Look how he ran Mass. He wants your vote, so he tows the line, for now at least. Come his second term though, even if he doesn't even hint at it during his first term, he's gonna get ya!

(Wait for it.... Wait for it......)


In 2004 he backed a federal law to abolish right to carry laws, nation wide. Think that was uummmm, carry the three....minus two .... uuummm eight years ago. Then supported a ban in D.C. on guns in the home for self defense in 2008, got to take my shoes off to be sure but I think that was like 4 years ago.

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2004? Please define "backed". He certainly didn't vote for anything Federal in 2004, since he was only elected to the US Senate in November of that year.

In 2008, (I'll go out on a limb here, you may not even know this) you must be referencing DoC vs Heller.

This was Obama's statement on the SCOTUS decision:

"I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms, but I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures. The Supreme Court has now endorsed that view, and while it ruled that the D.C. gun ban went too far, Justice Scalia himself acknowledged that this right is not absolute and subject to reasonable regulations enacted by local communities to keep their streets safe. Today's ruling, the first clear statement on this issue in 127 years, will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country.

As President, I will uphold the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun-owners, hunters, and sportsmen. I know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact common-sense laws, like closing the gun show loophole and improving our background check system, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Today's decision reinforces that if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe."

I know, crazy talk!

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You have no idea what you are talking about here. Please take the time to research what the "UN thing" was about, and then come back and post an intelligent comment and I'll address it.

The UN thing he was referring to is the UN Small Arms Treaty and it is real and it is very bad for sportsman and gun enthusists. Maybe you need to do some research wise ass. And they won't have to repeal the 2nd amendment at all either. All they need is a 67 percent vote from the Senate to put into law and it will override our constsitution without approval from Congress! Once this law is in place our gun laws will be at the mercy of foreign countries like Iran and many of our other enemies. Furthermore once it is enacted there will be NO WAY to repeal it. And just for your information Obama reversed U.S. policy to participate in negotiations on a U.N. anti-gun treaty.

Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammo commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

Obama voted for a ban on standard capacity mags.

Obama endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.

Obama opposed all right-to-carry laws

Obama appointed 2 anti-gun Supreme Court justices and if re elected he will have an opportunity to appoint another liberal Judge after one retires.

Obama voted to uphold criminal prosecutions of people who use firearms in self-defense.

Obama wants to re-impose failed and discredited Clinton gun ban on millions of common rifles,pistols and shotguns.

I really thought more people on this site would know all this and would be members of the NRA. As for Sogaard I think it's funny that a lefty like you would call yourself a hunter. Next time you want to call someone out maybe you should try researching before running off at the mouth.

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The UN thing he was referring to is the UN Small Arms Treaty and it is real and it is very bad for sportsman and gun enthusists. Maybe you need to do some research wise ass. And they won't have to repeal the 2nd amendment at all either. All they need is a 67 percent vote from the Senate to put into law and it will override our constsitution without approval from Congress! Once this law is in place our gun laws will be at the mercy of foreign countries like Iran and many of our other enemies. Furthermore once it is enacted there will be NO WAY to repeal it. And just for your information Obama reversed U.S. policy to participate in negotiations on a U.N. anti-gun treaty.

Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammo commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

Obama voted for a ban on standard capacity mags.

Obama endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.

Obama opposed all right-to-carry laws

Obama appointed 2 anti-gun Supreme Court justices and if re elected he will have an opportunity to appoint another liberal Judge after one retires.

Obama voted to uphold criminal prosecutions of people who use firearms in self-defense.

Obama wants to re-impose failed and discredited Clinton gun ban on millions of common rifles,pistols and shotguns.

I really thought more people on this site would know all this and would be members of the NRA. As for Sogaard I think it's funny that a lefty like you would call yourself a hunter. Next time you want to call someone out maybe you should try researching before running off at the mouth.

Site your sources please. I'll get back to tearing this apart tomorrow. :)

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Go to Bing and type in UN Small Arms Treaty and have your pick. Try doing your own research. Obamas voting record is public. I've gotten letters from my Senator, the NRA, National Association for Gun Rights. You call yourself a hunter and you don't know this stuff? That right there tells me you are a fraud. I shouldn't have to tell you where to look for this info. If you are a hunter and an outdoorsman you should know where to look for this. Don't bother "tearing apart" anything because I don't care what you think and I'm not interested in debating someone who is a liberal hunter. Something I've never heard of btw. You won't change my mind with your defending the worst President this country has ever seen. Go hug a tree or whatever it is people like you do and have a nice life.

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The UN Small Arms treaty has been a difficult issue to get an honest read on, because most of the articles written on it are from the fear mongers wanting you to believe they are coming for your guns. But a UN treaty doesn't trump the US Constitution.


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The UN Small Arms treaty has been a difficult issue to get an honest read on, because most of the articles written on it are from the fear mongers wanting you to believe they are coming for your guns. But a UN treaty doesn't trump the US Constitution.


I wouldn't be so sure,

Art. VI: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land…”

Read more at Ammoland.com: http://www.ammoland.com/2012/07/24/can-the-u-n-gun-treaty-trump-the-constitution/#ixzz29eB8snlE

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This to me leaves open the possibility of a treaty becoming the law of the land. Like you said this subject is vague at best and that's what makes it so scary.

The Facts

Could the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, now being discussed in New York City with an expected wrap-up date on July 27, 2012, really infringe the Second Amendment?

Maybe so.

My research shows that both the law and precedent, on whether a properly ratified treaty or the Constitution are in ultimate control of an issue, are scant and not dis-positive. It depends on the actual treaty language in question, what it seeks to control, the part of the Constitution called into question, the claims presented by an aggrieved party and more. Virtually no language from the U.N. effort is publicly known at this time.[1] The language of the Constitution, Article VI, is ruefully less than crystalline on this point.[2]

Constitutional scholar Dave Kopel points out that:
“The general question of to what extent treaties can be ‘equal’ to, or change, the Constitution is very unclear. Constitutional scholars spend a lot of time arguing about it, and there is no settled, general answer. The Supreme Court isn’t about to overrule Missouri v. Holland (described below), but at least one recent decision by the Court indicates that there’s a majority that regards the Missouri principle skeptically, and may chip away at it.”

Read more at Ammoland.com: http://www.ammoland.com/2012/07/24/can-the-u-n-gun-treaty-trump-the-constitution/#ixzz29eCKqgeo

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Ok, now to get started:

1) Congress has to ratify all treaties. It would need two-thirds of the Sentate to vote to pass it. Good luck there.

2) The content of the treaty hasn't even been finalized. The first draft was written in July, but the treaty was suspended indefinitely when the Obama administration (as well as some other countries) declined to support it.

3) The Arms Trade Treaty has nothing to do with the restricting of legal sale or ownership of guns within the US. The focus of the UN Arms Trade Treaty is to combat illegal international trade of arms through trade regulation. The current draft states that the treaty specifically "reaffirms the sovereign right and responsibility of any State to regulate and control transfers of conventional arms that take place exclusively within its territory".

4) The POTUS can not ban weapons through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. Reid vs Covert establishes the Constitution supersedes international treaties, even those ratified by the Senate.

Yeah, I think that just about covers it.

As for calling myself a hunter:



  • A person or animal that hunts: "a deer hunter".
  • A person searching for something: "a bargain hunter".

Yeah, that sounds about right. Sorry if I don't base my entire political views on one issue. Enjoy your tunnel vision.

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Go to Bing and type in UN Small Arms Treaty and have your pick. Try doing your own research. Obamas voting record is public. I've gotten letters from my Senator, the NRA, National Association for Gun Rights. You call yourself a hunter and you don't know this stuff? That right there tells me you are a fraud. I shouldn't have to tell you where to look for this info. If you are a hunter and an outdoorsman you should know where to look for this. Don't bother "tearing apart" anything because I don't care what you think and I'm not interested in debating someone who is a liberal hunter. Something I've never heard of btw. You won't change my mind with your defending the worst President this country has ever seen. Go hug a tree or whatever it is people like you do and have a nice life.

I know quite a few liberal hunters, maybe you need to get out more? I'm glad I've done my part to broaden your narrow horizon.

Don't worry, I didn't tell you anything about what I "think", I stated facts. I know this might seem like a strange way to prove a point, but it does indeed work for some people (though it seems maybe not so much so on the websites you visited during your scholarly BING search).

Worst President ever? That's your opinion and you're entitled to that. I'll choose to disagree.

I'm also not trying to change your mind about who to vote for, I'm calling you out for retelling lies and being a sheep to fear-mongering websites. I simply provide facts, if you choose to ignore them, that is your right.

I do hug trees, why thank you. Just two weekends go when I was up in my climber, I had to hug the tree to clip my seat into place.

You have a nice life too!

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So, I guess you are saying he wants to, but congress would stop him? That is what I am reading. That does not make him any less of a threat if it is in his heart to do so.

Shocker you don't understand something... re-read #2 on Sogaard's post. The Obama administration did not support it, on top of that read up on a Supreme court case from 1956 that states no other treaty shall govern our country. Reid Vs Covert.

"this Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty,"

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I'm saying that he is an urban democrat, so he isn't exactly the NRA poster boy.

I'm also saying that the 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere. Anyone who says different is fear-mongering. Its survived every other Democratic POTUS and it will survive Obama.

While President, Obama has done nothing to push for all the restrictions most of these websites claim he will do if he is reelected.

Romney is no NRA poster boy either.

He supported the Assault Weapons ban and the Brady Bill (5 day wait).

He raised the fees on Mass gun owners 400% while in office.

In 1994, he stated, "I don't line up with the NRA" on gun control" when running against Ted Kennedy.

When running for Governor in 2002, he vowed not to weaken Mass' strict gun control laws.

And his "Lifelong devotion to hunting" was proven to mean he went twice, to kill rabbits and "small varmints".

Granted, he isn't going after guns at all since its now part of his voter base, but neither is Obama.

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I believe he is in favor of further restrictions. Will he hit the 2nd head on. No way. Is further restriction in the future with him. I believe it is. Is it in the future with Romney? I don't believe so, if he wants reelection. As I stated previously I believe the potential SCOTUS appointments are more important tha who sits in office. We stand a better chance of a middle of the road to right with Romney. Obama's will be left of center. I would bet pay on it.

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Fear-mongering sells guns and Obama-haters can't be bothered questioning whether there's any truth to it or if Romney is actually any more or less 'gun-friendly'.

Massachusset never struck me as a gun friendly state. Aren't they one of the more restrictive? I know Romney definitely softened up to gain the NRAs indorsement.

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I'm not disagreeing with you that in Obama's perfect world there would be more gun control. If you believe he can actually get something through Congress, that is your prerogative. I don't think he has a chance in hell of pushing through stricter gun legislation.

What I can't stand are fanatics spouting lies and postulations about what the President will do if OMFG he gets reelected!!1??! It is just silly. Gun Control is a non-issue that the radical right wants to scare people into thinking is a prime issue.

I'm not basing my vote this election on the gun control issue. I firmly believe its a moot point. I don't think either candidate will make any significant changes to existing gun control laws in the next 4 years. I'm voting for Obama because Romney scares the shit out of me on several other issues that I feel strongly about.

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Shocker you don't understand something... re-read #2 on Sogaard's post. The Obama administration did not support it, on top of that read up on a Supreme court case from 1956 that states no other treaty shall govern our country. Reid Vs Covert.

"this Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty,"

oh doe which to me means female, please stop beating me up.

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