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Shame on Auto Zone


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i work for autozone.. this is rediculas. in the policy if they store is being robbed we are not supposed to do anything.. we cant follow a robber, cant defend ourselves, nothing. i dont know about you guys but i would do the same as this guy. i might even bring this up to my manager tomorrow

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this policy was created by someome that shares the beliefs of most of the gun control morons in this country. They truly have a naiive view of the world and do not appreciate the evil that exists. It really is backwards (especially in NY) that the criminal has more rights and protection than the victim.

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It's nice to see 100% agreement here, that this is BS. The kid made it out of the store and could of kept going, but no, he went in and did what anyone SHOULD have done, with the exception that I wish he had shot and killed the robber. If you haven't already done so, check out my link above and go to Facebook where it has gone viral in support of Devin

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I dont agree with it at all...BUT......autozones policy is just that, THIER policy, they can set policy for thier stores anyway they see fit...............................just like the movie complex in Aurora colorado was/is a gun free zone, and look what happened...................but its THIER policy..................just the same as I could set at my house, that you could all be invited over for a BBQ, BUT I could limit that invite to you not being armed, or I could even sensor you..............MY PARTY MY RULES...........................so as much as I disagree with the policy of they store..................its thiers to do with as they please.............just dont count on getting any of my cash

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Ok so i just talked to my manager about this.. He said in no way does he agree to the firing. But he agrees and i sort of as well at what the brass said " say there were customers and the robber started shooting at the employee and hit an innocent bystander, Autozone would be at fault" now i agree but disagree to this.. Yea what if that happened. But it didn't so no reason to fire anyone

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I dont agree with it at all...BUT......autozones policy is just that, THIER policy, they can set policy for thier stores anyway they see fit...............................just like the movie complex in Aurora colorado was/is a gun free zone, and look what happened...................but its THIER policy..................just the same as I could set at my house, that you could all be invited over for a BBQ, BUT I could limit that invite to you not being armed, or I could even sensor you..............MY PARTY MY RULES...........................so as much as I disagree with the policy of they store..................its thiers to do with as they please.............just dont count on getting any of my cash

Yes they have a right to be jerks, just like I have a right to not do business with them because of their idiot policies. I hope their loss of revenue is worth being allowed exercise their rights to be idiots.

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how about this one...what IF he didn't do what he did and thee ende up being to dead employees. THeir bed ....they gotta sleep in it. I hope they lose the business. They have mine.

i understand what your saying, either way if someone did get hurt( employee or customer), it would have been autozones fault either way. so i guess to cover there own asses they dont allow it.. i mean if it was the store i work in then id be the one that is fired because i would have gotten my gun .. i usually have my shotgun in the car to

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