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Fletch 9 Point


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This may be one of the bucks that I am the proudest of taking. Sometimes it is just a lucky day or something but I feel I really earned this buck. It has been my worst bow season ever for deer sightings. I have been on stand during legal hours a total of 80 hours this season with 8 deer sightings. 1 deer for 10 hours is a very bad ratio I am usually 3 times that average. That being said I have been a bit discouraged with the activity. But I have been dragging my butt out every possible day. I think Zemmer18 from this site said once it is my persistence that pays off in the end.

This week has been really cold and the sightings have picked up slightly. I actually passed a little 3 point at 30 yards yesterday, about the fourth passed 1.5 year old this season. It was very tempting considering I really do hunt for the meat. My family loves it and the freezer is scary low! I have been optimistic that the bucks had to start moving sooner or later.

So on to the hunt. This morning was a frosty 27 degrees with a heavy frost covering the ground. I headed into my ladder stand behind the house and was set up by 6 am. It was very quiet all morning and I had not heard or seen anything. At 8:15 am I catch movement out front and see a deer crossing from my right to left about 80 yards out. Seeing that it is a nice buck but not working towards me I grab the doe can and give a couple calls. He stops but not really interested continues but does turn a little left. He cuts enough to get at 40 yards broadside which is my max range. He is at a small opening and I draw back and kind of bent over to line up with the hole and just tell myself this is not a good shot and let off.

He then turns right and is headed out directly away from me. I grab the grunt tube and give it a couple blows and nothing, crap! Now what? He is at 70 yards…80 yards and going. I give a snort wheeze call with my mouth and he stops on a dime. I do it again and he spins 180 and back at me. He angles a little left and goes right through a lane but he is quartering to me. Then he turns and comes straight at me and now stops facing me at 12 yards. He turns a bit each way and actually gets broadside and looks away. Yea I start to draw and he snaps his head right back around! Oh cruds I am now pulled back like 3 inches and stuck. I start shaking, the bow starts shaking, my eyes are popping outa my head. I am thinking this is it he is going to bust me and be gone. After what seems like forever he turns away and I can let down, no way I could pull it then. He turns and starts walking away quartering away perfectly. I pull back and put the pin on the spot, double check pin so we do not repeat the miss I had two weeks ago!, and let it fly hitting perfect half way back. The arrow stopped on the far shoulder. He takes off and circles up and I see him go nose diving then summersault crash. He went about 70 yards. The whole deal took like 8 minutes and was extremely intense. I had to sit down until the shakes went away!!

Got him dragged out and cleaned up he hit the scales at 160 pounds dressed. He will make some nice meals. He is a 9 point but I think most of the 9th point broke off when he flipped.


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Gret Job Fletch, I was born and raised in the Phoenix, have spent most of my childhood Deer and Pheseant Hunting 3 rivers and private land out in the country around there.

I live right down the road from 3 rivers this buck was taken about 2 miles from there. I have always wanted to taste a pheasant, I see them a lot around there, but it interferes with deer hunting!!

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