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DeerLogic Success 8ptr

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Taken from Deer Logic Website:

DeerLogic brings technology into the hunting woods by giving hunters a hand-held ability to easily log information for tracking and patterning deer.

Virginia Game Law:

Hunters many not:

Use radio tracking equipment, except on dogs or on raptors permitted by a falconry permit, to aid in the chase, harvest or capture of wildlife.

From How Stuff Works:

If you've read How Cell Phones Work, then you know that cell phones emit signals via radio waves, which are comprised of radio-frequency (RF) energy, a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Not saying it is illegal...just saying.

Edited by phade
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Keep in mind to do the "real-time" you'd have to have someone you know/trust and you both would have to have the app. I see it no different as say if I send a text to my brother "Hey keep your eyes open just saw a buck 200 yards out heading your direction".


"DeerLogic was designed to be used by single hunters, Hunt Groups, or by the DeerLogic Global hunting community."

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But it does't just share the info, you have to approve it meaning you have to specifically add a person you trust.

You can post it to the global community I bet...meaning if 500 people had the app on a public parcel...that info could be shared on the global community. Those 500 people do not necessarily need to know one another.

I don't know you, but I'm posting here. Same thing.

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John and WNY do bring up a great point. This place costs money to run and advertising most likely brings in the bulk of that money.

If nothing else, I hope this thread raises awareness to that often overlooked fact. If you don't want more things like this popping up, take the time to browse http://huntingny.com/forums/store/ and purchase a membership. I just realized that my coffee bill for the week is more than what a year of support costs. Kick in $10 to keep this place going strong!

Edit: Errr...John, check your PayPal account settings. It just gave me an error when I tried to purchase "Hunting NY Gold Supporting Member - 1 Year".

Edited by Sogaard
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By radio tracking equipment, do they mean a radio collar placed on the animal?

VA laws are more lengthy than NY...shockingly...much of the hunting is regulated by county...even things such as rifle use at X feet off ground....seriously.

The meaning and wording are not clear to describe this, but was put in place prior to the info age, but I would consider this, being REAL TIME, to be an electronic tracking device of sorts.

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Not sure, maybe DL can clear that up for us?

The chances of another hunter having this app that you don't know in the same area are pretty slim to none as well.

Not really...look at our forum. Plenty of people on this forum in my area. WNY is on occassion within a short mile from me in a stand...I suspect Culver is too. I bet me and WNY have seen some of the same deer.

Now, focus that on PUBLIC ground alone...

Also, that point is moot...."what are the chances they have the app" really isn't the question. The question is...is this a real-time electronic tracking device? I think it is in my opinion.

I do think it is neat...no question about that. But, I also don't think it's the best way to hunt. That is all.

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And here is where his buck was taken...lol

Phade...Probably not the same deer but very close.


If you are close to WNY, we're close...lol.

I actually know WNY and I have seen some of the same deer. We've had PMs about it. I've never met him...but I bet if we had the app...we could share intel real-time. Wanna join?

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i dont know... dont see the big deal, its not like it shows you a dot on a map where the deer are for you to just walk up to and kill,. you still have to be in the right place at the right time, i personaly have sent and recived txt meggages and calls while hunting with my people to either tell them a deer is headed there way or someone letting me know a deer has headed my way, so far not one time have i kill or has anyone else kill a deer that way, have i seen them after gettting a txt sure but they still have to be close enough to shoot...would use the app? sure... but i just rememnber where i see deer and deer sign and remember where it was and i set up there with my climber if i dont have a stand in the area.

with that said,,thats a great Buck conrats and i know its gotta be exciting to get a deer useing something you had a hand in creating, i know i was pumped when i shot my 1st buck out of my home made climber and it was not nearly as nice a deer.

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i dont know... dont see the big deal, its not like it shows you a dot on a map where the deer are for you to just walk up to and kill,. you still have to be in the right place at the right time, i personaly have sent and recived txt meggages and calls while hunting with my people to either tell them a deer is headed there way or someone letting me know a deer has headed my way, so far not one time have i kill or has anyone else kill a deer that way, have i seen them after gettting a txt sure but they still have to be close enough to shoot...would use the app? sure... but i just rememnber where i see deer and deer sign and remember where it was and i set up there with my climber if i dont have a stand in the area.

with that said,,thats a great Buck conrats and i know its gotta be exciting to get a deer useing something you had a hand in creating, i know i was pumped when i shot my 1st buck out of my home made climber and it was not nearly as nice a deer.

Actually it does, it is real-time.

Easy example would be woodlot to woodlot pushing. Say you stack the deer pushing to a 10 acre woodlot and they stack in the NE corner, which is then reported and marked by Hunter A. Hunter B moves in on the backside in response and shoots the deer, knowing exactly where they are.

And, this can be done without physically knowing the person, either via group invite (which I am sure can be as easy as joining this forum), or global community.

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I'm not really one for controversy but I read that we are not supposed to promote a personal website. I know DL supports the site with money and that's great. Plus he shot a real nice buck also. I also don't think that his app is considered tracking because I also text "hey got a couple heading your way" WNY aka the gadget man probably aready has the app LOL.

Just saying....

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You can post it to the global community I bet...meaning if 500 people had the app on a public parcel...that info could be shared on the global community. Those 500 people do not necessarily need to know one another.

I don't know you, but I'm posting here. Same thing.

Other people can not see your data unless you group with them. Only members of your Hunt Groups will see your data or your position on the map. We are in the process of getting the global server up and running now, but you will still only see your Hunt Groups data. There will be State alerts and overall alerts throughout the country, but your data is your own to use. It is not public knowledge.

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